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Randy Orton Vs. The Miz
Back from break with Miz all over Orton but here comes Randy with a clothesline in the corner. Orton goes for a 3rd one but eats an elbow. Miz fires back with right hands only to clothesline him out of the ring. Miz misses a kick through the ropes to be clotheslined by Orton. Randy sends him shoulder first into the steel steps twice & back in the ring. Orton continues to beat him down until Miz comes back with some right hands then a big Kick to the head. Miz with the clothesline in the corner. Miz to the top rope & nails a double axe. He calls for the end & goes for the Scull crushing finale but blocked. Miz goes for the figure four leg lock but the Wyatt Family makes it a black out then there on the stage to distract Miz & Orton hits the RKO for the win.
Winner: Orton
After the match Bray cuts a promo about Miz keep reaction out for fame. Bray says he doesn’t want Miz to suffer so he will put him down.
Fandango vs. Santino Marrella
Some stupidity to start things off then Fandango takes charge. Fandango locks in a headlock but Santino fights out but Fandango nails a suplex. He goes to the top rope for the leg drop but Santino gets up & hits a stunner. Santino with right hands then a hip toss. Santino goes for the cobra but Summer Rae distracts him & Fandango rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Fandango
Paul Heyman & Brad Maddox backstage segment about how Cm Punk cheated to beat Ryback. Heyman wants it to be a 2-1 handicap match. A beat the clock stipulations for tonight matches
We get a video package of John Cena coming back.
Los Matadores Defeats 3mb. The masked stars win with their finishers.
Stephanie McMahon & Triple H come to the ring. She talks about the Big Show knocking out Triple H. She says that Big Show was happy but he is fired, losing his house & pressing charges. She says that rumors of Triple H having a broken jaw wasn’t true. She says that he will rule the WWE. He gets on their & says that he put all of his needs to take over for the Fans. He says that his broken point has broken in half. He gets really mad & says he will be the bad guy for everyone. He says he will give them nothing they ever seen. He say anybody else that goes against them will fall to his feet. Daniel Bryan comes out but only to be attacked from behind. There match is scheduled for later.
Ryback Vs. R Truth
Truth starts running around the ring to waste time. Back in the ring & more running around. Truth catches him with a kick for a count of 2. Heyman distracts Truth & Ryback clotheslines him from behind. Ryback throws him hard into the corner. Ryback spine bustard him in the corner. Out of nowhere Truth catches him with a drop kick. Truth with another drop kick for a count of 2. Truth off the top rope with a drop kick for a close 2 count. Truth goes for leg scissors but blocked & Ryback hits the shell shock for the win at 5:44.
Real Amercians Vs. Tons Of Funk
The American’s take control early on & quick tags in & out. Tensi fights out & gets the hot tag to Brodus. Clay with clotheslines then a big belly to belly on Cesaro. A splash in the corner & a suplex for a count of 2. Clay throws Swagger out of the ring. Cesaro hits the neutralizer for the win.
Winners & God Bless America: Swagger & Cesaro
Tamina Def.Brie Bella
After the match Tamina hits a splash off the top rope. Also AJ locks in the black widow to had some more damage.
Beat The Clock Match: Cm Punk Vs. Curtis Axel
Punk with chops to start things off but Axel with some of his own. Axel with a suplex followed by a elbow for a count of 2. Axel with kicks, right hands in the corner. Axel walks into a boot & Punk with a cross body. Punk runs into a clothesline for a count of 2. Axel with a side slam but when he comes off the top rope Punk moves. Punk with some knees followed by a knee in the corner for a count of 2. Punk goes to the top rope & nails the elbow for a count of 2. Punk goes for GTS but Axel gets out & hits a swinging neck breaker for a count of 2. Punk fights back with chops, Axel hits him in the back of the head for a count of 2. 1 minute left, Axel hits the suplex fora count of 2. Axel goes for it again but rolled up for a count of 2. Punk with a big kick & hits the GTS for the win.
Winner & gets to pick the stipulation: Punk
After the match Punk picks a 2-1 handicap with Ryback & Heyman vs. Punk inside HIAC.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Alberto Del Rio
Bryan on the attack first with a series of kicks. Bryan works the arm of the champion but walks into a boot. Del Rio with a headlock but Bryan got out of it. Bryan with a series of more kicks but misses the last one leading Del Rio to knock him down. Boots by Del Rio, He throws hard into the corner. Bryan comes back with more kick buts misses the drop kick in the corner. Del Rio with kicks of his own leading to break. Back from break with Del Rio in control. But out of nowhere Bryan catches him with the Yes! Lock but ADR gets the ropes. Bryan with uppercuts in the corner. Bryan walks into a back breaker from Del Rio. ADR with a double stomp, He is bleeding from his mouth for a count of 2. Del Rio with head butts in the corner & mocks Bryan but runs into a clothesline. Bryan goes for Yes lock but ADR hits a arm breaker for 2. Del Rio goes to the top rope & nails a drop kick for 2. Del Rio sends Bryan shoulder first into the turn buckle. Del Rio misses the kick in the corner. Bryan with the series of kicks then nails the clothesline. Here comes the energiezer bunny, He hits a drop kick in the corner. Bryan puts him up top for hurricanronna for 2. Randy Orton comes on the big screen in the trainer room with brie bella.
Bryan goes to the back to save brie but only to be laid out by orton.
Shield in the office right now with HHH and Steph. Authority makes the Tag Title match a No DQ match. Tells Shield to finish Rhodes.
No DQ Tag Team Title Match: The Shield © Vs. Rhodes Family
Rhodes Family gets things going with quick tags in & out. Cody with a kick to the head for a 2 count. Back & forth until goldust gets the hot tag. Goldust nails the bull dog for 2. Goldust goes for a neck breaker but blocked & sent to the outside. My TV cuts out so apologize for the lack of content. It comes back with Cody getting another hot tag, He hits the big punch & sends Reigns shoulder first inot the corner. Cody lands the the moonsult off the top rope for 2. Cody kicks Ambrose off the apron. Cody with a spring board drop kick for 2 count. Goldust takes care of rollins & they brawl to the outside. Cody goes for cross Rhodes but Amrbrose takes out cody from behind. They beat down the both of the Rhodes family but wait Goldust with a steel chair & takes out the Shield. Reigns takes out Goldust from behind to kill his momentum. Reigns swings up top & Goldust with a cross body. Cody & rollins fight outside the ring until Rollins powerbombs him off the barricade. Goldust & Reigns back in the ring where Goldust nails a knocked down but when Rollins gets involved he is taken out of the ring. Goldust clotheslines Reigns out as well. Ambrose takes out goldust from behind. While Goldust & Ambrose are fighting Reigns spears Goldust through the barricade. Back in the ring with Cody but here comes the big show & KO Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns. Cody covers Reigns for the win.
Winner & New Tag team Champions: The Rhodes Family.
After the match Triple H stands In the ring as he with the fans chants YES! To end Raw.