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Ryback shrugs off the headlock. Titus with a knee and backs Ryback into the corner, but Ryback reverses with some right hands. Titus comes back with an elbow and a clothesline, then some boots. Ryback fires back with a Thesz Press, head slams, and a faceplant. Titus to the outside by Young, but Ryback knocks them both down. Titus rolled back into the ring, but Young grabs Ryback’s foot, and distracts him for Clash of the Titus, which barely gets a 1 count before Ryback sits back up. Titus tries it again, but gets slammed into Young on the apron. Spinebuster by Ryback, followed by the Meathook, the Shell-Shock, and it’s over.
Winner: Ryback
Ryback still in the ring as security comes out then Ryback attacks them. Vickie Guerrero tells him to get out of the ring but he says he wants Cm Punk at TLC PPV. Vickie says she will give him the match but he got to leave the ring. He interrupts her & says he wants it in a TLC Match. She says there's one condition & its for him to leave the ring then he fakes like hes gonna attack them & they leave.
Alberto Del Rio Vs The Great Khali
Khali with a giant chop to Del Rio. He takes Del Rio to the corner for another big chop, then one to the back. Del Rio ducks a clothesline and clips the knee of Khali, then starts working on the giant’s arm. Kick to the head of Khali, then another boot for a two count. Del Riowrenches the arm of Khali in the ropes. Enziguri to the bad arm. Khali with an elbow, big boot, and some clotheslines. Big chop by Khali. Ricardo distracts Khali, but has ‘Swoggle biting him in the ass, literally. Del Rio hits double knees to the bad arm of Khali, the Cross Arm Breaker is in, and Khali taps. Rosa’s one happy senorita.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
There is a interview with Dean Ambrose , Seth Rollins , Roman Reigns. They ask them if there working with Punk they said no. They call themselves the Shield.
Tamina Snuka v. Alicia Fox
Tamina with clotheslines to Alicia, who responds with a inside cradle for two. Tamina quickly puts her down with a Samoan Drop, drags Alicia by the hair, and heads up for the Superfly Splash, and connects for three.
Winner: Tamina Snuka
We recap the big kiss between him and AJ, then Dolph’s verbal beatdown of AJ, who jumped him, only to be pulled off by Cena, and a brawl would break out with Ziggler getting the upper hand, then Cena getting revenge on Smackdown. Cena says he’s been here 10 years and has been grilled by some of the best, but wonders why he asked so much whether AJ’s a good kisser or not. Vickie out now, and says she loves to say she told everyone so. She even got them matching His and Her bathrobes. Cena: “I don’t know where that’s been.” Vickie wonders how it’ll last anyway, given AJ’s past with Bryan, Punk, and Kane. AJ herself makes her way to the ring. Vickie wonders if she’ll deny it, but AJ admits she’s had a lot of issues with men and is trying to make a better person of herself. She actually thanks Vickie for taking her job, as it allows her to do what she wants, like copping a feel on Cena or slapping his ass. AJ says it’s a shame Vickie’s the boss and can’t date, since it was the only way she could ever land a man.
-Dolph out now, and he’s sorry to have interrupted the hen party, but the real issue is Cena jumping Ziggler from behind when he couldn’t respond to getting barreled through a bathroom door. He wonders what’s going through Cena’s head, and it’s that even when AJ’s wrapped her arms around Cena and shoving her tongue down his throat, she’s thinking of Dolph. Cena gets ready to head up towards Dolph, but Vickie talks him down and makes a match between the two of them tonight.
Kofi Kingston vs Tensi
Kofi starts with some kicks but tensi throws him in the corner but kofi jumps off they exchange until tensil hits a shoulder block followed by some elbows & Headbutts for a count of 2. Tensi locks in a chin lock but kofi fights out until tensi chops him in the face & locks in a arm submission. Kofi gets out of it with a big chop off the top rope then they exchange until kofi hits a drop kick followed by the boom drop. Kofi misses the trouble in paradise until a elbow on kofi for a count of 2. Tensi goes up top & misses a splash then kofi hits a kick to the face followed by a spring board cross body for the win.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio Vs Daniel Bryan
Bryan with an arm drag, then preens to the crowd. Lock up, and Bryan with another take-down. Rey with a pair of kicks and an arm wrench. Bryan counters out, Mysterio floats under him on the run-by and monkey flips him. Rey misses the senton to the outside, and Bryan with a diving knee off the apron. Back in the ring, Bryan with a hammerlock, rolling Rey up for a two count. Rey counters out with a snapmare and a drop toe hold. Bryan responds with a kick. He throws Rey to the outside, by Rey rolls through. Rey back into the ring as Bryan goes to the outside, and Bryan is frustrated as we go to break.
Rey goes up top but daniel knocks him down then the kicks to the face of Rey. Bryan puts in a leg submission then throws rey to the outside of the ring followed by throwing rey into the ring post & back to the ring for a count of 2. Bryan puts in a submission but rey fights out until bryan headbutts him & puts him in the top turnbuckle until rey throws him off then rey hits a senton. Rey kicks him in the face for a count of 2 Rey goes for 619 but bryan blocks it & puts in the yes lock but rey gets to the ropes. Bryan goes for the yes lock but is blocked then rey hits the 619 & a splash off the top rope.
Winner: Rey Mysterio
John Cena vs Dolp Ziggler
They lock up , cena puts in a arm drag then they tie up again. Cena puts in a head lock Then a shoulder block that leads to commercial break. Cena on the outside in pain, as we see Ziggler whipping him hard into the steps during the break. Ziggler taunts him back in the ring with sit-ups, but gets rolled up for two. Dropkick by Ziggler, then a series of elbows. Ziggler preens to the crowd, and Cena’s up for his five moves, but gets kicked in the head on the Shuffle and gets DRILLED with a DDT for a near fall. Cena counters a charge and float over by Ziggler into the STF, but Ziggler kicks him off and locks in the sleeper. Cena powers out eventually, and turns it over into the STF. Dolph manages to make the ropes, and Cena breaks the hold. Cena heads over to Ziggler, but gets dropkicked GOOD for a near fall. Ziggler up, hits a cross body, but Cena rolls through for the AA. Ziggler counters, Zig Zag, 1…2…Thr-NO! Ziggler with a roll-up for two. Cena hits the spin-out bomb, but tweaks his knee and exits to ringside. Ziggler tries to untie the turnbuckle, but AJ out to stop him, followed by Vickie. The ref tells both of them to leave as Ziggler tries to swing at Cena with the MITB briefcase, but misses and gets the AA! Three count!
Winner: John Cena
Antonio Cesaro Vs Sheamus
This should be really good if given enough time. Lock up, Cesaro with the shoulder block. Sheamus fires back with one of his own, then a headlock take-down. Cesaro fights out, whips Sheamus to the corner. but gets a forearm for his trouble. Knock down by Sheamus gets two. Cesaro with elbows and knees in the corner. Whip by Sheamus countered by Cesaro, but Sheamus hangs him up on the ropes. Cesaro knocks him off the apron, but gets whipped to the barricade as he approaches Sheamus outside the ring. Sheamus get tripped up by Cesaro on the steel steps as we go to break. Waistlock by Cesaro, then the two trade punches and uppercuts. Sheamus with the Irish Hammers, but Cesaro with a big clothesline for a near fall. Gutwrench (off the mat!) by Cesaro for two. Cesaro ties up Sheamus in the ropes and nails some stiff uppercuts. Sheamus comes rights back with shots to the back, a knee lift, then his 10 Shots. Battering ram, then the Irish Curse for a near fall on Cesaro. Cesaro counters a whip with a knee, but gets caught for White Noise. He floats out, but gets drilled by Sheamus for a two count. Sheamus tries the Cloverleaf, but Cesaro’s in the ropes. Cesaro kicks him off, and hits a Towerhacker slam for a near fall. Wow! Sheamus blocks a charge, floats up for the battering ram, and gets DRILLED with an uppercut. Neutralizer attempt, backdrop by Sheamus, and a glancing Brogue Kick by Sheamus. Big Show’s music hits, and he’s out with a chair as Cesaro is counted out.
Winner: Sheamus
Damien Sandow Vs Zack Ryder
Ryder with the arm drag. Sandow retreats to the outside, but heads back in with a shoulder block to Ryder. Boots to Ryder, then a forearm while Ryder lies on the apron for two. Knees to the midsection of Ryder for a two count. Rear chinlock by Sandow. Ryder pulled down and gets a knee dropped down on him for two. Kobito Aequet for two. Ryder fights out of the headlock. Ryder reverses the whip with a facebuster, then a sharp elbow, a pair of knees, then a dropkick. Forearm in the corner, but Sandow rolls out from the Broski Boot. Ryder with the baseball slide dropkick. Ryder up top, but Sandow trips him up with ropes, then hits the Terminus neckbreaker for three.
Winner: Damien Sandow
CM Punk Vs Kane
Punk with a chop to Kane, which only angers Kane. Kicks to Kane’s knee and chops to the chest, but Kane goozles him and hits some uppercuts and stomps a mudhole in Punk. Uppercut to Punk. Punk reverses a whip into a kick, followed by some boots. Front headlock by Punk, but Kane muscles him up and drops him on the ropes. Kane boots Punk off the apron to the ringside floor as we go to our final commercial break. Punk working on the left knee of Kane. Kane with rights to Punk. Punk rolls outside as he may have tweaked something. He hangs up Kane on the ropes, then hits a suicide dive as he checks his knee. Back in the ring, Punk lays the boots to Kane in the corner. Running knee, then another, but Kane hits an uppercut on the third go-around. Clotheslines to Punk, followed by a sidewalk slam for two. Kane up, and hits the top-rope clothesline. Kane sets for the chokeslam, but Punk ducks under for a neckbreaker and a near fall. Springboard, but Kane goozles Punk and hits a chokeslam. Heyman drags him to the ropes, but Kane smiles and sets for the Tombstone. The Shield’s Roman Reigns pops up in the crowd, which distracts Kane long enough for Punk to slip out and hit the GTS for three.
Winner: CM Punk
-The Shield stare at Punk, but assault Kane and beat him down as Bryan tries to make the save, but gets beat down as well. Ryback’s music hits and he marches down as Punk dives over the barricade. The Shield beat down Ryback, but he throws them off and powerbombs Ambrose, followed by Meathooks to Reigns and Rollins. Punk with a cheap shot, but Ryback shrugs it off and preps Punk for a powerbomb before getting speared by Reigns. The Shield continue their beat down, then hit the triple-team powerbomb to lay Ryback out yet again. They and Punk have a staredown, but The Shield exit the ring and leave through the crowd as Punk stands tall over Ryback for the second straight week to end the show.
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