Closing moments of Raw felt like some of the great moments during the Attitude Era. Table destroyed, monitors out, bodies hitting the floor, stiff shots, and a crazed crowd. Great nite at the office.
Mr McMahon was amazing especially at his age and lack of recent ring time. I’m not kissing butt but just stating a fact. @cmpunk is special. Controversial? Yes…but damn special.
Sheamus and Wade a arrest literally beat the hell out of each other much like I’ll see in Dallas Saturday when OU battles Texas.
Second week in a row that World Champ Sheamus rose to the occasion, last week it was against Damien Sandow.
Barrett has returned from injury a different man as it relates to aggression & physicality. That mindset will get one places.
WWE tag team biz is becoming viably relevant. Opportunity awaits several duos. Will they realize such and seize the fleeting moment?
Notice some, not many, talents, content, seemingly, w/ their ‘spots.’ That mindset poisons the water. Solve problem or eliminate it. End of story. Gaining more respect for @JohnCena daily. His elbow is a legit mess. John is a genuine, tough SOB. Enjoyed working w/ @michaelcole & @jclayfield (JBL) on Raw. Nice fireworks w/ the big Texan & Cole is simply a helluva navigator. Not sure what the future holds collectively for the 3 of us but I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts. My best ‘guess’ is that @jerrylawler will return sometime in November but that’s personal assumption. King is doing great and anxious to get back in the game.
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