Video Package Is shown of kofi kingston
Kofi Kingston Does a interview backstage. He was talking about the kick from this past week on raw. He said he will the title tonight.
The Miz comes out to the ring & says nobdoy else could have took that kick. He says he is awesome, When he won the title it meant something again because the miz has it.
The miz video package is shown.
Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston Vs The Miz (C)
They tie up, Miz takes him down then a headlock but kofi gets an arm bar which miz gets to the ropes. Miz takes him down again then a big shoulder block. They tie up again then kofi shoulder blocks him then hits a huge monkey flip. Kofi clotheslines him out of the ring & hits a big front flip to the outside. Back in the ring kofi hits spring board corssbody into a count of 2. Miz hits a elbow to the face then boots on the ground. Miz has kofi in a submission but kofi blocks it with a jaw breaker then into a pin attempt for a count of 2. Kofi misses the trouble in paradise as miz ducks & goes out to the ring. Back from commercial break, kofi beating down the miz in the corner with some strikes. Kofi got powerbombed from the top rope from the miz. Miz hits a huge knee for a count of 2. Miz hits a clotheslines in the corner then off the top rope he double sledge him for a count of 2. Miz puts in a submission, kofi battles out of it but miz side suplex him. Miz has him in a headlock but kofi battles out of it & hits a slam. Miz counters a splash then they both go for a crossbody & lay each other out. Kofi chops the chest of miz then a drop kick. When kofi was on the top rope he got pushed off to the outside of the ring. Back from commercial Kingston is in a headlock then a knee to his chest. Miz kicks him in the face twice & a pin attempt for a count of 2. Miz misses a kick then he misses in the corner. They trade strikes then miz gets thrown to the outside of the ring. Kofi misses the baseball slide then he runs & hits a clotheslines. Were back in the ring with kofi only getting a count of 2. Kofi kicks him in the face then off the top rope he crossbody but miz elbows him in the face. Kofi knocks him down then boom drop. Kofi misses the trouble in paradise & miz gets a roll up for a count of 2. Kofi hits sos but miz got his foot on the rope. Miz gets his title outside the ring but before he can leave kofi jumps on him. Miz hits a ddt for a count of 2. Miz goes for scull crusher final but block then miz hits a big boot for a count of 2 after Kingston got his feet on the bottom rope. As the ref is talking to the ref, Kingston hits the trouble in paradise for the win.
Winner & New Champion: Kofi Kingston
Koif Kingston does an interview about winning the title & ends it with boom boom boom.
The miz does an interview in the back about losing his title & how it feels for him no longer being champion.
Dolp Ziggler Vs Zack Ryder
They tie up then zack hits some arm drag then dolp hits a shoulder block. Zack back body drops ziggler but gets a boot to his face then shows off to the fans. Dolp elbows him followed by a headlock. Zack battles out of it but is drop kicked by ziggler. Ziggler gets clothesline, elbow & knees to the face. Ryder drop kick off the top rope then hits broski boot in the corner for a count of 2. Zack misses the ruff Ryder & ziggler hits the zig zag for the win.
Winner: Dolp Ziggler
After the match Vickie Guerrero does a promo about how good dolp ziggler is & how he could win the main in the bank brief case. He challenges someone from the back to a match. Ryback comes out & it will be Ryback Vs Dolp Ziggler for next's weeks Main Event. They stare at each other to end the show.