to start the ppv we get a video package hyping all the matches on tap for tonight's show. fireworks hit & were welcomed by mike tenay & taz. they run through the matches. they also show the bfg standings Kash & Gunner come out its time for a tag match. also a arena note the setting is the old tna with the red everywhere with red ropes. 1: Kid Kash & Gunner vs Chavo Guerro & Hernadez quick start with everyone brawling . kash & gunner on the attack first beating down chavo with the fast offense of the suplex by chavo with the 3 suplex he heads up top but getting knocked down by gunner . kash is on the attack tagging gunner. they double team chavo. gunner into a pin but gets 2. kash is tagged back in. he focus his attack on the head.while the ref isnt looking gunner is tagged in but the ref accepts it. kash is back in with the double team by the heels with a suplex. he goes a for 2 pin attempts but gets 2. in the corner with chavo battling back couple reverse with a head scissor. kash works on the leg of chavo using the ropes. gunner is in with chavo trying to get it going with no aveal. kash is back in the ring with the selling of the leg by chavo. kash rips chavo chest with several submissions attempts by kash. gunner is back in th ring they battle in the corner while hernadez gets the ref attention. kash is back with the crowd behind chavo he battles back but can never get anything going. kid going to another submission attempt. the fans are behind chavo as he fights through it he hits an electric chair. gunner is tagged in as kid holds him down. he goes for a pin but gets only 2. finally hernadez gets a tag in with the hot tag beating down kash hits the big shoulder tackle he goes after gunner he throws kash , then goes hits his finisher but gunner breaks it up. they double team him then chavo tags in hits the frog splash for the win. Winner: chavo guerro & hernadez NGWS Reaction: not a bad match but intresting they kicked things off with this. 2-5 decent. they play another bfg series video package.when pope was susposed to come out we see him in the back getting beat down by aces & 8ts mr anderson comes out 7 does a promo & just does his own announcement. 2nd: 3 Way Dance Falls Count Anywhere Match: RVD Vs Magnus Vs Mr Anderson rvd shows off with the fans doing the rvd thing with his hands as magnus knocks rvd out the ring. anderson & magnus go out with quick pins. anderson gets clothesline. rvd gets knocked outside by anderson they brawl outside the ring with magnus throwing anderson in to the ring apron.anderson throws magnus into the steps.magnus goes back first into the apron of the ring and again in the steps with anderson getting only a 2 count. magnus throws anderson into the steps. magnus grabs a chair. swings but misses then slams anderson into the chair on the ground. they go up towards the stage by the barries. magnus puts him on the gard rail then rvd throws a chair hitting magnus on the head then rvd does hes kick onto anderson. on the ramp magnus hits rvd in the knee. he works on it with a submission. anderson attacks magnus to break it up. anderson takes magnus into the ring he goes on the attack but they exchage punches . they both knock each other down with clothesline, rvd gets on the top rope byt anderson goes for a suplex but magnus goes outside then anderson falls out rvd hits the forg splash. magnus breaks it up by attacking rvd with a suplex on the outside . magnus tries to get a chair from a fan but that dont work so he gets one then rvd throws the chair with the kick goes for a pin & gets the win. Winner: RVD NGWs Reacion: good match with the right winner. some botches but i like that they changed it to 3 people & getting the aces & 8ts gang involved 3-5 jermey borash says that security has search for aces & 8ts are gone. then Madison rayne does a promo about the knockouts title match. see says that tessmarcher can't beat her. 3: Television Title Match: Kaz Vs Devon (C) kaz is outside the ring trying to get inside the head of dvon. dvon throws him then into the exchange hits a elbow . they brawl outside. dvon on the attack with kaz reverse him but dvon catches him with a suplex. in the ring kaz pleads with him but dvon clotheslines him. kaz hits him with a clotheslines then into punches on the ground. he uses the ropes to choke him. dvon battles back with rights but kaz reverse into a pin that gets 2. kaz hits a big elbow with a leg drop but only 2. kaz with kicks to the back into a headlock. the fans are really behind dvon. dvon battles back but kaz hits a drop kick but gets a 2 count. kaz with the boots but dvon battles back with punches kaz goes beats him down in the corner . dvon punches back then hits a spear with a great sell by kaz. they get to there feet dvon goes of the attack. hits a shoulder block with a neck breaker, a head butt, a huge a splash in the corner with anohter shoulder block but gets a 2. kaz goes for a splash in the corner dvon hits a huge neck breaker from the top. gets a 2 with dvon being shocked. kaz hits a roll up with only a 2. dvon hits a spine buster for the win. Winner: Devon Ngws Reaction: a fun unexpected match. 2.5-5 i still think that the tv title should only be on tv we get a video package for the knockouts title match Knockouts Title Match: Miss Tessmacher (C) vs Madison Rayne earl hebner is are referee. they tie up but challenge with strengh. earl breaks it up. for the 4th time thre tie up. mt goes for several roll ups . madison goes outside. there back in the ring. miss gets beat down then madison goes in the corner with mt gets a huge face buster she goes to the top hits a splash goes for a pin but madison foot is on the rope. miss & earl argue with rayne getting the roll up for the win. WInner: madison rayne new champion NGWS Reaction: an ok match with a finsh i wish they didn't goe for. 1.5-5 taz & mike tenay do a twitter plug & for them to vote on the main event.Jermy borash introduced bully ray as he does a promo about the tables match & aces & 8ts gang. Tables Match: Bully Ray Vs Robbie E Vs Jeff Hardy Vs James Storm tables are everywhere. the fans are red hot. robbie e push ray. he gets in all there faces then james , ray , jeff beat him down with punches. they thow outside the ring with ray on the attack. beating down both men. robbie e gets a table. but ray turns on him. ray got the table, sets it up. jeff & james beat him down goes for a suplex but ray hits the corner but robbie moves the table. botch. robbie beats down everyone. he elbows hardy , ray gets a table in the ring but robbie knocks him off the apron. twice. hardy is on the table with robbie on the top. james kicks robbie e on the tope. james goes up there with him hardy gets off the table. there on the top. everyone gets suplex off the top but ray moves the table then clotheslines hardy. ray puts jeff back drops jeff but james moves the table. ray gets thrown outside. james puts the table in the corner. robbie gets suplexed by jeff. jeff gets a table on the outside. he grabs robbie e slams his head on the apron. puts him on the table goes up tope. robbie t comes out with hardy flying off the tope onto big robbie t. robbie e throws hardy into the rail.hardy is now on the table. robbie flys off the tope but hardy gets off & robbie goes through the table. ray gets in the ring & him & james battle it out. james hits a kick but ray reverse it with a clothesline james is by the table . then aces & 8ts are in the ring side but james storm hits a kick the gang puts up a good job thumbs up with jeff beating down james . they battle over a table setup in the middle of the ring. hardy goes off the tope with a wisper in the wind. they trade punches. jeff hits twist of fate then the gang distracts hardy with james getting thrown out , ray hits jeff hardy throw the table with a power bomb. Winner: Bully Ray NGWS Reaction: good match with the storyline progressing 3.5-5 we get a video package of kenny king X Division Match: Zema Ion (C) Vs Kenny King here we go they tie up challenging the strengh. king working the arm with a submission. side headlock but reverse by ion fast past then into a headlock again by king. ion working the arm of king the into a roll up by king several to be exact. alot of grappling in this one. ion in control but knocked outside king gets reverse when he went to the apron then into a spring board splash on the outside. in the ring kenny gets the ropes in the face as ion goes front flip flying in the ring king battles back as he goes and gets neck breaker by ion. ion grabs him into a kick to the face. king battle back with the punches. ion beating down king in the corner he uses the ropes to choke king. they exchange punches but ion goes for a pin but gets 2. he beats him down then into a submission. king with the fans battle backs but ion hits a big ddt to a pin attempt but gets 2. ion goes for a back flip splash but king gets the knees up. king hits a knee drop with a clothesline witht he offense going he hits a back kick into a pin attempt but gets 2. ion hits an elbow but king suplex him into the corner. ion is on the outside. king goes spinning dive on the outside of the ring. back in the ring we go king sporing boards neck breaker but only gets a 2. king has him but several reversal ion hits a kick but king catches it , king hits a single leg krab submission. ion gets out of it ion reverses a kick then into a huge suplex . ion goes up top then ion gets kicked in the face but only for a 2 count. king hits a kick but only for a 2 again. king gets face plated for the win. Winner: Zema Ion (C) NGWS Reaction: good match alot of reversal & a different kind of match. 3-5 jermey borash does a interview with samoa joe. he says he gonna win it. Ladder Match: Aj Styles Vs Kurt Angle Vs Daniels Vs Samoa Joe daniels gets beat down by aj. then angle wants to get beat down but hey here comes joe beating him down then they go after him. joe hits some signaure moves on daniels. joe punches down aj & kurt. joe works the crowd but dominating but Daniels gets joe on the outside he caught he then aj knocking down both guys. aj & angle are in the ring. aj in the corner beating down angle with kicks. aj to the apron he gets hit with a ladder by daniels. daniels throws a ladder to kurt . joe back in the ring with daniels & his buddy ladder, chris uses it on joe in the corner then daniels works the fans but joe slams daniels on the ladder. joe sets up the ladder but aj is back they battle and aj hits a drop kick on joe. angle is back hits aj in the back. works on aj with some punches. daniels uses the ladder and low blows kurt. angle goes flying out of the ring as daniels sets up the ladder he climbs it but joe powerbombs him in the corner. joe clears the ring as he climbs the ladder. kurt is back and he bell to bell suplex. usa chants starts aj battle with kurt exchanges punches. kurt uses the ropes on aj as he chokes him, then kicks aj while he is down. aj & daniel battles in the corner. aj works on daniels with uppercuts. joe then throws aj outside. joe does a susicde dive on aj. kurt suplex joe on the outside , daniels hits a ddt on angle . back in the ring. daniels & joe in go at it. several clothesline all 3 guys. aj up top but joe blocks it. joe hits muscle buster but before he can angle suplex both guys wow. kurt gets beat down by daniels. daniels puts the ladder up as he climbs. kurt gets him off with the ankle lock. kurt gets thrown into the ladder. aj spring boards on to daniels . aj climbs the ladder. daniels pushes aj off to the outside . daniels is on the ladder gets pushed off by joe & angle they hit suplex there trying to out do each other. kurt sets up the ladder. joe shoves daniels in the ladder. they kick him several times then joe gets thrown outside. kurt climbs but joe gets another ladder puts it up side by side. aj spring boards on the ladder to grab the contract. Winner: Aj Styles NGWS Reaction: great match with an awesome finish . good luck to daniels trying to get out of the ladder. 4-5 Jeremy borash interviews bobby rhoode. he says he is not afraid of austin. World Heavyweight Title Match: Austin Aries (C) Vs Bobby Rhoode bobby taks trash then austin spits in the face of rhoode austin goes for a submission but rhoode goes out side then rhoode gets caught in the submission. bobby rips a sign outsdie then there in the ring. continues bobby would go in the ring & out of it. austin hits a drop kick in the corner. rhoode goes outside the ring again. aries flys onto rhoode. were in the ring but he does it again. were in the ring. austin works on the midsection he then chops the chest of rhoode. austin kicks rhoode , rhoode goes outside then aries comes off the top but nails the guard rail. rhoode is in control works the arm of aries on the outside. were in the ring. bobby puts the boots to aries in the corner. bobby suplex aries on the ropes & on the mat. big knee drop & into a pin attempt for a 2. rhoode puts a bear lock on aries. aries elbows his way out of it but rhoode continues to target the midsection on the champ aries hits a roll up out of nowhere then rhoode hits a gut buster on the champ & gets a 2 count. austin battle back but gets kneed in the stomach and another bear lock on the champ. aries battles back with elbows but rhoode hits a suplex in the corner. rhoode kicks austin in the corner. austin throws several punches on rhoode. aries with a huge clothesline. rhoode to the outside & aries of the rope into a dive. then aries drop kicks him while sitting on a chair. in the ring aries hits a submission. aries throws a crossface submission on. rhoode puts on his own crossface submission. aries gets the rope to break it up. rhoode chops aries in the corner then they exchange punches. aries hits a shoulder block then hes up to to hit a drop kick. then drop kick in the corner. aries gets spine buster from rhoode. there in the corner aries hits a huge 450 splash but rhoode put up his knees. then rhoode spears the ref on accident. rhoode hits a spear on aries. we have a new refree now. then they back in the new refree. aries kicks rhoode in the head he goes for the brain buster but only gets a 2 count. aries goes back up top rhoode knocks him down on the rope. in ther corner there up there rhoode suplex aries off the top. both refrees count the 3. one refree says aries the winner & one says rhoode one it. but rhoode takes the belt. a thrid one earl hebner comes down. he says the match will contnue the match. aries goes sucide dive but rhoode gets hit with the belt in the head. rhoode throws him in the ring and gets only a 2 count. aries rolls him up out of no where for the win. Winner: austin aries NGWS Reaction: good match with an awesome finsh. alot of false finshes & the cheap finsh with the match going on to continue then with the roll up. 4-5 Overall Rating: very good ppv by tna. on paper it looked good & they delivered. good for tna & smart booking to say the least. out of ten ill give it an 8-10 thanks for joining me Andy | |
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