– Former WCW & WWE star Bill Goldberg answered some fan questions on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon. Here are some highlights of what he said:
* He is not under a WWE Legends contract
* He likes Mick Foley better than CM Punk, “hands down.”
* John Cena “Seems like a great kid..”
* Sting is “absolutely” cool in person.
* “Yes” – there is a possibility we’ll see him in the ring again.
* He wishes Dave Bautsta the best.
* He said Brock Lesnar is an “Awesome dude” and one of the few people from the wrestling business.
* He always liked Randy Orton.
* He does not keep in touch with Shawn Michaels or Triple H. A fan asking him if he likes Triple H is the “Funniest question all day.” When asked if he and Triple H could ever make peace, he said, “We’re from 2 different planets.”
* A fan asking if Chris Jericho really beat him up backstage is the “2nd funniest question.”
* If MMA was popular back when he was getting into wrestling, he would have done MMA.
* The most fulfilling thing he’s done professionally was playing football.
* He’s “Unbelievably honored” that fans still chant his name after all these years.