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Survivor Series Match - Rey Mysterio, Usos, Cody, Goldust vs. The Shield & Real Americans
Zeb Coulter cuts a promo for the usual "Murica stuff", twerks. Cody cuts off Zeb, as "Nobody has come to listen to you talk, or twerk". Enter Shield. Ambrose and Cody kick it off. Cody eliminates Ambrose with a roll up. Ambrose livid. Both teams in the ring, Usos alone in the ring after teammates throwing everybody out and then both Usos jump over on the opposing teams outside the ring. Cody tags in Goldust to go in against Rollins. Rollins tags in Caesaro, then Jack Swagger. for a double team on Goldust. Swagger beings to punish Goldust with some more team work from the Real Americans. Caesaro picks up from here. Mysterio comes in after Caesaro tags in Swagger again. 619 on Swagger. Jay Uso in and pin Swagger, then eliminated. Caesaro swings around Jay Uso about 15-20 times, lost count. Then gives the swing to Jimmy. Cody jumps in while Caesaro is dizzy, pins and eliminates Caesaro. Babyface team still has no eliminations. Rollins and Reigns giving it to Jay Uso. Jimmy tagged in, and disposed by Reigns with a spear. Cody and Rollins going at it. Rollins takes out Cody with a pin. Jay Uso slams Reigns into the ringside wall and into the ring. Rollins basically drills Jay's face with his foot and gets the pin eliminating Jay Uso. Rey and Goldust left to fight the two remaining members of Shield. Rey in against Rollins. Reigns throws Rey out of the ring, sliding him out the ring via bottom rope making him fly into the protective barrier. Rey manages to roll up Rollins. Rollins beats him up anyways along with Reigns. Reigns alone with Rey and Goldust. Mysterio very exhausted trying to get a fresh Goldust in, gets the tag and Goldust lays out Reigns and gains a near fall. Harsh spear to Goldust and eliminated leaving Rey and Roman to go at it. Rey goes for the 619, gets speared. Roman pins him and wins the match.
Elimination Order: Dean Ambrose, Jack Swagger, Antonio Caesaro, Jimmy Uso, Cody Rhodes, Jay Uso, Seth Rollins, Goldust, Rey Mysterio
Winner: Roman Reigns
Backstage Segment:
Randy demanding some recognition and backup as "face of the company" and Stephanie blows him off as if he's invisible and suddenly sees him, acts sarcastically surprised he suddenly appeared. Triple H is demanding some action from Randy as Stephanie tells him to "go prove" he is indeed the face of the company.
Big E. Langston (C) vs. Curtis Axel - Intercontinental Championship
Langston attempts to get an early pinfall by wrapping him up and rolling. Axel twisting around Langston's arms attempting to get the upper hand and gets thrown. Axel goes aerial after getting Big E. out of the ring and attempts to get a pin after rolling him in, gets a full one count. Axel back on the attack but only for a short while as Big E. takes over the advantage and begins looking to end this. Axel goes low for a shot to the knee and attempts the Perfectplex, fails to secure it. Big E hits his "big ending" finisher and lazily pins Axel for the three count.
Winner: Big E. Langston to retain
Survivor Series Match - Natalya, The Bella Twins, Funkadactyls, Eva Marie, JoJo vs. AJ Lee, Tamina, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendez, Aksana, Summer Rae
Alicia Fox and Naomi kick off the match. Naomi eliminates Alicia Fox off the top rope for a pin.Up next some Funkadactyls team work on Cameron. Rosa gets eliminated by Nikki Bella. Summer Rae in dancing in the ring. Nikki does the worm. Nikki is so "over it" and rams her feet into Summer Rae's face, pins her, eliminated. Kaitlyn eliminates Eva Marie. Kaitlyn eliminates Naomi. Brie eliminates Kaitlyn. Aksana eliminates Brie Bella. Nikki takes out Aksana. Tamina goes up against Nikki, tags in JoJo. JoJo almost rolls up Tamina for a pin, Tamina finishers her off but tags in AJ Lee to take the pin on JoJo. Tamina back in against Natalya. Natalya puts on the sharpshooter on Tamina. AJ Lee jumps in to break it but not before Tamina is eliminated. AJ Lee and Natalya is left over. Natalya puts the sharpshooter and almost breaks AJ Lee in half for the win. Most of these eliminations honestly went by so fast results were hard to keep up.
Elimination Order: Alicia Fox, Cameron, Rosa Mendez, Summer Rae, Eva Marie, Naomi, Kaitlyn, Brie Bella, Aksana, JoJo, Tamina, AJ Lee
Winner: Natalya
Randy Orton trying to get some "back up" from Charles Robinson to call the match "down the middle" but insinuating that he should rig the match at the same time. Charles says "I'll do what The Authority wants." and walks off.
We get a spot to introduce the guys on the Survivor Series panel. Mick, Booker and Bret. Ryback interrupts and cuts a promo on the "old timers". Ryback proclaims he can beat anyone, and he is not a bully. Tells the fans he's "Ryback", gets Goldberg chants from a minor segment of the crowd for a few seconds. Issues open challenge to the locker room. Someone responds...
Mark Henry vs. Ryback
Ryback talking trash to the "World's Strongest Man". Henry having none of it, throws Ryback into the ropes. Mark Henry gets taken down at the back of the knee, Ryback goes for a quick pin for two. Ryberg runs into the steel post after Mark Henry dodges his attack. Mark Henry delivers a series of headbutts. Another hit to the back of the knee of Henry by Ryback. Henry quickly takes back the advantage. Mark Henry execute the world's strongest slam and disposes of Ryback in short order.
Winner: Mark Henry
( You can view the new look for Mark Henry at this link)
John Cena (C) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Cena getting a mixed reaction from his home town. We're going through a series of rest holds as the match starts up. Five minutes later more rest holds. Finally Del Rio with a hip toss taking down Cena but returns to a rest hold. Del Rio and Cena get up for some rope bouncing then Del Rio kicks low to the back knee of Cena's knee, then delivering a text book suplex. Del Rio goes to the top and double axe-handle to Cena's shoulder area. Outside of the ring Del Rio slams Cena into the ringside steps. Risking a count out, Del Rio puts Cena back into the ring at an eight count. Del Rio targeting the arm of Cena. Cena fighting back unsuccessfully as Del Rio lets Cena run his arm into the turnbuckle. Del Rio begins kicking the arm of a downed Cena and maintaining the advantage in the match thus far. Del Rio to the top, mocking Cena. Del Rio jumps and catches Del Rio with a drop kick. Cena begins predicting the end of the match but Del Rio regains the upper hand by countering and attacking Cena's arm some more but misses trying to attack Cena with a drop kick to the arm, Del Rio is outside the ring having flew through the ropes narrowing missing a count out. John Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle. Del Rio counters the AA, and a pin, Cena kicks out at two. Both Cena and Del Rio frustrated that they cannot put an end to the match with as many finishers attempted there have been counters. Del Rio seeing a damaged Cena slows down the pace of the match and hangs up Cena in the corner, applying foot to face. Del Rio goes to run into him in the corner and Cena lifts himself up causing Del Rio to go shoulder first into the ring post. Cena goes up top. Guillotine leg drop lands, but only gets a two count. Cena puts Del Rio in the STF but makes it to the ropes, Cena breaks move. Both competitors exhausted, pulling off desperate moves. Del Rio applies cross arm breaker on Cena's bad arm. Cena counters, lifting Del Rio up to slam him and break the move, furthering injuring Cena's arm. Del Rio and Cena exchange finishers, counters, Cena swoops in for a quick AA and gets the pin and the win, retaining the World Heavyweight Championship
Winner: John Cena retains
Daniel Bryan & CM Punk vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan
Erick Rowan and Daniel Bryan kick this off. Rowan showing his strength against Bryan. Luke comes in, now Punk. Erick back in to crush Punk with his bear hug. CM Punk trying to gain an upper hand begins slapping the head of Erick. CM Punk attempts a suplex but Erick counters. Tag and Daniel Bryan back in against Erick. Bryan gets the tag and they double team Erick for a bit with a series of traded kicks. Harper is tagged in against Punk. Harper quick to gain the advantage but Punk managers to counter with a kick. Bryan tagged in for a double drop kick by Punk and Bryan. Team of CM Punk and Bryan working well together pairing moves and fluid tagging. Harper takes off Punks head with a big boot. Rowan tagged in to take over against Punk. Rowan lands a big uppercut on Punk and begins the "gator roll" on punk as if wrestling an alligator. Harper and Rowan maintaining an semi-solid advantage against Punk while Punk having a hard time now getting Daniel Bryan back in. We get the double tag, Daniel Bryan facing off with Harper. Daniel Bryan lands a big missile drop kick on Harper. We get some "yes kicks" from Bryan and takes Harper to the top rope only to fail and get hit with a super seated powerbomb from the top rope. Daniel Bryan devastated. Rowan in, hits a splash and gets the pin for a two count. Harper back in the ring, and Daniel Bryan gets a slight advantage attempting to get a fresh Punk tagged in. Punk in, dominating Harper. Punk gets Rowan out of the way while he tries to dispose of Harper. Goes to the top, jumps all the way out toward Rowan and Bray Wyatt standing outside of the ring. Punk goes back up, jumps off turnbuckle. Punk hits GTS, gets the pin and the three count. Post-match Bray Wyatt attempts to intimidate Punk and Bryan but backs off.
Winner: CM Punk and Daniel Bryan
Randy Orton (C) vs. Big Show
Orton gets out of the ring at the bell, collects his thoughts. Rolls back in, then out after Big Show gains a slight advantage. Orton back in, Big Show landing powerful chops to Orton's chest, giving some big body blows, using the ropes to step on a downed Orton. Randy delivers a desperate drop kick to Big Show knocking him down. Orton taking the advantage with a series of kicks while Big Show is down. Orton puts a choke on Big Show, Show counters by sleeper Orton up but Orton insistent on this sleeper, keeping it on while on the back of Big Show now. Big Show drops back to the mat, forcing Orton to release the sleeper. Big Show retains control using his weight to push around Orton and eventually put him down. Big Show calls for the chokeslam, Orton rolls out. Big Show goes to fetch Orton and runs him into the ringside steps on both sides of the ring. Back in the ring, Big Show tries to go up top and Randy sets him up for the DDT off the ropes. Orton tries to hit the RKO, counters, Big Show w/ the chokeslam but only gets a two count. Orton pushes show toward the ring and manages to knock over Charles Robinson then runs Show into the ring post outside of the ring. They go into the crowd, Big Show delivers a chop to Orton in front of the fans and tosses him back over the protective barrier. Big Show delivers the KO from the other side of the protective barrier.
Triple H's music hits. Stephanie and Kane come out with Triple H. Randy hits the RKO in the distraction. Orton hits Big Show with a punt. Orton retains WWE Championship with a pin. Triple H and Stephanie clap for Orton.
John Cena's music hits. He comes out showing off his belt to the crowd, marching to the ring, standing between Stephanie and Triple H. Rolls into the ring. John Cena points to his "Even Stronger" shirt and takes over the post-match victory from Orton. Orton clutches his belt and stares down Cena as they have a "show off" moment of their respective belts.
Winner: Randy Orton retains