Date: January 31, 2014
Location: Toledo, OH
Commentary: John Bradshaw Layfield & Michael Cole
Reported By: Benson Anwuri
TV Rating:
- Antonio Cesaro def. Dolph Ziggler to qualify for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match.
- Fandango def. Xavier Woods
- Ryback & Curtis Axel def. The Primetime Player
- Christian def. Jack Swagger to qualify for WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match.
- Kofi Kingston def. Damien Sandow
- Cody Rhodes def. Road Dogg
- The Shield def. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Rey Mysterio
Detailed ResultsWe open this edition of Friday Night SmackDown from Toledo, OH recapping the Royal Rumble, hyping the Elimination Chamber and the confrontation that opened this past Monday on RAW featuring Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Sheamus, The Shield, and The Authority.
The recap continues hyping the main event between Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Sheamus vs. The Shield to qualify for the Elimination Chamber WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. The match ends due to outside interefence from Wyatt Family, sending Daniel Bryan, John Cena, and Sheamus to the main event of the Elimination Chamber PPV.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. Antonio Cesaro w/Zeb Colter
Smackdown opens with Dolph Ziggler making his way to the ring. Antonio Cesaro is out next and he makes his way to the ring being accompanied by Zeb Colter. Zeb Colter has a sign saying “I Prefer Aliens From Mars” & “Illegals Make Me Ill.” Right out of the gate Cesaro scores a running dropkick and goes for the pin. He kicks out at two. Ziggler charges back with a quick rollup that is quickly countered. This begins a chain reversal sequence with both men countering until Zigger breaks the trend with a Fameasser. Antonio Cesaro leaves the ring to catch his breath and Ziggler follows him. Cesaro and Ziggler both get in the ring and when Ziggler goes for his jumping DDT, it is quickly countered into a powerslam from Cesaro. Cesaro controls Ziggler to the turnbuckle then follows up with a double underhook suplex for a near fall. Ziggler mounts offense until Cesaro quells it with a clothesline to the outside.
Cesaro pursues him and presses him onto the barricade. JBL and Cole bicker about how unprofessional Cole is. Ziggler rolls back into the ring at 9 and is immediately met by Cearo for a two count. Ziggler chants start up until Cesaro gets Ziggler in a sleeper hold. We The People chants start up throughout the arena. Ziggler fights back into the match with right hands. Ziggler goes for the stinger splash and is met with no one. Cesaro powers Ziggler up from outside the apron into a superplex that is met with a near fall. Cesaro has a chin lock applied to Ziggler but as he powers out he is sent back down to the mat and reapplies the sleeper hold. Ziggler battles out with a jawbreaker. Cesaro goes for a clothesline and Ziggler evades to counter with a dropkick for a near fall. Cesaro kicks out and goes into a series of elbows that Dolph eventually counters into a sleeper. The crowd chants for Ziggler but again they are stopped when Cesaro counters with a throw. Cesaro goes for the uppercut but Ziggler couters with a DDT for a close two count. Ziggler goes for the ZigZag but Cesaro holds on to the ropes. Ziggler sells the lingering effects of his concussion. Cesaro then gives Ziggler the giant swing for 7 revolutions to a huge crowd applause. Cesaro hits the Neutralizer and Cesaro picks up the win.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro via pinfall in 8:28
With the victory, Cesaro qualifies for the Elimination Chamber
The commentary team states that this is an incredible opportunity for Cesaro.
-Commercial Break-
Next out is The Shield. The commentary team recaps Roman Reigns’ dominance at the Royal Rumble.
Dean Ambrose begins speaking by how the Elimination Chamber is a stage specifically designed for the Shield. He states that if in the match, Orton and The Authority know that one of members of the Shield would have walked out the Elimination Chamber with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Dean turns his attention to Roman Reigns and asks if he thinks that he would win the title inside the structure. Roman retorts by saying he didn't think he would win, he KNOWS he would have won. Dean then goes on to belttle his Royal Rumble elimination record. Roman and Dean get in each other’s faces and Dean threatens that his next attack won’t be a surprise.
Seth is the voice of reason and intervenes by saying that The Shield are the most dominant force that the WWE has ever seen and they have new targets in the Wyatt Family. Seth Rollins declares that the Wyatt Family must be dealt with. Dean says that if the Wyatt Family want a new world, they’ll give them one. The say the will wipe the Wyatt Family of the face of the earth.
Vickie comes out to a chorus of boos. Vickie agrees with Dean and says that match was never thought to have been possible. Before she makes the anticipated match official, Triple H comes out and sends Vickie to the back. Triple H enters the ring and says he understands the Shield’s plight. He agrees that the Wyatt Family stole their opportunity to become champions and he tells them to just let the situation go, he says there is nothing to gain and that it was a case of “bad place, wrong time, wrong situation.”
Triple H reiterates that The Shield let it go. Seth tells Triple H to see it their way but Triple H again tells them to let it go. Roman Reigns gets in Triple H’s face and says that The Shield were not asking for permission. Roman Reigns chants erupt in the building.
Triple H states that since The Shield will not let it go, he is going to profit from it. Triple H asks if the crowd wants to see The Wyatt Family take on The Shield and the crowd cheers. Triple H says he will do what’s best for business and makes the match official at the Elimination Chamber. Triple H leaves with saying that he hopes that The Shield knows what they are doing.
-Commercial Break-
Fandango w/Summer Rae vs. Xavier Woods w/The Funkadactlys
We return midway through Fandango’s entrance and we see that Woods is already in the ring. R-Truth is on commentary and JBL and JBL reiterates that the R-Truth/JBL album needs to hit the shelves.
Collar and elbow tie up begins this contest between the two dancing superstars. Fandango is forced off into the ropes and powers back with a clothesline. Fandango turns around to taunt the crowd while Woods recovers and hits a dropkick. Fandango recovers only to have his legs swept by Woods. Woods goes for the cover and Fandango kicks out. JBL on commentary states that he hasn’t seen El Torito since Woods started wearing his leather jacket. He asks R-Truth if Woods skinned El Torito and R-Truth replies with a “no way.”
Back in the ring, Woods runs the ropes and tries to hit a move that is countered into throw backward that drives Wood’s head into the canvas. Fandango goes for the pin but Woods kicks out at one. Fandango taunts again, moves to pick up Woods for a clothesline and the transitions into a sleeper hold. Woods tries to feed off the crowd but Fandango sends him into the corner. On the rebound, Xavier rolls through, and uses a facebuster variant to build some momentum. Woods hits some elbows on Fandango and then kicks him in the gut. With Fandango still reeling, Woods hits a running drop kick that sends Fandango out the ring. Woods kips up and runs to hit a diving flip on Fandango.
We see Emma in the crowd and after Woods hits his previous maneuver, a distraught Summer Rae rips up Emma’s sign. Emma reveals she has another sign and the crowd cheers.
Back in the ring, Woods is on the top rope and Fandango hits the ropes to make him fall on his groin, giving him some time. Fandango follows the dirty move with a press slam that gives him the win.
Winner: Fandango via pinfall in 3:14
Fandango moves to attack him after the match but R-Truth intervenes and hits him with his finisher. R-Truth asks the crowd “What’s Up” and they respond back with the same. Xavier Woods, R-Truth and the Funkadactlys dance as the announce team shift gears to the second qualifying match for the Elimination Chamber taking place later in the evening: Christian vs. Jack Swagger
-Commercial Break-
The Primetime Players vs. Rybaxel
The Primetime Players vs. Rybaxel is up next. Axel and Young start the match and Young starts with a quick takedown. Young has Axel in a headlock but Axel gets back to a vertical base and transitions to behind Young to gain control of his arm, Axel counters to control Axel’s arm and Axel counters again by elbowing Young in the face. Goldberg chants begin and when Young gets some shots in that angers Axel, Axel drives Young into his team’s corner and gets some additional shots in before tagging in The Big Guy, Ryback.
Goldberg chants start up again Ryback and Young have a quick exchange until Ryback sends Young to his knees with a thunderous kick. Young is disoriented and Ryback sends his outside with authority. This gets a nice reaction from the crowd and on commentary they mention that when he is focused, Ryback is a dangerous competitor. Outside, Axel tries to get some offense in on the prone Young while Ryback has the referee distracted but Young counters with a right hand that floors him. As Young tries to get into the ring, Ryback kicks him in the chest. Young groggily enters the ring but no sooner than he turns around, he is met with a thunderous Meat Hook Clothesline that busts his lip open. Ryback tags out and Axel hit his finisher for the quick victory.
Winners: Rybaxel (Ryback & Curtis Axel) via pinfall in 1:30
Titus has a look of disappointment on his face as the commentary team is surprised that not only didn't Titus get in the match; Titus didn’t break up the pin.
Titus screams at Young saying that they lost in less than two minutes. Young asks what is Titus is doing. Young says they are like brothers and that they are family. Titus says that they aren’t family and that since teaming with Young he has been known as a loser. He claims that he came to the WWE to be a winner. Young asks to talk about this in the back and Titus says that the only back they will get rid of is the dead weight of Darren Young on the back of Titus O’ Neil. Titus proceeds to attack him with a boot to the chest. Afterwards, he throws Young into the barricade twice to cement his heel turn.
JBL and Cole discuss the events that just transpired and then discuss the second Hall Of Famer of Class of 2014: Jake “The Snake” Roberts.
Up next Christian vs. Jack Swagger
-Commercial Break-
We get a vignette for Alexander Rusev speaking in Russian. Lana comes from behind him translating what he said as “Rusev hit. Rusev crush.” Rusev proclaims that the Rusev Legacy will start now.
JBL & Cole talk about how impressive Rusev was in the Royal Rumble. As Christian makes his way from behind the curtain, there is a nice pop for him. There is no entrance for Jack Swagger. They play up Jack Swagger’s troubles against Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio and recap Zeb Colter’ slap to Jack Swagger.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Christian vs. Jack Swagger w/Zeb Colter
The match begins and like a ball of fire Swagger explodes into Christian and overpowers him. Christian tries to come off the top rope but is caught and dumped over the top rope. Swagger then hits a clothesline that has Christian reeling. Swagger rolls Christian back into the ring and proceeds to roll him around the ring. Christian feeds off the crowd to get back to his feet but Swagger sends him back to the turnbuckle. Christian fights out of the corner only to be sent into the adjacent corner where he is hit with a Swagger bomb. Swagger then stands on Christian’s chest using full advantage of the referee’s 5 count. Swagger knees him repeatedly after Christian gets back up. There is constant bickering between Colter, Cole, & JBL. Swagger sends Christian to the top rope and Christian fights out. Christian hits a tornado DDT from the tope rope and Swagger kicks out at 2. The crowd is getting riled up and Christian attacks with quick offense. Christian takes advantage of Swagger’s slow recovery time and hits a beautiful missile dropkick. Christian goes back to the top trope and hits a flying elbow. Christian goes for the Killswitch but the move is countered by Swagger into the Gutwrench Powerbomb for only a two count.
Swagger is being thrown off his game by Colter. Swagger goes for another Swagger bomb but is met with feet to the face by Christian. Christian goes to the tope rope and goes into a pinning combination for a two count. Christian goes for the Killswitch, which is then countered into a backdrop that is then countered once more. Christian runs at Jack Swagger but is propelled into the air and he lands hard. On the way down, Swagger applies the Patriot Lock, however, Christian rolls through the move and counters into a small package for a two count. Swagger kicks out while Christian again goes to the top rope after Swagger goes shoulder first from missing a spear. Swagger recovers quickly enough to attempt a belly to belly suplex from the top rope but Christian send him crashing down. Christian wins with a frog splash.
Winner: Christian via pinfall in 5:52
With the victory, Christian qualifies for the Elimination Chamber
The Main Event of the evening is announced, as it will be Rey Mysterio, Daniel Bryan, and Sheamus taking on The Shield in 6-man tag team action.
Damien Sandow is seen walking to the ring, as it is announced that he will be facing off against Kofi Kingston.
-Commercial Break-
Christian is seen still suffering from the effects of his match against Jack Swagger until Renee Young meets him in the backstage area. Christian says it is good to be back and he is happy to have eared a spot in the Elimination Chamber match. Christian states that with his injuries and his years in the business taking a toll on his body, his opportunity is closing for a World Championship and the opportunity to headline WrestleMania. He doesn't say he is desperate, he says he will use it to be the most dangerous Christian ever.
Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow
The announce team recaps Kofi’s spectacular effort to remain in the Rumble as Sandow makes his way to the ring. The announce team discuss the rough patch that he is going through. Sandow cuts a pre-promo saying that his losing streak is a trial by fire and he will come out of it better than ever.
Very quick action to start the match and Sandow hit his side Russian leg sweep. Kingston kicks out. Sandow sends Kofi to the corner but when he tries to capitalize he misses. Kofi hits some kicks but Sandow recovers with a swift knee to the midsection. Sandow goes for the quick pin but Kofi kicks out at one. Sandow puts Kofi in an abdominal stretch but Kofi counters with an arm drag. Sandow recovers with a kick to the midsection again and a sunset flip, which Kofi rolls through to strike Sandow in the face with a swift kick. Kofi hits a flurry of quick moves that is capped off with a dropkick that sends Sandow to the corner. Kofi goes for his corner spot but Sandow rolls out of the way. Kofi goes for a springboard splash but is met with nobody. Sandow pins but Kofi kicks out. Sandow is frustrated with the referees call and is met with a quick kick to the midsection from Kofi. Kofi then attempts the Trouble In Paradise and Sandow evades it. Sandow goes for his finisher but it is countered into the S.O.S. for the victory.
Winner: Kofi Kingston in 1:57
The commentary team make note that Sandow is in a troubling spot in his career. JBL makes note that Sandow was a match away from being World Heavyweight Champion and now, he can’t win at all
Up next it is Cody Rhodes vs. Road Dogg
-Commercial Break-
Recap of Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar giving Brad Maddox their two choices of matches they wanted to have had happen this past Monday. Brock Lesnar interfered in the tag team title rematch and it shows him decimating The Brotherhood with a pair of F5s and violent chair shots. Triple H discusses the situation in his weekly sit-down interview with Michael Cole. Triple H states that The Brotherhood are still the #1 contenders and will get another shot at the tag titles inside of a steel cage on the next episode of RAW.
Cody Rhodes w/Goldust vs. The Road Dogg w/Billy Gunn
Cody powers Road Dogg into the corner and Road Dogg asks for some reprieve from the referee. Cody relents but is then met with quick right hands from one half of the WWE Tag Team Champions. Cody explodes off the ropes into a clothesline for a quick two and after the exchange both members go to their partners to regroup. Cody sends Road Dogg against the ropes but he is met with a swift kick from the Outlaw. Road Dogg sends Cody to the corner to work on the injured left arm suffered at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Cody tries to gain some offense but Road Dogg goes back to the injured arm. The crowd starts to get behind Cody and when he is sent to the corner Cody does his corner spot for a quick two count. They both stand up and Cody hits with two consecutive clotheslines and a spinning heel kick. Road Dogg gets hung up on the apron and Cody hits him with a quick kick to the midsection. Goldust and Billy Gunn begin brawling outside and when Billy Gunn gets onto the apron, he is met with a disaster kick from Cody. This distraction allows Road Dogg to get a roll up but it was only for two. After the kickout, Cody hits a disaster kick on Road Dogg for the victory.
Winner: Cody Rhodes by pinball in 5:10
-Commercial Break-
We are met with all three members of The Shield in the ring for the 6-man main event. The Wyatt Family’s signature intro interrupts them and Bray Wyatt addresses the Shield. He says that normal men will lose sleep over the thought of dancing with the reapers. He says that the Shield’s creed of war and justice is the god’s game and that he likes to play games. War is his favorite game and that his soul is happy at the thought of surrender. Luke Harper chimes in stating that people will reap what they sow. He says that The Shield have picked a beautiful hill to die on. Wyatt warns them about inviting devils into their backward because they just might stay. Erick Rowan ends the promo with one word: run.
-Commercial Break-
Recap of the match just made by Triple H earlier on tonight for Elimination Chamber, The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield.
Sheamus makes his entrance to a great pop. Rey Mysterio is out next to a great ovation. Daniel Bryan is out next and he has the greatest crowd reaction of the night as the crowd chants Yes! on his way down the aisle. JBL says that the Yes! Movement is in full effect here tonight.
Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio vs. The Shield
Seth Rollins starts the match against Sheamus. Collar and elbow tie up doesn't last long as Sheamus hip tosses Rollins with authority. Rollins recovers and he is met with shoulder block that sends him crashing into the mat. Rollins tags in Reigns who is met with a good reaction from the crowd. Collar and elbow tie up between the two powerhouses and Reigns shoulder blocks Sheamus down to the mat. Reigns hammers away and utterly beats down Sheamus in the corner. Reigns goes for an arm drag but it is stopped by Sheamus who responds with a hard clothesline. Sheamus picks up Reigns but Reigns then forces Sheamus into the corner and Ambrose tags in and beats down Sheamus violently. Ambrose sends Sheamus against the ropes but Sheamus clubs his back and hoists Ambrose on his shoulders to ram in stomach into the ring ropes. From this position, Sheamus hits his running high knee, which sets up Sheamus’ 10 blows to the chest. Sheamus attacks both Shield members in the corner and they all recover on the outside to catch their collective breaths.
The crowd wanted Daniel Bryan in the match badly and Sheamus obliges by tagging out. Rollins tags in as the Yes chants erupt through the arena. Bryan hits Rollins with multiple knees to the chest before driving a running knee to his midsection. Bryan sets up Rollins in the surfboard stretch and Rollins is in a lot of trouble. Bryan tags in Mysterio and Bryan holds Rollins’ head in place for Mysterio to kick. Mysterio hits two hurricanranas to set up Rollins for the 619 but Rollins tags out to Ambrose. Ambrose regains control to make a quick tag tn Reigns for Reigns to take advantage of the distinct size difference. Reigns throws Mysterio out of the ring like garbage and then proceeds to throw Mysterio into the barricade. Reigns goes for the pin but Mysterio kicks out at two. Rollins tags in and Reigns holds Mysterio in place when he tries to tag out. Rollins then hits a knee to the face for a two count.
Rollins puts Mysterio on the top rope and when he goes for the back suplex, Mytserio fights out of it. Rollins then tries an electric chair but Mysterio counters it to send Rollins into the turnbuckle. Both men tag out and in comes Reigns and Bryan. Bryan starts his comeback spot and then hits multiple kicks on Reigns. Reigns ducks the last one and pushes Bryan into the ropes. Reigns charges but Bryan pulls the rope down to send Reigns flying over. Bryan dives through the ropes to hit Reigns and then goes back into the ring to dive and hit Ambrose. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse on Rollins and Reigns recovers from the previous attack to hit his superman punch on Sheamus. As he turns around, Bryan hits his diving dropkick on Reigns for a two count. Bryan puts Reigns in the Yes! Lock and Ambrose breaks it up. Sheamus drags Ambrose out of the ring but Ambrose sends Sheamus bad shoulder first into the ring post. Sheamus has enough wherewithal to hit a Brogue Kick on Ambrose but the damage was done. Bryan tags out to Mysterio and Mysterio puts him in position for the 619. Rollins forces Mysterio to change his plans but Bryan takes Rollins out with a running knee from the apron to the floor. Mysterio sets up Reigns for the 619 again but as he was about to connect, Reigns hits Mysterio with a thunderous spear for the victory.
Winners: The Shield via pinfall in 11:24