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Taped 2/12 in Little Rock, Arkansas
[Q1] A recap of Punk and The Rock’s confrontation from Monday was shown, and said The Rock would be on Smackdown. He then said Orton would face Henry tonight as well. The Smackdown intro then aired.
The Big Show’s music hit and he headed towards the ring in a suit sans tie. Clips were shown of Del Rio mocking Big Show and ruining his bus from last week. Big Show started and said he figured the crowd thought that was funny. He then said that Alberto Del Rio has never pinned him. He claimed Del Rio didn’t have what it took to pin him. He said the rage he has inside of him will be balled up into his fist and when he lets it fly, Del Rio’s fiesta will turn into a siesta.
Chris Jericho then interrupted and made his entrance. Jericho said he has known show for 16 years and can read him like a book. He said he knew what he was feeling. Show said if he knows him as well as he claims, he wouldn’t be anywhere near him. He asked him if he shouldn’t be on tour, or hosting a robot show, or writing a book. Jericho then said he has been on tour, and he is hosting a robot fighting show on Syfy, but that was irrelevant because he was back and better than ever. Jericho then said he could read him like a book and knew he was angry and might be doubting himself against Del Rio. Jericho complimented Show and said he was the biggest force in the company, but he reminded Show that no one had been in more Elimination Chambers, and that he had main evented WrestleMania’s. He said if he won the Chamber match on Sunday, he would go on to WrestleMania and take the World Heavyweight Championship.
Show responded and said that if Jericho wins at the Elimination Chamber and goes to WrestleMania, it would be the last WrestleMania of his career. He told Jericho that he was trying to do him a favor, and to get out of his face. Booker T interrupted and said that since they didn’t know whether Jericho and Show would make it to WrestleMania, and made the match for the Main Event later in the show.
Backstage, Orton was stopped by Matt Striker and asked about Mark Henry. Before he could answer, Henry walked up and they had a stare down. The announce team plugged The Rock for later…[c]
[Q2] Mark Henry made his ring entrance, and they showed a promo video of Henry as he wrecked shop on various superstars. It was well done. Orton then made his entrance.
1. Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry: They tied up to start, and Henry pushed Orton into a corner. The ref separated them and they tried again, and Henry tossed Orton into the corner. Orton avoided a charging Henry, who rolled to the outside after his miss. Orton followed and hit a clothesline on the outside. Henry recovered quickly and hit a hip toss in the ring, but missed the follow up splash. Orton hit a dropkick and climbed the rope for 10 punches. Henry powered out and sent Orton over the top rope to the outside…[c]
Henry hit clubbing blows to Orton’s back, and then a slam for a two count. He then applied a nerve hold, but Orton quickly escaped. Orton backed into the turnbuckle and kicked a charging Henry. He then hit several clotheslines to knock Henry down. Henry hit a clothesline of his own and then set up for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Orton escaped and hit a DDT. He then hit another DDT from the second rope, and charged up for the RKO and fired up the crowd.
[Q3] Orton went for the RKO, but Henry blocked him and shoved him out of the ring. Henry went for a WSS on the outside, but Orton avoided it again. Orton grabbed a chair and hit Henry in the gut for the DQ. He then hit him in the back in the ring. Orton went to tee off for a third shot, but Henry grabbed the chair and hit the World’s Strongest Slam.
Mark Henry defeated Randy Orton by DQ at 10:42.
They announce team plugged The Rock for later in the show, and said a Raw Recap of The Shield vs JC and his Sunshine gang would be next…[c]
Backstage, Mark Henry grabbed a microphone from Matt Stryker and told him to listen. He said he was home for nine months. He said it was official, and that the Hall of Pain was open for business. He asked Stryker if he saw what happened to Orton, and then asked what he thought would happen when 5 other men were in the ring with him? He told Stryker that WWE better have extra law enforcement, the National Guard, the navy, and everybody else there to hold him back, because nobody would stop his road to WrestleMania.
A video package aired that focused on The Shield vs. Cena/Ryback/Sheamus. Layla made her entrance after the video aired…[c]
A Fandango vignette aired, followed by Tamina making her ring entrance.
2. Tamina vs. Layla: Tamina backed Layla into the ropes and shoved her. Tamina hit an elbow and a knee lift, but Layla recovered and rolled her up for two. She then followed up with a springboard cross body for another two. Layla did some strange move with her butt and knocked Tamina to ringside.
[Q4] She then attempted a kick, but she landed awkwardly on the apron in pain. Back in the ring, Tamina applied a chin lock. Layla fought to her feet, but was slammed back down. A moment later, Layla hit a couple of unique roll ups in a row for two counts. Tamina hoisted up Layla and hit a Samoan Drop, followed by a Superfly Splash for the win.
More Raw footage was show, this time The Rock getting a GTS from CM Punk. The announce team plugged The Rock as next…[c]
The Rock made his ring entrance to a huge reaction. The Rock said he wanted to make something perfectly clear to CM Punk. He said on Monday he ran off with The Rock’s title, but it didn’t make him a champion, he only made a trade. He traded in 6 days with his belt for the ass kicking of a life time. Rock said Punk could hear the people, because the people want The Rock to make him suffer, and treat him like the spoiled little boy that he is.
Punk appeared on the tron and said it isn’t a belt, it’s a Title and it belongs to the best in the world. He said The Rock committed grand larceny and stole it from him, because he beat him at Royal Rumble. He told The Rock that he’s the one having a tantrum, and that’s exactly what he wants. He said he wants to change things up a bit, and on Sunday he’s going to let The Rock beat himself by losing his cool and getting himself disqualified. Punk then said that on Sunday the little nightmare they’ve been living in called the People’s era would come to a close, and he would officially reclaim what was him.
[Q5] The Rock said he talks a big game, but his words these days are worthless. The Rock then said that even after CM Punk paid the Shield, the Rock kept his word and beat him. The Rock then said this Monday morning, he would wake up and know that he failed. He told Punk to go him tonight and keep acting like a boy, because he was just standing in the way of a steamroller of a man. He then did his smell shtick and threw down the mic.
The announcers plugged the main event…[c]
Footage was shown from last week of Tensai and Brodus clearing 3MB from the ring and dancing. Brodus and Tensai made their ring entrance with the Funkadactyls. 3MB were at ringside.
3. Tensai and Brodus Clay vs. 3MB: Slater danced in front of Tensai, who danced himself until Slater attacked him. They traded offense, and Slater tagged in Jinder, who hit a running knee for a one count. [Q6] Jinder locked in a chin lock, and Tensai hit an awkward slam that saw Jinder landing on his side. Brodus tagged in and hit a T-Bone suplex. Both Brodus and Tensai hit corner splashes on Mahal and Slater, followed by a Chokeslam on Mahal by Tensai. Brodus hit a splash for the win.
Brodus and Tesnai defeated 3MB at 2:12.
Post-match, the Shield entered and decimated Tensai and Brodus. They hit a triple Powerbomb on Brodus, which looked very impressive. Ambrose grabbed a mic and said that Sunday wouldn’t look any different. He then said on Sunday Cena, Sheamus and Ryback would be put on trial and sentenced, and then we would all believe in The Shield.
Another Fandango vignette aired. Cody Rhodes was shown in the ring. The Miz then made his ring entrance.
4. The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes: The Miz was taped up after getting thrown around by Cesaro on Monday. They traded arm bars, until Miz hit a back elbow. Rhodes climbed the ropes in the corner, but Miz tripped him back into the ring. Rhodes recovered and attacked the elbow and shoulder of The Miz. Stomps and arm bars were the plan of attack, and he worked MIz over for a minute. Both men traded reversals, and Miz ended up rolling Cody up for two.
Cody went for a beautiful disaster kick a moment later, but Miz trapped his legs and applied the figure four for the submission win.
The Miz defeated Cody Rhodes at 3:11.
The announcers put over the Main Event…[c]
[Q7] Zach Ryder was shown in the ring. Jack Swagger then made his entrance with Zeb Coulter in tow.
5. Jack Swagger vs. Zack Ryder: Ryder got in a punch before being manhandled by Swagger. Ryder tried to get to the top rope, but Jack pulled him off and swung him into the ring. Swagger went for a hip toss, but Ryder avoided it and hit a pancake. Swagger crawled into the corner, and Ryder went for a Broski boot but missed. Swagger then wrapped Ryder’s knee around the post, and followed up with a chop block. Swagger stalked Ryder and hit a gutwrench powerbomb. Swagger then applied his Patriot Act Ankle Lock for the submission win.
Jack Swagger defeated Zack Ryder at 3:23.
Post-match, Swagger introduced Zeb Coulter and gave him a microphone. Coulter said that the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal, but the choices you make define you. You can make good choices and be patriots like Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter, or you can be like Zack Ryder and care more about your hair and your tan than your country. Coulter then said that their eyes are wide open and the country is broken, and they know the solution. He then repeated the slogan “We the People”, and so did Swagger…[c]
[Q8] Alberto Del Rio was interviewed backstage and was reminded by Matt Striker that he hasn’t pinned The Big Show. Del Rio and Ricardo played call and response games and said the Big Show looked like a big round pumpkin. Del Rio asked Ricardo if he would defeat The Big Show and go on to WrestleMania, and he said si repeatedly. Big Show then made his ring entrance…[c]
Chris Jericho made his ring entrance with his million dollar jacket.
6. Chris Jericho vs. The Big Show: Show dominated the opening minute with a headbutt that sent Jericho to the outside. He followed up with a big slap to the chest, and sent Jericho back into the ring. Jericho hit a springboard drop kick and a baseball slide that paused Big Show. He then rolled to ringside and got tossed over the announce table by Big Show.
Big Show continued the offense with more head butts and a slap to the chest. Show then hit a body slam and pulled Jericho over to the corner. Show climbed to the top, but Jericho met him there, so he climbed down. Jericho hit a dropkick to the knee and a few kicks to the chest, but Show exploded and hit a spear for a two count.
Show called for a chokeslam, but Jericho elbowed out. Jericho then climbed the top rope, but jumped right into a chokeslam. Jericho landed close to the apron and rolled to the outside. Show climbed outside and tossed Jericho back in. He then climbed to the second rope and missed an elbow drop. Jericho hit a lionsault and got a two count. He went for a Codebreaker, but Show threw him over his head. Jericho held on and went for the sunset flip, but Show grabbed him by the throat. Jericho reversed and hit a DDT.
Jericho attempted the Walls of Jericho, but couldn’t flip show onto his stomach. Show shoved him off and got up to hit a KO punch for the win.
Big Show defeated Chris Jericho at 6:38.
Del Rio stood at the top of the ramp and stared holes in Big Show.
Questions? Comments? Anyone, anyone? Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 with whatever is on your mind.