Not sure how it sounded on TV, but the chants and the pop for Ryback were extremely loud. This seemed like the best reaction for him to date. The crowd was super hot for him. The crowd was also super hot for Kane and Bryan.
Alberto Del Rio continues to have fun with the fans seated close to where his car is parked. On his way out after his match, he actually shook hands with a few fans before he and Ricardo ducked through the side exit.
The Miz TV segment was very well received by the live crowd. They seemed into Miz as a face but of course, the Newark favorite last night was Cody’s mustache.
Lita was backstage. She was a few feet in front of me watching Punk’s promo next to some of the production guys. When he and Heyman finished, she walked to the back through the side of the stage. For those unaware, Lita and CM Punk are dating in real-life.