Michaels was followed shortly out by Triple H, who acted like the emcee for the night. C.M. Punk also came to and completely broke kayfabe to thank Michaels for inspiring him and noted Shawn's autograph is one he has kept since age 15.
(Michaels tweeted afterward: "And to @CMPunk ...thank you!! I never told anyone the story...it was yours to tell when you wanted. Thank you for sharing it w/San Antonio.")
After Punk left, Vince McMahon came out and told Shawn that he felt like a father to him and said, "I love you son," and they hugged. Hunter then brought out the entire locker room, but one man, who got a special entrance, The Undertaker.
Taker told Shawn that if he had to list his Top 5 matches of all-time, Shawn would be directly responsible in some way for three of them. He then thanked Shawn for being a friend, and they hugged. Shawn was presented with a commemorative plaque to honor his work for the AT&T Center, as well. The last person who came out was John Laurinaitis, who received an immediate Sweet Chin Music out of the ring. Hunter and McMahon rolled Johnny back into the ring to chants of "One more time," which Michaels obliged.
Michaels closed by thanking everyone for supporting him, then he, Triple H, and Taker posed for pictures to end the night in a WrestleMania 28 reunion.
Afterward, Michaels tweeted photos of the post-Raw event...
Photos: Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night, Undertaker Appears