The two-time TNA Women’s Knockout Champion tweeted Monday,“Walking into the Docs to finally get my ribs X-rayed… Been working through the pain 2 weeks too long! Lucky I’m T… U… Triple F… =O.”
James released an update on the procedure Tuesday, where she revealed that her ribs are deeply bruised.
“Thanks gang for all your thoughts… Nothing’s broken thank God! Just deeply bruised,” James wrote. “Been working through it so not allowing them to heal. So I’ve decided this week to take a few weeks off to rest & heal properly so I will be 100%! Also lots to think about! Be blessed… Love~MJ.”
Once the centerpiece of the Knockouts division, James has been sporadically featured on TNA Wrestling programming in recent months. When asked whether her infrequent appearances on iMPACT! Wrestling are as a result of the injury, she responded, “No! Had nothing to do with it… Who knows?”