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Team Hell No Vs Prime Time Players
Kane & Titus start things off with them exchanges shots followed by some corner shots but kane fights out of it with punches & clothesline Titus out of the ring. Bryan is now in as well Darren Young as young shoulder blocks him but Bryan with a knee to the chest as well with some kicks to the chest. Kane off the tag with a big drop kick for a count of 2. Kane puts the boots to him in the corner. Kane knocks him to the apron of the ring but arm wrench with some shots to the arm of him. Bryan is now in off the tag in & off the top rope double handle slam followed by a count of 2. Through out the match the shield makes there way slowly through the crowd. Kane is now in but young is in control & the prime time players beat down kane until kane throws him out & tags in Bryan who comes off the apron with a knee. Back from commercial with Bryan getting the hot tag & laying out Young with a drop kick for a count of 2. They trade some shots until young lays him out for a count of 2. Bryan goes for the yes lock but Titus breaks it up but thrown to the outside of the ring. The shield is at the barricade to distracts Team hell no. Bryan gets the roll up for the win.
Winner: Team Hell No
After the match the shield attack & beats Down Team hell no.
John Cena & Sheamus do a backstage segment about there match tonight.
Aj Lee Vs Tamina Snuka
Tamina was already in the ring back from break. A.J. then hurriedly made her way to the ring before the opening bell sounded. A.J. was the aggressor, hopping on Tamina's back for early offense, but Tamina overpowered her. Tamina continued to dominate, then A.J. suddenly rolled her up for a quick three count. A.J. left the ring just as quickly as she scored the win, frustrating Tamina.
Winner: Aj Lee
Paul Heyman talks about the wwe Encyclopedia & not having enough cm punk in this book. Tonight at midnight he will pass John Cena longest reigning of the current era. CM Punk says he has proven that he is the best in the world because he is. He says that he still after a year he doesn't get enough respect. Punk says he still doesn't understand why he has to defend he's title against ryback at TLC. He says he doesn't have anything to do with the shield. The miz comes out & says really 20 times. Miz says that when he was the WWE champion atleast he can admit it. Miz says that the shield is was in his pocket. Miz invites him to go on the Miz TV & a lie detector test tonight. Miz makes fun of heyman then Punk agrees to taking the test.
John Cena & Sheamus Vs Big Show & Dolp ZigglerSheamus and Ziggler started things off as Cole noted Ziggler holds the World Title MITB briefcase and he is teaming with the World champ. Cena then tagged in as the announcers discussed the Cena-Ziggler feud involving A.J. Lee. The crowd picked up a dueling Cena hip-tossed Ziggler into an armdrag to take control of the match.Ziggler broke free from Cena and tagged in Show, who slowly entered the ring. Cole hyped the battles between Show and Cena earlier this year before the two men locked up. Cena tried a shoulder-block, but he just rebounded off Show and fell to the mat. Show then put a boot on Cena's throat as Cole reset the show. Show followed with a giant chop to the chest before trash-talking Sheamus. Another giant chop to the chest. Show wanted #3, but Cena ducked. Cena then tried a Feat of Strength lifting Show in the air, but Show fell on top of him for a two count. Ziggler tagged in and delivered seven or eight elbow drops before leaping into the air for a final elbow drop to the chest. Cena avoided a corner attack, though, and both men sold on the mat. Dual tags and Sheamus came in hot on Show. Sheamus finally got Show off his feet, then wanted a decisive blow, but Show creamed Sheamus with a giant spear.Back from break Show was still in control of the match working on Sheamus. Ziggler then tagged in and measured Sheamus for a big dropkick. As Ziggler wore down Sheamus, Cole noted all of the legends backstage say Ziggler has the most upside of anyone in WWE, but he just has to put it all together. Sheamus then came back with White Noise and hot-tagged Cena. Cena exploded on Ziggler with clotheslines into a sit-out slam. He wanted an AA, but Big Show kicked him in the injured knee. Chaos ensued. Sheamus then lifted up Show for White Noise simultaneous to Cena lifting Ziggler into the air for an AA, drawing a huge pop. Cena covered Ziggler for the win.
WINNERS: Cena & Ziggler
Damien Sandow Vs Santino Marrella
The match was joined in-progress with Sandow in control. But, Santino stood up and power-walked across the ring, annoying Sandow. Sandow then drove a knee into Santino's throat. Sandow controlled the action with stomps into the Elbow Sandow lost control, though, and Santino pulled out The Cobra, which scared Sandow out of the ring. Back in the ring, Sandow stole the Cobra puppet, then avoided a top-rope Sailor's Salute drop. Sandow followed with The End neckbreaker for the pin and the win.
Winner: Damien Sandow
Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara
Del Rio dominated Sin Cara as Ricardo Rodriguez cheered on Del Rio. Sin Cara teased a comeback with a kick to the face before delivering a flying head scissors into the barricade on the outside. Cara posed in the ring as Del Rio recovered on the outside. Back from break, the announcers discussed whether Ricardo would have a job if Del Rio did not hire him as his personal ring announcer. Meanwhile, Cara continued to control the action, shocking Cole. Del Rio then popped Cara in the mouth, sending Cara flying to the outside. On the floor, Del Rio chucked Cara into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Del Rio resumed control of the match and teased ripping off Cara's mask. Cara came back with a hangspring elbow smash to the chest, then measured Del Rio for a corner attack. Cara then climbed to the top-rope and nailed a cross-body splash for a close two count. Cara made a fist that he wanted to finish off Del Rio, then hit a flip-over reverse DDT. He climbed to the top again, but missed with a Swanton Bomb. Del Rio then spun Cara into position for the cross arm-breaker and Cara immediately tapped out.
Vince Mcmahon comes out as vickie is in the ring and he said its nice to be back. He addressed the TLC PPV & asked vickie a couple of questions. She made a match with John Cena vs Dolp Ziggler. She wanted a no Dq match but vince said that match would be a ladder match with the Money in the bank briecase to be the prize. Vince addressed the Cm Punk liar test for tonight. If cm punk is found being a liar & failing the test then next week live on raw it would be Ryback vs Paul Heyman.
Randy Orton Vs Brad Maddox
Brad danced around the ring, then tried to hit Orton in the mouth, but Orton knocked him to the outside. Orton checked his mouth, then left the ring to clothesline Brad hard to the mat as the announcers discussed Brad being aloof or a goof. Back in the ring, Orton chased down Brad for a giant spike DDT from the second rope. Orton then dropped Brad with an RKO for the pin and the win.
4 Way U.S Title Match: Antonio Cesaro (C) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth
Kofi and Barrett go at it Kofi then knocked Cesaro off the apron to the floor. So, it was Truth vs. Barrett in the ring. Truth pulled down the top rope to crotch Barrett, then Kofi and Truth came face-to-face in the ring. After the Code of Honor was adhered to, they exchanged friendly offense before coming to a stalemate following a double dropkick.
Cesaro was quickly dumped out of the ring, though, before Kofi clotheslined Wade to the outside. So, it was back to Kofi and Truth. Kofi then hit a suicide dive on Barrett on the outside. Truth tried to splash Cesaro on the outside, but Cesaro caught him and ran him into the guardrail. Cesaro followed with a massive uppercut to Truth. Cesaro then rolled Kofi into the ring. Kofi and Cesaro were battling mid-ring. Cesaro then executed a one-legged airplane spin into a half-Boston Crab. Kofi refused to give up, though, then Truth broke it up and delivered offense to Cesaro. Barrett had enough of being left out of the equation, so he re-entered and battled Cesaro. After they slugged it out, Kofi re-entered, only to take Winds of Change from Barrett. Truth then blasted Barrett with the Axe Kick, covered Barrett, and Barrett kicked out. Barrett hoisted Truth to the top turnbuckle and wanted a big superplex, but Truth punched out. Cesaro then blasted Truth before Kofi entered the equation and arm-dragged Cesaro off the top. Next was a Tower of Doom spot where Kofi powerbomed Barrett as Barrett superplexed R-Truth. Cesaro then flew into the ring to break up a pin attempt. Cesaro then dropped Kofi with his reverse torture rack slam, but Kofi kicked out of a pin. Cesaro, angered, walked into a catapult from Truth, who then clotheslined both of them out of the ring. Barrett blasted Kofi with a knee to the head. Kofi chopped Barrett, though, before delivering a dropkick into a clothesline. Kofi hit the Boom Drop, then wanted Trouble in Paradise, but Cesaro yanked him to the outside. Cesaro then rolled back into the ring to set up Barrett for the Equalizer, but Truth popped Cesaro with a kick. Barrett then smashed Truth with a Bullhammer Elbow. Suddenly, Kofi re-entered with Trouble in Paradise on Barrett, but Cesaro broke up a pin. Cesaro then smashed Kofi with the Neutralizer for the pin and the win.
Winner & Still U.S Champion: CESARO
The miz came out with the miz tv lie detector test with cm punk. They went back & forth until Miz got mad & asked Punk if Brad Maddox or The shield is working with him at that point the shield came out & attacked him. After laying out the miz ,Team Hell No comes out to make the save. They brawl with the shield til Ryback comes out to make it even. Its a huge brawl til everyone is gone except Cm Punk who is standing tall in the ring. Ryback lays him out with his finisher , Ladder , Chair & finally a Table to end the show.
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