“Thanks for the calls and well wishes. I go into the hospital on Tuesday for a stem cell transplant,” he wrote on Facebook.
“I was diagnosed last November with Multiple Myeloma and have been involved in a clinical trial since then. Results have been very promising and the stem cell transplant is the final step in the process, at least for now. I have already gone through the stem cell “collection” process, and next week will have high dose chemo designed to destroy my immune system so they can put the stem cells they collected back in.
“I’m expected to stay in the hospital for around three weeks and will then continue recovery at home. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but I am very much looking forward to getting it over with. I feel fine, and am dramatically improved since last November and should feel even better after the transplant.
“Thanks again for everyone who has supported me this last year, and to all who have sent positive thoughts my way.”