John Cena Vs Damon Sandow
Sandow ran and yelled at the crowd early when a big Cena chant broke out. He started to walk to the back, but Cena ran him down and rolled him back in the ring. Cena hit his shoulder tackle for two. Sandow hit a dirty kick to the back and stomped on Cena/ Back from break sandow is all over him with strikes then hits a neck breaker followed by a signature elbow for a count of 2. A headlock by sandow but cena fights out of it with some strikes but cena misses a shoulder block that makes him fall out of the ring & cena gets back in the ring but sandow attacks him & works on the left arm of cena followed by a pin attempt for a count of 2. Sandow puts in a headlock but cena gets out of it& goes for the stf but they both get up & double clothesline each other. Back to there feet they exchange shots until cena gets the upper hand but is knocked down & knee to the back of the neck for the count of 2. Back from break with sandow continue to beat him down then cena gets locked in the ropes while sandow beats him down some more. Cena gets out of it then attacks sandow but then thrown into the steel steps to stop his momentum. Back in the ring we go with sandow getting a count of 2 for the pin attempt. Sandow hits a spinning neckbreaker for a count of 2. Sadow hits a knee drop followed up by a headlock but cena gets out of it with a back body drop. Cena gets elbow in the face followed by a pin attempt for a count of 2. Sandow misses a knee drop followed by the 5 moves of doom. The AA gets blocked followed by a count of 2. Sandow hits a neck breaker but its blocked then puts in the STF for the win.
Winner: John Cena
We get a raw rebounded video package.
Josh Matthews interviews Antonio Cesaro about his match.
Antonio Cesaro Vs Zack Ryder
They tie up but Cesaro takes him down then they grapple a bit until Cesaro hits a shoulder block followed by a knee but then zack hits a roll up. Cesaro goes for one of his own until he throws Zack in the corner & beats him down then hits a uppercut in the corner. Cesaro punches him a couple of times then Zack goes for a roll up but then a nice drop kick to knock him outside the ring & were outside the ring for a second. Zack gets kicked in the face on the apron and drove into the ring post to lead into the commercial. Back from break Cesaro powered Ryder up and over in a gut wrench slam. Ryder popped out of a tilt-a-whirl lift and hit a clothesline. He setup for the Broski boot, but Cesaro went to the floor. Ryder jumped off the apron, but Cesaro hit his uppercut. He rolled Ryder in the ring and hit for the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
After the match Cesaro does a promo about being the best WWE Champion in History but Kofi Kingston comes out & they make a match for next week. Thats the end of the show.
Thanks for watching along with me. What do you think of the show?.
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