On his return: “I’m just happy to be back. It was really intriguing to sit at home injured and see Austin Aries make that rule that you cantrade in the X Division Title for a world title shot. That gave me a lot of motivation.”
Whether he fears getting injured again: “There’s always that voice in the back of your mind. I wasn’t expecting to get injured the first time or the second time. I’m going to try to ignore that voice in my head that says ‘what if?’. You just kind of have to do whatever you can and bury that voice in your head. I gotta watch out for my health. I’ll always try to do the best I can to put on the most entertaining match for the fans but first and foremost, I gotta protect myself.”
Doctors telling him to quit: “A lot of people didn’t want me to wrestle anymore. For an athlete, two ACL surgeries is a pretty big deal. I tried to keep as much athletic ability and train as hard as I could to get back to the level I was at before.”
Growing up in TNA from March 2003 to today: “Literally, I spent a third of my life in TNA. When I first started for the company it was so small, we were just doing Nashville and weekly PPVs. The company has grown and grown and grown. I like to reflect that, and hopefully I’ve grown as a person and as a wrestler. I plan on continuing to become a better wrestler.”
Aspirations to be TNA World Champion: “When your dream is to become a wrestler and it’s taken away for two years with two kneesurgeries, you sit at home and reflect. You think about things, think about your life. I didn’t do this to go half way; I did this to go all the way. I did this to become the best. And that will always remain my goal.”