We get a video package of ryback & Dolp Ziggler.
Ryback gets interviewed & he says it eating time.
Dolp Ziggler attempts to get interviewed but tells Josh Matthews to get out.
Ryback Vs Dolp Ziggler
They tie up & dolp tries to exit the ring but ryback grabs him & throws him into the corner. Ryback throws in dolp from the arpon of the ring but dolp leaves the ring again. Ziggler kicks ryback twice but is caught by ryback & thrown into the barrier. Back in the ring ryback goes for a suplex but leaves the ring. They run to the backstage area then we go commercial. Back from break ryback bring ziggler back to the ring on his shoulders. He hits a back body drop then a bear lock. Ryback misses a spear in the corner as ziggler comes off the top rope with a double handle. Ziggler hits some strikes & drop kick but gets caught & power slammed to the mat below. Ryback hits meat hook clothesline & shell shock for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Paul Heyman does a on the big screen interview about the match at HIAC WWE Title Match.
Alberto Del Rio Vs Sin Cara
They tie up then adr suplex followed by a count of 2. ADR throws cara but blocked then cara hits an arm drag. Cara misses an elbow then adr throws cara in the ring post which sends him to the outside but back in the ring for a count of 2. ADR puts in an arm submission but cara gets out of it with a roll up. ADR hits a back breaker for a count of 2. ADR puts in a head submission but cara battles out of it then goes for a spring board move but is pushed off to the outside. Back from commercial adr has cara in a choke but is thrown into the ring post. Sin cara hits a hurricanronna then a inverted ddt for a count of 2. Sin cara kicks adr in the head then comes off the top rope but misses then adr locks in the arm bar for the win.
Winner: ADR
ADR does about beating Randy Orton at HIAC PPV. Prime time players comes out & says how there better than adr but adr convents them to attack Sin Cara. They beat him down then Randy Orton make the save. Orton says there should be a 6 man tag match between Randy Orton , Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara Vs Prime Time Players & ADR next weeks show.