“Funniest thing I ever saw on the plane – there is always the rule that if Vince is not sleeping on the plane, then you do not sleep on the plane. Again, unsaid, unwritten rule and Vince will never ever tell you that, but if you fall asleep on the plane, someone is going to mess with you.
One of the directors – I will withhold his name – fell asleep on the plane and Vince started taking the cashews and throwing them at him. Like, one or two at a time, and there was no reaction. He was out cold and not waking up from this.
Then, Vince just said screw it and took the entire tin of cashews, threw it at this director, and they go all over the plane. All of us don’t know if this is awkward or if we should just break out laughing at this point. To this director’s credit, because he had been in the company long enough to know when take his lumps and when to pick his fights, he opened his eyes, looked around, saw the nuts all over the place, and said, ‘Um, Vince, I think you dropped your nuts.’ And then it was a big laugh for everyone. He knew how to handle the situation and that’s why this guy is one of the survivors in the company because he played that part perfect. Vince got his laugh and got to throw stuff at him, then it wasn’t a fight that came out of it, just people letting off steam.”