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Aired live from Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Justin Roberts Welcomes Bret the Hitman Hart to the ring, the crowd went crazy for him & by the way he isn't in his usually hHtman gear. He says its been years since he has been in Montreal (15 years) He says its been a long time to get here & thanks for supporting him through all these years. Cm Punk interrupts & comes to the ring, Punk says everything that happened to him was like a book. Then he goes off a what if this happened ( Survivor Series 1997 PPV) Bret says he would put the Sharpe shooter on him. Punk says if he was here then attitude era wouldn't happened then the wwe would have been dead & would jump to wcw. Bret says the best in the world is him, Punk hates that Bret calls himself the best in the world. Punk takes a cheap shot at lalwer then bret defended him by saying that lawler would show up, Then we get a video package from last week ends to raw. Punk says he forgot his stuff & ran into John cena, Then he ask Bret if cena is watching Bret's back. Punk wants Respect because he is the wwe champion, He says after he beats cena at this Sunday he will be the best wwe champion ever. Punk adds that Bret is just like cena & he is over hyped, He says he is gonna turn cena into the next Bret hart a empty shell of a man.
Micheal Cole Hypes a Bret Hart interview With John Cena later for the show.
There is a poll for Cm Punk Opponet for later tonight.
Kofi Kingston R Truth Vs The Miz & Antonio Cesaro
Miz & Kofi start things off with basic wrestling then a taken down into a pin for a 2 count, the tag champion do a double team move as truth is tagged in. miz is outside the ring then to go in commercial kofi fly's onto miz outside the ring. Cesaro goes for a roll up but kofi hits his finisher for the win.
We get a video of Ricardo Rodriguez injury from last week.
We get a video of Last weeks Smackdown Booker t banning the probe kick.
Sheamus & Bret Hart is shown in the back talking.
A Video package is shown with Sheamus & David Otunga in the wwe head quarters they are talking about the injury of Ricardo Rodriguez & The probe kick.
Eve , Layla & Kaitlyin Vs Beth Phoenix , Alica Fox & Natalya
Kaitylin & Beth start things off they tie up then natalya is tagged in & beating her down.
Alcia is tagged in & hits a suplex for a count of 2, wiped in the corner but she misses a kick.
That leads layla in for the hot tag & hits a cross body for a count of 2. They run the ropes but eve tags herself in then hits a neck breaker for the win.
Winner: Eve, layla & Kaitlyin
Aj lee is shown backstage watching tv then Cm Punk goes off & ask why he has a match & cena don't. She says she could make a match but since he walked out last week he is gonna keep the match he has, Brodus Clay Scares him & says what's up.
Raw Active Match: Cm Punk Vs Randy Orton
They tie up then into basic wrestling, punk has orton in the corner hitting him with knee's & kicks.
Punk hits a back breaker for a 2 count, into a headlock as orton battles out of it. orton puts the boots to punk in the corner then orton goes for rko but blocked & punk goes outside the ring.
Punk starts walking out to the ring then orton chases him down & they brawl around the ring.
Were back in the ring with orton on the apron but knocked down & hits his face on the apron.
Were back from commercial break & punk has orton in an abdominal Strech but orton gets out of it but misses a knee drop. Punk comes off the top rop & hits a elbow drop, a slam then a leg drop for a count of 2. Punk goes up top but orton knocks punk down then hits a Suplex for the count of only 2. They trade punches, Punk hits kick but orton goes in a offense set & hits all of his signature moves but when orton went for his ddt on the ropes it was block & punk spring boards into a clothesline for a count of 2. Punk taunts for GTS but orton blocked it then orton goes for rko but blocked. Orton hits a back breaker for a count of 2, orton hits the ddt on the ropes & orton was about to go for the rko but Dolp Ziggler attacks him then he fights both of them after the DQ was called. Orton goes for an rko but hit by behind by dolp ziggler they double team him then Jerry lawler makes the save. Orton & Lawler clear house.
Winner: Randy Orton Via DQ
Randy Orton & Jerry Lawler Vs Dolp Ziggler & Cm Punk
Orton beats down Dolp until Lawler is tagged in & hits all of his signature moves then hits an elbow drop off the top rope for a count of 2. The tides turn & Ziggler beats down lawler he has him in a side headlock but lawler battles out of it but not so fast as the younger ziggler gets the advantage back. He taunts orton as he beats down lawler with punches, Ziggler hits an elbow for a count of 2. Ziggler puts another head lock in but lawler hits a back drop for the hot tag to orton then attacks ziggler with a pwoer slam then throws him on the apron to go for DDT but ziggler blocks it & throws him outside the ring. Paul Heyman comes gets Punk he talks to him &
Heyman grabs the belt as there talking orton hits the rko on ziggler for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton & Jerry Lawler
Matt Striker Interviews Cm Punk & Paul Heyman Backstage. Punk just says he is a Paul Heyman Guy.
We get a video package from Kane & Daniel Bryan Hugging it out last week.
Kane is backstage with Daniel Bryan in a segment with Anger Management Therapist.
Heath Slater does a promo before his match about Zak Ryder
Ryback Vs Heath Slater
Heath is taunting him the heath is thrown outside the ring then he gets back in the ring but a big shoulder block by Ryback. They exchange punches then heath hits a neck breaker for a pin attempt, Heath hits a DDT but nothing then ryback hits a clothesline then a big Powerbomb. Ryback hits his finisher for the win.
Winner: Ryback
Aj Lee is shown with Prime time players & she says there not Number one contenders for tag team champions. They have a match with later.
#1 One Contenders Match: Kane & Daniel Bryan Vs Prime Time Players
Kane & Titus starts things off with Kane knocking him down the beating him down in the corner but here comes Daniel Bryan with kicks to the chest then Darren young secretly tags himself in for & hits a clothesline. Titus tagged in with a double team on Bryan, More double team work by the prime time players for Darren young being tagged it he hits a bridge for a count of 2. A side headlock by Darren then Titus is tagged back in & more double team work. Daniel Bryan tring to come back with punches but is knocked down by titus who only gets a 2 count. Titus puts a headlock on Bryan & once again Darren tagged in with several uppercuts then another headlock.
Bryan battles out with punches & kicks then a big Suplex & Bryan goes up top rope but misses a splash, Darren goes for a pin attempt but only for a 2 count. Bryan hits a clothesline then several kicks but refuses to tag in kane but kane tags himself in the ring & Irish Wips Darren in the corner. He hits a side walk slam but for only a count of 2, Kane hits a clothesline off the top rope then hits a chokeslam but Bryan tags himself in but kane doesn't like it then he choke slams Bryan on young & he lands on young for the win.
Winner & New # 1 Contenders For Tag Team Titles: Kane & Daniel Bryan
Alberto Del Rio Vs Tyson Kidd
ADR kicks things off fast & beats down Kidd but kidd hits a kick then a quick pin, ADR Then reverses it & hits a back breaker then into a headlock. Kid gets out of it then a big knee off the apron to ADR then Tyson kid goes for a spring board elbow drop but misses it then ADR goes for Sharpe shooter but reverses. Tyson puts his own Sharpe shooter in then ADR grabs the ropes to break the submission. Tyson goes for a leg drop but misses it then ADR hits arm bar for the win.
Winner: ADR
ADR does a promo after the match.
Micheal Cole Says the Jerry lawler was collapsed & being perform CPR in the back. An Emotion Cole.
Sheamus Vs David Otunga
Otunga goes on the attack first then sheamus beats him down with kicks & then clubs otunga's chest then hits a severe back breaker then Texas Clover Leaf. ( the entire match Micheal Cole Said Nothing which is un common for him )
Winner: Sheamus
After the match Sheamus probe kicked David Otunga then Booker T & AJ Lee comes out.
Booker Says he shouldn't use the probe kick & if he uses it again he will be stripped of the title.
Kane & Daniel Bryan do another backstage segment
They go through matches for night of champions.
Micheal Cole gives an update for jerry lawler & says there will not be no futher commentary for the night.
Rey Mysterio Vs Coy Rhodes
They tie up & then a big elbow by rey & then a big uppercut by cody. In the corner cody knees rey in the chest then in the face for a 2 count. A couple of shits to the leg by rey then he takes cody outside the ring then a dive into a hurricane ronna. Back in the ring we go he spring boards but gets caught then a kick to rey face. Cody misses a spear that leads him into the ring post, Rey does a head scciors then a bull dog for a count of 2. Rey kicks him in the face for another 2 count, Rey goes up top & hits a dive but Rey then goes for 619 but miz distracts him for cody to get to hit his finisher for the win.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
After the match miz was about to attack rey but cody hit cross rhodes on miz & holds the IC Title.
Bret The Hitman Hart comes out to interview John Cena. Bret talks about how Cena vs Punk Is just like Shawn Micheals Vs Bret Hart. The crowd chants you can't wrestle & Cena says micheals wasn't like punk. Micheals earned respect & punk wants to take It, Bret calls him a Phonoey & Punk comes out. Cena says he is doing then same thing & welcomes punk to the ring. Punk says he is gonna defend his name Agaisnt the disrespect tha Bret & Cena are so alike. Punk says he is better than Shawn Micheals & Stone Cold Steve Austin , The Rock as well. Cena goes off & shoots on him about change & last year incidents & about finding the real Cm Punk. Then Cena goes off on French Stuff then awesome stare down by both guys.
Punk was about to hit Bret but then Cena stopped him, He went for it again but bret hit him first.
Micheal Cole Give us good news about Jerry Lawler & his Condition is getting better.
From all of us here at the site our Thoughts & Prayers are with him & his Family
We go to credits to end the show.