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Welcome to the 5th edition of WWE Hell in a Cell. Are first match on Pay Per View is….
Tag Team Triple Threat Title Match: Rhodes Brothers (c) Vs. The Shield Vs. The Usos
Goldust & Rollins will start things off. Goldust with a quick clothesline but tags in a Uso right away. Back & forth with Goldust nailing a clothesline for 2. Goldust with a boot for 2. Cody gets tagged in with a double right hand followed by a front suplex for 2. Jimmy gets a blind tag & clotheslines him from behind for 2. Cody goes for a hip toss but blocked & Uso gets a suplex for 2. Goldust is now in after some reverses, Uso spears him in the corner followed by a tag & double team splash. They trade right hands but Goldust gets the better but Reigns with the blind tag on Uso & trips Goldust up. He sends Goldust back first into the apron then back in the ring for a clothesline & 2. Rollins off the tag, some boots in the corner followed by a throat choke. Rollins with clubbing shots on the apron followed a big boot. Back in the ring Rollins locks in a headlock but Goldust fights out with elbows. Rollins knocks down Cody & more isolation by the shield. Reigns with a front headlock but Goldust fights out & rolls him up for 2. Goldust runs into a big elbow for 2. Goldust fights out of the corner but ends up eating an elbow for 2. The Shield stays in control until Goldust reverses a suplex & hits an DDT. Rollins takes out Cody then back body drop from Goldust. Reigns tries to clothesline Goldust but ends up eating the floor. The Uso are about to be tagged in but Rollins takes out the Uso. Cody breaks up a pin attempt. The shield stays in control until Goldust nails a power slam Reigns & Cody gets the hot tag. Cody clears house then rolls up Rollins for 2. Cody with a right hand then a moonsult off the top rope for 2. Cody locks up Rollins on the rope & a big kick. He goes for disaster kick but misses. One of the Uso gets hot tag & his a kick to the mid-section. He backs it up in the corner for a broken up two. Things are breaking down in the ring. Reigns & Goldust are taking out from a outside dive. Uso with a suplex for 2 on Rollins. Uso is on the top rope but brought down. Cody with the tag on the Uso but when going for cross Rhodes its blocked. Rollins takes him up top but Cody pushes him then hits a suplex off the top onto the guys outside the ring! Wow. Back in the ring Cody goes for a pin on Rollins but one of the Uso takes them out with a splash off the top rope. Reigns spears Cody then sends out the Uso outside. Cody is back after Rollins takes out Goldust. Cody goes for a disaster kick but blocked. Goldust with a kick & when Rollins turns around Cody hits a cross Rhodes for the win.
Winners & Still champions: Rhodes Brothers
The Miz comes out & starts talking about the Wyatt Family. He says that he is not medically cleared to wrestle but he can fight. He calls out Bray without the rest of the family. Hey crackle barrel is a good restaurant. He says come & get me. He answers; Bray is shown on the screen. He sings a bit then says that Miz has nothing to lose but please understand but Miz words mean salt to him. He says Bray is a monster then starts to laugh. The Wyatt Family attacks him from behind. They beat down & Kane returns! He lands a big boot on Rowan then clotheslines Harper out of the ring. He stares them down as they retreat to the back. He choke slams the Miz & the post set fire.
Great Khali & Natalya Vs. Fandango & Summer Rae
Back & forth. The women take over, More Back & forth action. Fandango is now in but goes after hornswoggle but Khali bring shim in the hard way. He leg is taken out from under him. Fandango works the leg but Khali nails a big chop then an elbow. Finally Fandango runs into a big boot. Khali goes for a slam but tags in Rae & she dances around him until Natalya slaps her. A suplex then sit down powerbomb by Natie. Natalya goes for the Sharpe shooter but Rae gets out & rolls her up for the win.
Winner: Rae & Fandango
U.S Title Match: Dean Ambrose © Vs. Big E. Langston
A push by Dean but a big clothesline by Langston for 2. Langston throw’s him in the corner & spears him in there. Langston misses a right hand but catches Dean then a knee to the back. Dean reverse in the corner & starts up with chops but not effective. Langston fights out then a big knee’s to the gut of the champion. Langston with a shoulder toss for 2. Back & forth, Dean locks in a headlock but Langston fights out. Dean tries to get a sleeper hold in but Langston explodes out & nails a clothesline. He lands a big back body drop then a flying forearm for 2. Langston misses a big splash but hits a belly to belly for 2. Langston now nails the splash for 2. Langston is bleeding from under the eye. Langston goes for a suplex but gets out & runs to the back. Langston runs him down & puts him back in the ring where Dean hits a DDT for a close 2. Big E hits an outside dive taking out Ambrose. Big E. gets back in the ring but Ambrose doesn't & its a count out finish.
Winner but not champion: Ambrose
Langston hits the big ending to lay out the champ.
Before the match Paul Heyman is on a raised platform that is driven to the cell. Heyman says that he is the best in the hell. He adds that he is Satan himself as he is raised above the cell. He stands on the cell. He says that he owns CM Punk.
2-1 Handicap Hell In a Cell Match: CM Punk Vs. Ryback & Paul Heyman
The match starts & Ryback goes for a suplex but Punk takes out the legs of the big man. Punk picks apart Ryback until he is sent to the floor. Punk goes for a suicide dive that bounces Ryback into the cell door. Ryback throws Punk into the cell back first. Ryback grabs the stick & hits him several times with it. He chokes Punk in the corner with it. Ryback with a high elbow followed by some shoulders in the corner. Ryback continues the beat down until Ryback misses a clothesline & is sent to the outside. Punk comes off the top rope with an elbow. Punk gets a table from under the ring but Ryback sends him into the steel steps. Ryback with a suplex into the steel three times. Back in the ring where Ryback hits a back suplex for 2. Punk fires back with elbows but Ryback nails a sit down bomb for 2. Ryback locks in a mid-section lock but Punk fights out & lands a high knee in the corner. Punk nails a spring board move but Ryback catches him & suplex him for a 2 count. Ryback goes for shell shock but Punk gets out & sends him into the corner. Punk has the kendo stick & starts hitting him with it. Punk connects in the corner with a knee, Clothesline then comes off the top rope with the elbow for 2. Punk with more shots with the kendo stick. He brings in the table, sets it up half way but Ryback attacks him from behind. Ryback goes for a powerbomb but Punk gets out. Ryback grabs Punk & sends him groin first into the half set up table, Ouch. Ryback sets up the table & goes for something but punk low blows him. He sets Ryback on the table & goes up top for the elbow & connects. Punk with a big shot of the kendo stick & hits the GTS for the win.
Winner: CM Punk
After the match Punk puts a kendo stick in his pants & climbs the cell. Punk hits Heyman several times with the stick. He nails the GTS to finish the segment.
Daniel Bryan does a backstage interview about his match tonight. He says all he wants is a chance to prove that he can be WWE Champion.
Los Matadores vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro
The Real Americans take control early & keep it that way for most of the match. They keep one of the mask men in their corner. Matadore sends swagger out of the ring then a spring board roll up. Cesaro starts winding up with the big swing for a bit for a broken up count of 2. Matadore hits an enziguri & the hot tag. The other Matadore comes in & clears house. A big face first for 2. The other Matadore takes out Cesaro but is driven into the barricade. Back in the ring, Swagger knocks the Matadore off the top & locks in the ankle lock. He sends Swagger into cesaro & they connect with their finisher for the win.
Winners: LOS Matadore
After the match Zeb Colter is begging for his life & el torito bull rushes Colter out of the ring. He hits a dive onto Swagger to end the segment.
World Title Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena
They lock up, right away Del Rio goes after the elbow. Basic wrestling start to the match until Del Rio with a big boot. Cena fights back with right hands then a bull dog for 2. Del Rio hits a drop kick then sends Cena to the floor via kick to the arm. Del Rio sends Cena elbow first into the steel steps then back in the ring. Del Rio with a big boot twice. Whats up with the Mexican flags on the ring post? Cena trips him up & goes for the STF but blocked. Del Rio with a german suplex then an arm submission but Cena gets to the ropes. Del Rio with another elbow submission but Cena fights out. He lands a drop kick but when he sends him into the corner he eats an elbow. Del Rio continues to target the arm then he comes off the top rope with a double axe for 2. Del Rio comes off the top rope but eats an drop kick. Cena hits the 5 moves of doom but when he goes for AA Del Rio hits a back breaker. Del Rio goes for the corner kick but misses. Cena goes for the STF but blocked then goes for AA but blocked & Del Rio hits the back breaker for 2. Del Rio puts Cena on the top rope upside down & misses a spear in the corner (eats the post) Cena goes to the top & hits a cross body for 2. Cena picks him up but a cross arm breaker but Cena rolls through & locks in the STF but Del Rio gets to the rope by two fingers. Del Rio with a head kick for 2. Del Rio locks in the arm bar but Cena picks him up & power bombs him. Cena goes for AA but blocked. Del Rio goes for Arm bar but blocked & Cena hits the AA for the win.
Winner & New World Heavyweight champion: John Cena
Divas Title Match: AJ Lee (c) Vs. Brie Bella
Back & forth until AJ uses the rope on the back Brie’s head. Back in the ring for a 2 count. Brie fights out of an headlock but AJ cuts her off. AJ stays in control until Brie fights out of a headlock. She hits a drop kick off the top rope. Brie with another drop kick then a clothesline for 2. Brie throws her in the corner but eats a boot. AJ goes for the black widow but blocked & Brie locks in the half crab but gets to the ropes. Brie accidently hits Nikki with a knee on the apron & AJ locks in Black Widow for the win.
Winner & Still Diva Champion: AJ Lee
We see Triple H & Shawn Michaels are seen talking backstage.
WWE Hell in a Cell WWE Title Match:
Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton (w/guest referee Shawn Michaels)
Orton takes advantage early on, he suplex him face first on the top rope three times then sends Bryan off the apron into the cell. Orton throws Bryan hard into the steps. He grabs the top part of the cell & hits Bryan’s shoulder. He sets up the bottom part then grinds Bryan face into the steel. He tries to send Bryan into the steps but Bryan reverses it & sends Orton into the steps. Bryan slams Randy face first into the steps. Back in the ring Bryan with a series of kicks then puts him up top upside down & nails a running drop kick. He drop kicks Orton out of the ring then goes for a suscide dive onto Orton twice but on the third Orton moves & Bryan goes head first into the steel. Orton shoves Bryan balls first inot the ring post followed by a back breaker. Orton gets him back in the ring for 2. Orton puts him on the top rope, He polishes it with head butts then goes for a suplex but Bryan fights out & hits a powerbomb off the top rope. On their knee’s they exchange punches until Bryan hits aclothesline. Bryan hits a drop kick in the corner twice. Some kicks to the chest in the corner then hits a hurricanronna off the top rope. Bryan goes up top & hits the head butt for 2. Bryan with another series of kicks but mises the head kick & Orton rolls him up for 2. Bryan locks in the yes lock but Orton gets to the ropes but eventually slides out. Bryan sends Orton shoulder first into the steel several times. Bryan drop kick Orton into the steel. Bryan has a chair & hits him in the gut then back. Bryan throws ten chairs into the ring & the eleventh he hits Orton with it. Back in the ring with his steel chair collection, Bryan goes to hit him with the chair but Orton pokes the eyes. Orton hits him a chair for 2. Randy makes a pile of chairs puts Bryan on the top rope & suplex Bryan onto the chairs but wait Bryan fights out & head butts Orton off. Randy knocks him down & suplex him off the top rope but really only Bryan’s legs hit for 2. Triple H comes out & talks to Shawn through the cell. Back in the ring Bryan this a suplex. This creates an argument between Shawn, HHH & Orton. Back in the ring Orton goes for the Yes lock but Orton blocks it. Orton hits the 2nd rope DDT. Randy goes fro the RKO but Bryan pushes Orton into Shawn. Triple H brings in DR. Sampson to the cell. Bryan hit the knee & you could count to a hundred. Triple H shoves Bryan down & they check on HBK. Bryan hits the flying Knee on the game but when he turns around Shawn Super kicks Bryan & Orton covers him for the win.
Winner & New WWE Champion: Randy Orton.
Shawn walks to the back in disgust & the show ends.
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