Cena then come bolting down to the ring and they got into a brawl. Del Rio ran to the ring and helped Punk attack Cena, leading to a double-team. Then, Sheamus, Antonio Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, and Randy Orton all come to the ring and started fighting each other. Punk ran to the back.
All the heels then grabbed The Miz and threw him to the ring, leaving him with Orton, Sheamus, and Cena. He got on the mic and said how he’s a movie star, IC champ, and beat Cena at WrestleMania. Cena self-deprecated that he sucked at making movies, but is good at beating up Miz, then hit him with an AA, Orton then hit the RKO, and Sheamus finished him off with a Brogue Kick.
Afterward, they celebrated with the crowd, signed autographs, and then Cena brought a fan into the ring who was dressed up in a REALLY good Macho Man costume and let him celebrate with them to end the show.