Angle was scheduled to show up for the event but he had to no show, either due to personal issues or that he was booked by TNA that night. Angle informed Brisco a week before that he couldn’t attend. Brisco was not happy that Angle missed the ceremony and when they tried to play the acceptance speech Angle sent, it didn’t work.
Brisco then, as a joke, said since Angle wasn’t there he would auction off the award and give the money to the museum. He was offered $250 and sold the award. However, he later bought it back. Angle has said he would donate it to the museum.
Kurt Angle was upset with Brisco for auctioning off his award. Jim Ross had tweeted the following Saturday night: “Kurt Angle was unable to attend the HOF in Waterloo 2nite. Jerry Brisco auctioned off the award 4 $250.”
Once Angle found out about JR’s tweet and the events that transpired, he went off on Twitter: “Jerry Brisco Made a Mockery Out Of Me and the Dan Gable Museum HOF By Auctioning Off My Award. This Award Is a Huge Honor. U Spit on Me …Due to Obligations I Had With My Wedding, I Could Not Attend HOF. I Even Made a 10 Min Video Proudly Accepting this Great Honor. I’m Disappointed I Couldn’t Go, But Devastated Jerry Gave Away My Award. Very Classy Jerry.”
The George Tragos/Lou Thesz wing of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Museum then issued the following photo of plaque on Facebook and a note in response to reports of Kurt Angle’s outrage at Gerald Brisco auctioning off his award for $250 this weekend in Waterloo, Iowa.
“It’s true! Kurt Angle’s plaque is at the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Museum with Lou Thesz’s widow, Charlie Thesz. Gerry Brisco had the plaque back within an hour and it will be sent to Kurt Angle.”
If you’re interested, you can click here to view a photo of the plaque which will be sent to Kurt Angle.