On Possible Retirement: “I can’t really figure that out. I’ve never done nothing, I’ve never had a break. Maybe I’d miss it in a year.”
On His Goals: “Not many. I kind of want to make a few guys and girls. And, I think I’ve done a little bit of that with A.J. I want to make sure there’s a future for the wrestling business when I leave. I want to make sure there are people that fill that void.”
On Chris Jericho Coming and Going: “I think that’s a smart thing for anybody,” Punk said. “Look at anybody in our industry who’s been injured for any period of time. Like Triple H for instance, he tore his quad and when he came back the response for him was overwhelming. That kind of put him on a new level.”
On working with Paul Heyman: “I’d love to. But, he’s busy with Brock. And, I don’t know if the Paul Heyman/C.M. Punk dynamic would work on screen. I don’t need a mouthpiece. And, I think we’re twoseparate entities. But, behind the scenes we get along famously.”