Wade Barrett comes out & talks about Survior Series, sheamus but before he says anything sheamus comes out & attacks the big show.
Wade Barrett Vs Sheamus
Big show is still on commentary as we start the match with the tie up & knockdown by wade. A big takedown by sheamus then a headlock. Another big shoulder block by sheamus with the crowd solely behind wade. Wade takes some strikes to sheamus in the corner but sheamus comes back out of the corner with a knockdown & 3 knee drops for a count of 2. Wade headbutts him then beats him down in the corner but sheamus battles out again with some strikes. Sheamus gets elbowed in the face then wade puts the boots to him but sheamus blocks a suplex & gives one of his own for a count of 2.Sheamus throws wade to the outside then hits the several chops to the chest of wade on the apron of the ring. Sheamus hits a suplex for a count of 2. They trade some shots until sheamus is thrown to the outside. Wade throws him into the barrier. Wade knocks him down off the apron. They battle back & forth until wade kicks him in the ribs & slams him for a count of 2. Wade knees him in the face then beats him down. Wade throws sheamus in the steel steps but wade comes off the barrier with a elbow drop, back in the ring he gets a count of 2. They trade shots but wade throws him in the corner for a count of 2. Wade puts in a submission but sheamus back body slam to get out of it. Sheamus clothesline him. Back from break, wade misses a elbow off the top rope then sheamus hits white noise as big show leaves the ring. A probe kick later for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
Big show gets interview by Matt Striker & knocks him out.
A raw Video package of the referee Madox challenging Ryback on next weeks raw.
R Truth vs Heath Slater
They grapple until heath takes him down, a big knockdown by truth then heath & truth mocks each other until truth puts some strikes to him. Truth gets a big spine buster & a leg drop for a count of 2. Truth kicks him in the face but gets distracted by jinder until heath is knocked out of the ring. Truth chases jinder around the ring but heath clothesline but Truth hit his suplex stunner. Mahal jumped in the ring and hit Truth to cause the DQ
Winner: R Truth Via DQ