When asked about what WWE does: “Every guy we have, whether it’s me, whether it’s theUndertaker, whether it’s John Cena playing the character John Cena, is a performer. What we did is very much the beginning of reality television. ‘Jersey Shore,’ whether people want to believe it or not, is a scripted kind-of show. They don’t give them every single word, but they give thempremises and they set things up. It’s not a documentary where you follow them around brushing their teeth. And that’s what we are — we blur that line and that’s what people find intriguing.”
About Randy Orton failing his drug test and not being able to appear on Monday in his hometown: “It is important to remember that all of our wrestlers are human but they also have to be accountable.”
Why WWE can’t find new talent: “We’re trying to teach them to be the Stone Colds and the Undertakers of tomorrow, but the one thing we can’t teach is charisma. You can teach people to do moves and create story lines and the psychology of what we do, but you can’t teach someone to be the Rock. It’s an innate ability to walk into a room and have everyone pay attention. Put aside the athleticism and what happens in the ring, what our business is really about is connecting with people emotionally. If you are emotionally connected to your character, then people will want to see you. It’s true in Hollywood and movies. You don’t have to be the best actor, just be a presence.”