The holiday bonus would consist of anywhere from $2,000-$4,000 in pay, as well as WWE covering the cost of sending talent home and sending them with their families on an all-expense-paid vacation anywhere in the world. However, this holiday bonus was axed a few years ago, leaving only the WrestleMania bonus as the big annual bonus WWE talents would look forward to.
The WrestleMania bonus this past year was reportedly at an all-time low. WWE Superstars, mid-carders in particular, would receive a large sum ofmoney for their work during WrestleMania week, which consists of the big pay-per-view itself, as well as Fan AXXESS obligations and a large amount of media and personal appearance work. For 2011, WWE talent only received in the neighborhood of $2,000 or less for their big WrestleMania bonus. Needless to say, this was another issue that resulted in great displeasure for a lot of the workers in the company.
Depending on how much additional money talent will receive for the recent Brazilian tour, wrestlers in the company could continue to become even more disgruntled than they already are today. If things continue on a downward trend as they have been for a while lately, talent in the company could continue to speak up, such as JTG did in recent weeks, and could even unite and speak up in groups as opposed to individually.
The talk of wrestlers forming a union to combat these problems is at an all-time high, we will compose a big article pertaining to the wrestler’s union issue in the coming days. The union issue has been brought up in the past but nothing has ever come of it. With morale and pay at all-time lows while WWE continues to make millions of dollars, things look very serious this time around unless something changes quickly. Stay tuned to the website for that story, as well as further exclusive updates on the current backstage atmosphere in WWE.