By not including Daniel Bryan in the Royal Rumble, has WWE made a mistake or is it simply a strategic move which will further propel his popularity? How does one judge an entire storyline while it is still being played out? I’m not smart enough to do such. I do think that Daniel Bryan is more popular today and is getting much more fan attention than at any time in his career. I’m curious to see what WWE does with this matter. It’s far from over in my view.
Would you like to see this as a special attraction at Mania, The Wyatt Family VS Cena, Bryan, and Hulk Hogan. That might work. As usual, it all depends on presentation and execution. What sounds good on paper isn’t always a guaranteed hit.
Hey J.R., I have a gut feeling that the main event of WrestleMania 30, Batista vs Orton will be booed badly, considering the boos Batista got at the Rumble. Should WWE make it a triple threat match with Bryan involved too? You might be right but the landscape can change drastically between now and April 6. I’d consider closing the PPV with Undertaker’s match assuming that he’s working on WM30
What grade would you give the Royal Rumble this year? Overall…B- or a C+
I really thought WMXXX would be used like WMXX to get younger guys over and establish them as main event guys. However it looks like it will be quite the opposite. Do you think this is the right way to go, especially as the ‘main guys’ are not want the fans want? Its always going to be a combination of both but elevating new, young stars has always got to be first and foremost in the creative planning of the event, Fans want new stars and new stars can be galvanized at WrestleMania.