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CM Punk comes down to the ring; he says that 2013 was good and bad to him. He says that he started this year as WWE champion and then went through the year. All the superstars he wrestled and now ends 2013 with The Shield. He says it was not his year but rather theirs. He says he wants to challenge…. The Shield interrupts him. They come into the ring, he gets ready to fight but Dean Ambrose wants to know his challenge. Punk says he wants to fight the best of the Shield tonight. Dean says he will take him out right now but Punk was not talking to him but rather Rollins and Reigns. They argue but Punk wants Roman Reigns. Seth Rollins says he is the best but everyone talks about Roman Reigns. The Shield argues about who is the best. Brad Maddox makes his return I suppose; he books CM Punk versus Seth Rollins right now.
CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins
They lock up, Punk with a shoulder block then catches him where he goes for the GTS but blocked and rolls out of the ring.
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Were back, Rollins with right hands then sends him into the other corner but reversed and Punk lands a kick. CM Punk with a double hook back breaker, Punk gets poked in the eye and sent into the corner where he reverses and locks in a submission on the ropes. Punk gets thrown off the top and covered for 2. Rollins with boot the head, Seth locks in a camel clutch. Rollins with a shot to the back and continues to work the back of Punk but CM Punk battles back with right hands then a roll up for 2 as its botched and Rollins lands a forearm shot. Seth locks in a headlock but Punk fights out and lands a suplex. Punk with a big boot then goes for an outside dive but sent hard to the barricade.
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Punk with head butts then sends him into the other corner but misses the shoulder block and eats the steel post. Rollins misses a splash off the top rope and then they trade right hands. Punk with a heel kick then makes his comeback. CM Punk goes for the GTS but blocked then Punk goes for a roll up for a near fall. Punk with a knee to the gut then throws him into the corner where he hits the knee but wait blocked and Rollins powerbomb him into the other corner for a near fall. Rollins with a big kick to the back of the head for a count of 2 as “This is awesome chants break out” Rollins mocks Punk with the GTS. He goes for it but blocked and Punk hits a high knee followed by a clothesline. Punk hits the elbow off the top but Rollins rolls away and throws him head first into the corner. Rollins comes off the top but Punk knocks him down but Rollins suplex him off and nails a cross body but Punk rolls through and locks in the anaconda device. Off distraction they go through some reversals but Rollins hits a flipping suplex for a near fall. Rollins argues with them but when he turns around Punk sends him over the top onto the other members of the Shield. When he goes for the outside dive he is met with a forearm. Rollins goes for a sun set flip but blocked and Punk hits the GTS for the win.
Winner: Punk in 17:38
Brad Maddox talks to the referee in the back but "the Authority" shows up. Daniel Bryan interrupts and demands a match with Bray Wyatt. Brad Maddox makes his match tonight.
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"The Authority" talks in the back and another announcement is for later tonight.
Curtis Axel Vs. Dolph Ziggler
Back and forth until Ziggler catches him with a drop kick but sent to the floor the hard way. Back in the ring for a count of 2, Axel with elbow drops to the back of the head. Michael Cole plugs a poll for Damien Sandow’s opponent for tonight as Axel continues to work on Ziggler. Finally Dolph fights back and sends Axel head first into the turnbuckle. Ziggler with the ten punches in the corner and then the neck breaker. Ziggler shoots off the rpes and lands a cross body. Ziggler goes for the “Zig Zag” but blocked and back and forth pin falls but Axel lands a neck breaker of a near fall. Axel dominates but Ziggler hits the “Zig Zag” for the win.
Winner: Ziggler in 4:08
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Intercontinental Title Match: Big E. Langston Vs. Fandango
Both men lock up, Langston with a tackle then works the midsection. Langston with some mat work then they stare off. They trade right hands but Fandango with a big boot followed by a spinning back kick for a near fall. Langston fights back and lands a shoulder block in the corner. Fandango rolls to the floor to catch his breath. Langston sends him into the barricade but when back in the ring Fandango catches him with a knee shot.
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Fandango works the legs of the big man and stays in a dominating fashion until the big man fights back. Langston with a belly to belly but misses the big splash. Fandango with a DDT off the top for a near fall. Fandango up top and hits the leg drop but Langston rolls out of the ring. Fandango on the apron hits a drop kick to the back. In the ring we go, Langston with a belly to belly then hits the big splash followed by the big ending for the win.
Winner and still champion: Langston in 13:03
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CM Punk versus Roman Reigns is announced next week.
Booker T and the Prime Time Players along with all the divas come out to the stage. Wade Barrett interrupts and gives some bad news.
Damien Sandow does a backstage promo about his match tonight and if he loses he will quit.
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The WWE universe voted the following opponent….
Damien Sandow Vs. The Great Khali
Khali with a chop to the chest of Sandow and dominates the match until Sandow works the legs of the big man. Moments later, Sandow lands the elbow for a near fall. Khali with a huge chop to the chest of Sandow followed by a knee. Khali makes his comeback and goes for the chop but Sandow rolls to the corner. Khali has the head submission but gets out and rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Sandow and keeps his job in 4:53
We are shown part of the feud between Daniel Bryan and the Wyatt Family in a video package.
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R Truth Vs. Brodus Clay
Clay on the attack first with right hand but Truth battles as Xavier Woods on commentary. Clay beats him down in the corner and dominates the match. The Funkadactals come out and distract Clay. Truth with a DDT off the top rope for the win.
Winner: Truth in 4:02
The game is on his way to the ring next!
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Triple H comes to the ring and has a major announcement. He brings out Brock Lesnar alongside Paul Heyman. Both men stare off but Triple H wants to shake hands and they do. Triple H leaves and Paul Heyman introduces himself. He says that Brock Lesnar has a new mission and that it is to be the next world heavyweight champion. The winner of the Cena- Orton match at Royal Rumble will have to face Brock Lesnar. Brock says he care who he has to face. He says he dares anyone to try to stop him right now. Mark Henry comes out to the ring, both men start brawling but Lesnar spears Henry through the barricade. He hits the F5 on the floor!
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Daniel Bryan Vs. Luke Harper
They lock up, Harper with right hands in the corner but then Bryan with a forearm shot. Bryan lands kicks in the corner then a drop kick to the knee. Bryan works the left leg with a kick then another drop kick in the corner. Bryan with a series of kicks then a leg take down. He connects with the surf board then into a head submission. Bryan with a leg kick but a big right hand by Harper. Luke with a major chop to the chest then a right hand. Bryan fights back with right hands but Luke lands one of his own. Bray yells “finish it” as he locks in the gator roll.
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Daniel Bryan nails an outside dive twice onto Harper. He lands some kicks on the outside then sends him back in the ring. Bryan on the top rope where he lands a missile drop kick and kips up. Bryan lands the head kick but not enough as it results in the near fall. Harper is placed on the top rope where he goes for a head takeover but instead Harper lands a powerbomb for a near fall. Harper with a right hand followed by a chop. Harper lands a German suplex for a 2 count as Bray Wyatt nervously looks on. Out of nowhere Bryan locks in the “Yes lock” but Harper gets out and lands a clothesline. Bryan lands the flying knee out of nowhere.
Winner: Bryan in 15:00
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Daniel Bryan Vs. Eric Rowan
My computer messed up but Bryan won with a roll up.
Winner: Bryan
Before he could face Bray, they beat him down. After the beat down, Daniel Bryan said that Bray was right and he was always was right. He says the machine wouldn’t let him be champion. He says “I’m yours, let me join the family” Bryan crawls up but Bray hits “Sister Abigail” and says this is forever.
They chant his name as he looks around but shakes his head and walks back with them to end Raw.