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Vickie Guerrero comes out with Paul Heyman & she says doing the right thing isn't always the right thing when your talking about the rock situation. Heyman kiss Vickie's ass with saying she is the best Gm they have. She brings up a highlight from last weeks Rock concert when he is making fun of Paul Heyman & Vickie Guerrero. Vickie says she is embarrassed & bans him from the arena. Then adds he will be arrested if he enters the arena. The rock is shown & is mad that he cannot be in the arena. The Rock says She is screwing the peoples. He says there is nothing that will stop him from being in the middle of his ring. He says they should arrest CM Punk , Paul Heyman & Vickie, he makes fun of them while doing it. He says he will be in the ring & he guarantees it. She makes fun of the rock with his catch phrases.
Through out the night they will have beat the clock challenges to see who has the fastest time & they get to choice there Royal Rumble Spot.
Beat The Clock Challenge: Randy Orton Vs Antoino Cessaro
Basic Stuff to kick it off with takedowns then Antonio cinches a headlock takeover and gets a pair of two counts. Antonio with a shoulder block for a one count. Orton counters a headlock, but Cesaro with a body shot and an uppercut, but Randy comes back with the Thesz Press. Cesaro blocks a suplex into an inside cradle for two. Orton with a dropkick for two. Orton takes down Cesaro on the outside and rolls him back in for a two count. Cesaro backs off from Orton. More or less a feeling out between the two, which may not be the right idea as the clock keeps ticking and we go to break. Back from Break, Antonio with shoulder thrusts to Orton in the corner, with the clock at 6:50 and counting. Orton counters a superplex attempt and pushes Cesaro off, but he comes right back and knocks Orton to the floor. Cesaro rolls him back in for a near fall. The dead-lift gutwrench gets a two count, then Cesaro hooks both legs for another near fall. Tilt-a-whirl slam get another near fall for the US Champ. Orton fights out of a chinlock, and fires up with clotheslines and a big powerslam. Orton primes for the DDT, but Cesaro jackknifes him for a near fall. Orton gets lifted into a BIG uppercut for another near fall. Cesaro drags Orton up and drills him shoulder first into the ring post. Cesaro tosses him back in, glances at the clock then Rko out of nowhere 3 Count
Winner: Randy Orton - Time: 11:36
We get a Video Package of Mick Foley for the HOF.
We get a Video Package Of The Shield.
Big Show Vs Zack Ryder
Show just beats him down, not even allowing Ryder to take off his Title. Brad Maddox is on Commentator Duties then Show Hits the knockout Punch For the win.
Winner: Big Show
After the match Big show Does a promo & saying this is what will happen as he counts to ten. In the middle of it he goes off on the crowd because they kept saying what?
We see paul Heyman on the phone but Brad Maddox breaks that phone call up & he is talking to a Camera saying he will do anything to make he's dreams true. Heyman says if Maddox stays with him he will make him famous.
Ryback Vs Heath Slater
They tie up but the heath throws a help then a kick but not for ling as ryback knocks him down then htis a spine buster. Ryback hits the meat hook clothesline but the rest of 3mb interferes but is quickly taking out. Ryback finishes up with heat with the Shell Shock for the win.
Winner: Ryback
After the match ryback says he's job is fun the says The Royal Rumble match was made for him & that it will lead him into the main event of Wrestlemania
Backstage: The rock is still back there trying to talk the cops out of not letting him in the arena but technically he is in the arena right? Vickie says arrest him but the cops say they cannot. She says the wwe champion will be in the ring next then She wants him to apologize to her but he says he won't.
Cm Punk & Paul Heyman comes out, Punk says the wwe Title is the most important thing to him. He says that the wwe title is prestigious but to the rock its the fans. He says in 6 days that he will still be the WWE Champion.
Beat The Clock Challenge: Dolp Ziggler Vs The Miz
Miz hits a drop kick for a count of 2, a roll up for a count of 2. Dolp tries to take him down but miz puts on a headlock but a shoulder block for a count of 2 by miz. They exchange roll ups but then Ziggler puts in a headlock but miz puts up a elbow for a count of 2. The out of nowhere Dolp hits a drop kick for a count of 2. Dolp hits a neck breaker followed by a count of 2 that is followed by a headlock by miz fights out of it. Miz Takes him down then throws several punches then kicks followed by a knee tackle. Miz works the knee then goes for a figure four leg lock but is blocked & miz is thrown out of the ring. When is out there Big E langsten throws him into the apron of the ring. Dolp throws him back in the ring for a count for 2. Back form break with Dolp having him in a headlock but miz fights out. Dolp goes for a neck breaker but blocked then they exchange roll ups until Miz hits a kick for a count of 2. They exchange shots until Miz throws bombs then hits the clothesline & hits a ax hammer for a count of 2. Miz goes for the scull crusher final but is blocked & Dolp hits the Big DDT for a count of 2. Miz throws a elbow then goes for a neck breaker but is blocked then puts in the Figre four leg lock but AJ distracts the referee & big E drags Dolp Arm to the ropes. Miz goes for the roll up but is blocked then Big E distracts Miz allowing Ziggler to hit the Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolp Ziggler - Time: 10:56
Team Hell No have there Anger Management Graduation time. They go back & forth about who is gonna give a speech but then DR Shelby want them to hug so they go on a chant for everyone to hug each other. Then all three guys hug it out in the ring.
Kaitlyn vs. Alicia Fox
Alicia starts out with a kick to the midsection and rams Kaitlyn into the turnbuckle. Kaitlyn comes back and flings Alicia to the outside. Kaitlyn with some hard rights to Alicia. Alicia with a pair of hair pulls, misses the axe kick, but gets a clothesline for two. Alicia locks in a rear naked choke. Kaitlyn snapmares out, but gets an elbow to the corner. Alicia misses a corner kick, and Kaitlyn hits a spear for three!
Winner: Kaitlyn
Paul Heyman comes out & talks about how he will explain what Cm Punk was talking about in simple way. Heyman says that Vince McMahon is a mark for the rock & that the rock needs to be focus on Cm Punk not Paul Heyman. The Rock comes out & says thank you for the ticket from the police department. He makes fun of & tells Paul Heyman to get out of the ring. The rock is standing alone & tall in the ring. He starts the promo saying Cm punk has done everything he says he has. The rock says he will whip the face off of punk. The rock says he will become WWE Champion once again & he promises that he will beat him this sunday. The lights go out & the shield is beating down the rock. they lay him out with the powerbomb. Punk says that rock needs to wake up from his dream & there is only one guy at the top.
Beat The Clock Challenge: Sheamus Vs Wade Barrett
They tie up, sheamus hits a headlock followed by a take down then a shoulder block but wade takes him down & puts in a headlock of his own. Wade kicks him then rams his head in the corner but sheamus kicks him then shoves him in the corner. Sheamus hits a knockdown then a rolling senton for a count of 2. Wade is on the apron & uses the ropes to use on the ropes but then wade knocks sheamus to the outside of the ring. Back from break with Wade kicking him in the gut for a count of 2. Wade hits a suplex for a count of 2. Sheamus fights back but wade throws some punches then sheamus hits a ax hammer then a knee, clothesline then throws wade to the outside of the ring for the clubbing blows. Sheamus hits a suplex into the ring for a count of 2. Wade throws sheamus in the corner then goes for his finisher but blocked then sheamus misses the probe kick & wade hits a huge kick for a count of 2. Wade comes off the top rope for a elbow for a count of 2. Wade goes for his finisher but sheamus blocks it & hits white noise. Sheamus goes for probe kick but AJ Distracts Sheamus & Wade hits the winds of change for a count of 2. Sheamus hits the probe kick but the time runs out.
Alberto Del Rio Vs Tensi
Tensi is on the attack first with punches then a shoulder block. He works the shoulder in the corner then throws him in. Tensi hits 2 splashes for a count of 2. Tenis gets kicked in the face & ADR hits a hurrican Followed by a german suplex followed by the kick in the corner. He hits a moonsult for the win.
Winner: ADR
After the match ADR counts to ten in Spanish.
John Cena comes out & talks about Sundays & kids. He does a stupid Comedy joke over playing Xbox. He talks about the different ways on sundays but except for this sunday because its the royal rumble ppv. Cena says he will win the Royal Rumble then Sheamus comes out saying he will win the rumble match. The prime Time players , Randy Orton , Miz, Team Hell No, Antonio Cessaro, 3MB all say they will win the Royal Rumble Match then the other 20+ guys comes out & a Huge brawl Breaks Out to end Raw.
Thanks for watching along with me.
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