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They lock up and Miz goes for a quick roll up. They lock up again and Miz applies a headlock. Cesaro fights out and they trade holds. Cesaro drops Miz but misses a clothesline. Miz drops Cesaro for 2. Miz with another roll up for 2. Miz with a headlock takeodown now. More back and forth action. Cesaro catches Miz in mid-air with a backbreaker for 2. Miz comes back but Cesaro catches him in mid-air with a slam this time for another pin attempt. Cesaro with another 2 count. Cesaro uses the ropes now.
Cesaro with an uppercut and a gutwrench suplex for a 2 count. Cesaro with lefts and rights in the corner now. Miz fights back and charges but once again gets caught in mid-air with a big slam for another pin attempt. Cesaro with a chest stomp and kick to the back. Miz fights out of a hold and hits the backbreaker neckbreaker combo. Miz unloads in the corner and hits a big clothesline. Miz goes to the top but lands bad on his leg after Cesaro counters. Miz still manages to hit a DDT for 2. Cesaro gets caught with his feet on the ropes. More back and forth. Miz with a big kick to the face. More back and forth. Cesaro gets the win with The Neutralizer.
Winner & Still U.S Champion: Antonio Cesaro (C)
AR's Truth: A decent match with The obvisous choice of the winner. Cesaro needed a extended run as Champion & got it. Decent Match 2.5-5*
We have a backstage segment with ADR And Bret Hart. Basically Hart saying good luck to ADR.
Last Man Standing World Title Match: Alberto Del Rio (C) Vs Big Show
They lock up but show throws him in the in corner & chops the chest but adr starts his attacks with strikes until show hits a shoulder block. Big show suplex, Back in the corner he chops the chest of adr. Out of nowhere adr kicks and punches him, he comes off the top rope but is caught with a big chop by the big show. Big show headbutts him then irish wipes him in the corner following with a splash. ADR kicks his knee making big show fall then he hits a super kick with show leaning on the ropes. Show picks adr up but adr hits a hurricanronna then adr hits crossbody. ADR hits an kick in the corner followed by strikes to the arm then goes for arm bar but show counters with a slam. Show goes to the outside and hits a chop then throws him back in the ring. Big show grabs a chair but adr kicks him and grabs the chair hitting him with it. ADR goes to the top rope but is caught and big show choke slam him. On the outside big show slams him down on the ground. ADR kicks him in the nuts then a kick to the face. Big show kicks, headbutt adr to the stage area. Big show throws adr face into the ground followed by him throwing ADR into the stage. Big show misses a kick then he grabs a light bulb of the stage & cracked it over his head. Show grabs a table then chops his chest. Show climbs the stage thing then brings ADR up there then he chokelsam threw the table!!!. Show brings ADR back in the ring with a kick to the gut. Show gets the steel steps and throws the steps but misses adr & hits the ring post. Big show goes for a spear but adr moves and big show goes threw the barricade. ADR hits him several times with chair. ADR grabs a fire extingusiher and sprays it. DR puts in arm in the arm bar but when shows feet is on the ropes, Ricardo duck tapes big show feet to it for the win.
Winner & Still World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio (C)
WWE Tag Team Title Match
Team Hell No (c) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars
Bryan and Rhodes kick things off. Rhodes catches Bryan with a boot to the gut before going to work on the arm. Bryan works his way out of it and hits Rhodes with a dropkick. Rhodes sends Bryan into the ropes and Bryan catches Rhodes by the leg, trapping him in a surfboard. Bryan tags out to Kane who hits Cody with a low running dropkick that’s good for a near fall. Kane drives Cody’s head into the turnbuckle before sending him into the ropes. Cody is able to catch Kane with a kick to the knee and a big dropkick before tagging out to Sandow. Kane is able to slam Sandow to the mat before tagging out to Bryan. Kane whips Bryan into Sandow in the corner for a big splash. Sandow gets to his knees and eats a series of kicks from Bryan to the chest. Bryan tags out to Kane who kicks Sandow in the side of the head and hits him with a big right. Sandow is able to catch Kane with a back elbow, but Kane kicks Sandow in the face and sends him to the outside before tossing Rhodes out after him. Bryan tags in and leaps through the ropes, taking out Sandow and Rhodes. Bryan tosses Sandow back into the ring, but Sandow pushes Bryan through the ropes to the outside. Sandow follows to the outside and drives Bryan’s back into the ring apron before bringing things back into the ring and tagging out to Rhodes. Rhodes comes in and slams Bryan to the mat before clamping on a half-crab. JBL calls Cody a tough Tom Selleck with that mustache. Bryan counters into a pin for two, but Cody tags out to Sandow who comes in and splashes Bryan. Sandow hits Bryan with a Russian leg sweep before getting right up for the elbow of disdain. Sandow gets a near fall, then drives his knee into Bryan’s back before dropping one across his face for another near fall. Rhodes tags into the match and takes it to Bryan until he’s caught out of nowhere by a heel kick from Bryan. Sandow tags in and is able to keep Bryan from tagging out. Rhodes tags right back in and shoulders Bryan. Bryan fights to his feet, but Cody prevents him from making a tag and slams him to the mat. Both men make the tag and Kane grabs Sandow across the throat. Sandow avoids the chokeslam, but eats a chop to the throat and a big side slam for a two count. Kane heads to the top but he’s stopped by Sandow. Kane shoves Sandow off but misses a clothesline from the top. Sandow hits a botches neckbreaker, and it’s only good enough for two. Kane catches Sandow and Rhodes by the throat, but Bryan makes a blind tag. Sandow and Rhodes fight out and hit Kane with a double suplex. Bryan hits Sandow with a missile dropkick and Kane chokeslams Rhodes. Bryan clamps on the No Lock and makes Sandow tap out.
Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Hell No
30-Man Royal Rumble Match
Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring in the #1 spot then Chris Jericho comes out as #2
The bell rings and we’re ready to begin! The crowd is already going nuts, and we haven’t even started. Ziggler and Jericho lock up and Jericho clamps on a headlock. Ziggler sends Jericho into the ropes, and eats a shoulder block. Ziggler tosses Jericho to the apron, but he heads right up to the top and comes off with an axe handle smash before sending Ziggler out to the apron. Ziggler punches Jericho away and heads to the top but he’s stopped by Jericho. Jericho tries to shove Ziggler to the floor, but Ziggler fights it off. Jericho hits a superplex as #3 is announced, and it’s Cody Rhodes.
Jericho goes right after Rhodes, but Ziggler teams up with Rhodes and they take it to the veteran. Rhodes and Ziggler try to toss Jericho over the top, but he’s able to hold on to the ropes. Cody catches him with a nasty kick to the gut, but Jericho recovers quickly and locks Cody in the walls of Jericho. Ziggler attacks from behind and chokes Jericho against the bottom rope. Ziggler slingshots Jericho against the bottom rope throat first. The clock counts down.
#4 is Kofi Kingston.
Kingston comes in with a giant dropkick to Rhodes before mounting him in the corner for ten punches. Kofi misses trouble in paradise on Ziggler, but he’s able to send Ziggler out to the apron. Rhodes tries to get Cody out, and Jericho tries to get Rhodes out in turn. Jericho takes Rhodes into the corner and chokes him with his boot as Kofi tries to get Ziggler over the top rope a second time. Rhodes helps Ziggler as the clock winds down again.
#5 is Santino Marella.
Marella comes in and has already broken his record, tossing everyone out to the apron, but not eliminating anyone. Santino reaches for the Cobra, but it doesn’t help him as Rhodes is able to toss him over the top rope to the outside.
Santino has been eliminated.
Ziggler continues to focus on Kingston and Rhodes teams up to help him. Kingston kicks them both away as the crowd counts down from ten another time. 3MB’s music hits.
Drew McIntyre is #6.
McIntyre comes in hot, trying to eliminate Kofi right off the bat, but things break down as Jericho comes in from behind. Jericho peels off and walks right into a dropkick from Ziggler, and he ends up tossed over the ropes, almost falling out to the floor. He’s able to pull himself back up as the clock counts down once more.
#7 is Titus O’Neal.
Titus comes in quick and goes right for Kofi and Rhodes, fighting off both off them. Titus picks up Kofi for a big backbreaker before throwing him aside. Jericho tosses McIntyre to the apron and dropkicks him to the outside.
Drew McIntyre has been eliminated.
Ziggler comes close to being eliminated again, but sneaks back into the ring as Rhodes and Titus focus on Jericho.
#8 is Goldust!
Cody doesn’t look happy, and Goldust goes right for him, catching him right a right hand, and sending him out to the ring apron, stomping away at him. The crowd’s happy to see Goldust as he unloads on his brother in the corner. Goldust tries to elminate Cody, but Cody fight his brother off. The clock winds down again.
#9 is David Otunga.
Otunga comes in and heads after Goldust and then Jericho, choking him in the corner with his boot. Titus beats on Goldust in the corner as Ziggler tries to send Kofi to the outside. Rhodes and Goldust team up on Titus, trying to dump him over the top rope. They get him out to the apron, but Rhodes turns on Goldust, and screws up the plan for everyone.
#10 is another 3MB entrant, Heath Slater.
Slater heads into the ring and goes after Goldust, then Otunga, stomping away at his former partner in the corner. Slater is able to pepper Kofi with a couple of rights before getting caught by Titus. Ziggler is once again in a precarious position, due to Jericho this time. Rhodes finds his way on the apron courtesy of Titus as the clock counts down again.
#11 is Sheamus.
Sheamus comes in and hits a couple of Irish curse backbreakers, then a couple of nasty roll throughs. Sheamus sends Titus out to the apron, and launches Otunga into him, sending Titus to the outside.
Titus O’Neal has been eliminated.
Sheamus catches Otunga with a couple of blows to the chest and a brogue kick that sends him to the floor.
David Otunga has been eliminated.
#12 is Tensai.
Tensai comes in and attacks everyone, but quickly pairs up with Sheamus, fighting him in the corner. Everything breaks down into random brawling with people splitting off every now and then and Ziggler ending up on the ring apron almost eliminated. Another entrant gets counted down.
Unlucky #13 is Brodus Clay.
Brodus makes his way into the Rumble and heads right after Jericho before trading blows with Tensai for a bit. Rhodes sends Goldust flying across the ring, but Goldust as able to backdrop Rhodes to the apron. Goldust charges, but Rhodes drags him out to the apron. Goldust clothesline Rhodes into the ring, and Rhodes sends ‘dust into the ring post and to the outside.
Goldust has been eliminated.
The clock counts down once more.
#14 is Rey Mysterio.
Mysterio comes in and blasts Ziggler with a nasty kick before hitting Jericho with a 619 and dropping the dime on the returning superstar. Everyone tries to clump up on Tensai, but it doesn’t last too long. Sheamus tries to get him out on his own, but Tensai fight it off.
#15 is Darren Young.
Everyone teams up on Brodus Clay, and he’s dumped over the top, Tensai is sent out by Kofi shortly after.
Brodus Clay and Tensai have been eliminated.
Ziggler sends Kofi to the apron and he lands on Tensai’s back. Kofi lands on the announcer’s table.
Kofi stands on the table and asks for JBL’s chair. JBL hands it to him as the clock counts down.
#16 is Bo Dallas.
Kingston uses the chair like a pogo stick and hops his way over to the ring. He the low bridges Darren Young and eats a disaster kick from Rhodes.
Darren Young and Kofi Kingston have been eliminated.
Dallas blasts Slater with a back elbow as the clock counts down.
The Godfather makes his way down to the ring with a couple of his ladies in tow, getting a great pop from the crowd. Ziggler dropkicks him right over the top and to the outside.
The Godfather has been eliminated.
Godfather doesn’t look too upset as he puts his glasses and hat back on and struts out with his ladies. Jericho slams Dallas to the mat and hits him with a second rope knee drop as the timer counts down.
Wade Barrett is #18.
Barrett comes in and goes right after Jericho, stomping away at him in the corner before catching Sheamus with a black hole slam. Barrett tries to get Sheamus over the top and he’s helped by Jericho, but they just can’t manage to get him out. Barrett fights with Slater as the crowd counts down once more.
#19 is John Cena.
Cena does not get a welcoming reaction on his way into the match as everyone gangs up on him from the get go. Cena fights off everyone, sending Heath Slater and Cody Rhodes over the top and to the outside.
Heath Slater and Cody Rhodes have been eliminated.
Cena tries to eliminate Jericho, but it’s broken up by Ziggler. Bo Dallas tries to eliminate Cena in the corner, but Cena fights it off.
#20 is Damien Sandow.
Mysterio heads up to the top and catches Barrett with a hurricanrana that takes both to the apron. Barrett heads back in and kicks Mysterio from the apron.
Rey Mysterio has been eliminated.
Sheamus attacks Barrett as Jericho tries to lock in the walls of Jericho on Cena and the clock counts down.
#21 is Daniel Bryan.
Bryan goes right for Sandow, kicking away at him before turning to Ziggler, then Barrett, kicking them all repeatedly in the chest. Bryan shoulders Jericho and tries to get him over the top with the help of Sheamus. Jericho hangs on as Sheamus pulls Bryan into the corner to fight. Ziggler pounds on Dallas in the corner and the next entrant comes down.
#22 is Antonio Cesaro.
Cesaro comes in and is targeted right away by Sheamus and Daniel Bryan. Sheamus hits him with a nasty clubbing blow. Things break down into simple brawling, lots of punches and uppercuts.
#23 is The Great Khali.
Khali heads into the ring and begins chopping as many people’s heads as possible before standing on Jericho’s throat in the corner. Cesaro struggles to get Sheamus over the top rope. Bryan blasts Ziggler with rights, but eats a head butt from Khali.
#24 is Kane.
Kane comes in and goes after Ziggler, getting him out to the apron once more. Kane pairs off with Khali, trying to wear him down with Bryan but Khali fights them both off. Sandow comes close to eliminating Sheamus, but Sheamus hangs on. The ring is filling up, and we’re getting one more.
#25 is Zack Ryder.
Kane dumps Khali over the top rope, and is in turn dumped over the top by Bryan. Cesaro sends Bryan to the apron and dumps him out into Kane’s waiting arms. Bryan asks to be put into the ring, but Kane refuses and drops him to the floor.
The Great Khali, Kane, and Daniel Bryan have been eliminted.
#26 is Randy Orton.
Orton comes in with a series of clotheslines and a snap powerslam to Ziggler. Orton tosses Bo Dallas and Ziggler to the apron and brings both in with a double suspension DDT before hitting Ryder with an RKO and dumping him over the top.
Zack Ryder has been eliminated. Cesaro and Barrett team up on Barrett in the corner as the clock counts down again.
#27 is Jinder Mahal.
Cesaro picks up Cena and tries to toss him over the top, but Cena fights it off and tosses Cesaro over.
Antonio Cesaro has been eliminated.
Cena and Barrett pair up for a bit before Cena looks for Ziggler, slingshotting him over the top to the apron. Sheamus catches Barrett with a huge clothesline.
#28 is the Miz.
Miz comes out and attacks Cesaro on his way out to the ring. Sheamus clotheslines Mahal over the top.
Jinder Mahal has been eliminated.
Miz hits Cena with a reverse DDT while Barrett tries to eliminated Sheamus. Orton puts Ziggler on the top turnbuckle and pushes him to the apron.
#29 is Sin Cara.
Cara comes in with a couple of quick spots before being grounded by Sandow. Sheamus is able to muscle Cena out to the apron. Dallas is on the apron and he drags Barrett over the top rope and to the floor.
Wade Barrett has been eliminated.
Sheamus tosses Sandow to the apron, but Sandow hangs on to the ropes to keep himself alive. Miz backdrops Jericho to the apron and Wade Barrett leaps up to the apron and pulls Dallas over the top.
Bo Dallas has been elimiated.
Barrett winds up and blasts Dallas with a nasty elbow.
#30 is Ryback.
Ryback charges out to the ring and goes after everyone, pushing them away. Ryback dumps Sandow out onto the apron and charges in, knocking him to the floor.
Sandow has been eliminated.
Cara kicks Ryback and tries to leap off the top on him, but Ryback swats him away and tosses him to the outside.
Sin Cara has been eliminated.
Miz tries to attack from behind, but ends up tossed to the outside as well.
Miz has been elminiated.
Jericho hits Ryback with the codebreaker and Cena with a lionsault. He almost eliminates Sheamus before hitting Ziggler with a codebreaker, and being sent from the ring by Ziggler in turn.
Jericho has been eliminated.
Ryback ends up charging shoulder first into the ring post. Orton hits Ziggler, Cena and Sheamus with RKO’s before bringing Ryback back into the ring with a suspension DDT. Orton tries for an RKO on Ryback, but Ryback pushes him off and clotheslines him over the top.
Randy Orton has been eliminated.
Sheamus takes Ziggler out to the apron and Ziggler fights back, but a brogue kick sends Ziggler to the floor.
Dolph Ziggler has been eliminated.
It’s down to Sheamus, Cena and Ryback. Cena and Sheamus team up on Ryback with a double suplex. They stare each other down, then look up to the WrestleMania sign. Both men begin unloading on each other and Cena hits a couple of shoulder blocks and a belly to back suplex, but misses the five knuckle shuffle when Ryback stops him with a giant clothesline. Ryback tries for shellshock on Sheamus, but Sheamus fights out and connects with white noise on Ryback.
Sheamus tries for the brogue kick, but Ryback counters by picking him up and tossing him from the ring.
Sheamus has been eliminated.
Cena catches Ryback with a series of rights, but runs right into a big spinebuster. Ryback tries for the clothesline, but Cena catches him with a drop toe hold and locks in the STF. Ryback fades, and appears to pass out. Cena pulls Ryback to his feet and seats him on the top rope. Ryback begins to fight back, hitting a Thesz press from the middle rope before shouldering Cena. Ryback charges toward the ropes, but Cena drops down, and pushes Ryback over the top and to the floor.
Winner: John Cena
The rock does a good interview backstage about becoming the wwe champion.
WWE Title Match: The Rock Vs CM Punk (C)
They kick things off with them just going at it with strikes but punk kicks and strikes him down. He throws him in the corner but the rock hits a clothesline but then Rock clothesline punk out of the ring. Outside the ring rock throws a punch but punk counters but rock throws punk into the barricade then focuses he way to the announce table allowing punk to get the advantage and throws him back in the ring. When they go in the ring rock throws him back out. Rock throws him into the barricade then Heyman attacks the rock allowing punk to knock him down. Punk suplexes the rock on the top of the barricade. Back in the ring we go with punk in control with heavy knees then a kick to the back. Punk locks in a midsection submission but rock gets out of it with elbows. The rock comes back with some punches but punk puts a knee up to the midsection for a count of 2. Punk puts the rock back into a midsection submission.Rock battles out of it then punk puts up another knee to the face. Punk works the midsection with some shots then uses the ropes for some clubbing shots. Punk throws the rock ribs first onto the ropes for a count of 2. Punk kicks the ribs then some knees to the ribs in the corner. Heyman throws in a cheap shot on the rock & punk hits a spring board kick to knock out the rock to the floor then punk comes off the top rope with a double handle. Back in the ring the rock goes after the knee to punk with kicks but punk throws out the rock. Punk goes threw the ropes for a suicide dive to the to outside. Back in the ring with punk on the apron & misses a spring board clothesline then the rock goes after the injured knee of the champion. The rock hits a neck breaker for a count of 2. The rock goes for the rock bottom but punk blocks it & punk goes for the gst but rock blocks it & goes for the sharpe shooter but its block then punk puts in the anaconda device. The rock counter it with a pin attempt then the rock hits a ddt. The rock goes for the rock bottom but punk caught him then rock puts punk in the sharpe shooter but punk grabs the bottom rope. On the outside the rock hits a clothesline & gets the Spanish announce table ready for some business. The rock throws punks head into it then they both are on the table. The rock goes for the rock bottom but the table broke before he hit it. Whoops Blooper right there then they rock hits a rock bottom on the outside. Back in the ring we go for count of 2. Punk hits a kick to the head of the rock, both guys to there feet with them trading shots until the rock hits a clothesline followed by a spine buster followed by the people elbows but then the lights go out. On commentary they say the shield put the rock through the announce table. Lights back on with confusion as punk grabs the rock & puts him in the ring, He covers the rock for a count of 3.
Winner & Still WWE Champion: Cm Punk (C)
But The Vince McMahon comes out & says that the rules of the match with the shield. Vince is about to strip the championship but the rock says the night won't end like this & the match is restarted.
WWE Title Match: The rock vs Cm Punk
We have the rock getting beat down by punk with kicks & punches. Punk hits the knee followed by a clothesline. Punk goes to the top rope & hits the elbow for a count of 2. Punk goes for the GTS but the rock blocks it & hits the spine buster followed by the people elbows for the win.
Winner & Finally New WWE Champion: The Rock
Thanks for watching along with me.
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