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Show: iMPACT
Date: January 23, 2014
Location: Huntsville, Alabama
Commentary: Mike Tenay & Taz
Reported By: Andy Ravens
TV Rating:
Quick Results
Dixie Carter is in the back with Rockstar Spud freaking out and she wants to know where EC3 is at. Magnus comes in and a lawyer is talking about the “Investors”. He says they are setting for a huge takeover. He says he will take care of it. Magnus wants to know more, but Dixie says they want more on the wrestling side then business side. The Lawyer says play fair and someone will be in Sting’s corner tonight. Magnus says he wants a no DQ match tonight so Sting will not have any excuses. Lawyer says that is fine and its official.
Magnus comes out with EC3 and Rockstar Spud. Magnus talks about his match tonight with Sting and how it leads up to this. He said I thought you were a man…. Sting interrupts and books it to the ring. Sting says now he is ready to honor a deal and brings up Magnus’s match against AJ Styles. Sting says he does not know about any investor and will have someone in his corner. Magnus brings up that it is a no DQ match, so Sting better pin him or submits him. He says Sting can’t beat him and he proved it at Bound for Glory where he made him tap out. Sting says he got his head back in the game and he knows him better than he does before he will perform him. He says that is the difference between a real champion and a paper champion. The fans chant “Paper champion”, but Magnus slaps him and Sting just laughs. Sting with a right hand and everyone starts brawling. Samoa Joe comes down and makes the save. He clears house and he with Sting stand tall in the ring. Sting says Joe will be in his corner tonight.
James Storm - Gunner what led to this video package is shown. Their match is next.
-Commercial Break-
Rockstar Spud and Dixie Carter react to Samoa Joe in Sting’s corner tonight. She makes a match for Joe against Spud tonight.
Winner on a Pole Match Get World Title Shot: Gunner Vs. James Storm
They both go right for the briefcase then a lock up, Gunner with a shoulder block. Storm fights back with a right hand. Storm is sent to the outside, but slides in and lands a kick. He shoots off the ropes, but Gunner catches him with a shoulder block. Gunner with a wild right hand and send shim into the corner face first. Storm fights back with a kick to the face and goes to the top rope, but Gunner knocks him down. Storm fights back, but Gunner lands a series right hand and hits a fall away slam out of the corner. Gunner with a sling shot suplex, but Storm reverses it into a back breaker. Storm with a code breaker, he gets the crowd into it and goes for the last call, but blocked. Gunner lands a rock bottom type move. Gunner goes for the case, but Storm battles with him on the top rope. Storm botches a head takeover from the top rope. Storm goes for the case, but Gunner gets him from behind as Storm takes it down and Gunner hits the electric chair off the top. Storm loses it when he falls and they start fighting for it. Gunner with a stiff right hand and grabs it for the win. What a finish….
Winner: Gunner
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle is in the back talking about his match with Bobby Roode. He says he will beat Bobby Roode tonight.
Velvet Sky is on Impact365 and reading a letter that he sent her along with some gifts. It is a led pipe.
Velvet Sky was in the cage at ringside for the following match: X Division Title Match: Austin Aries Vs. Chris Sabin ©
They lock up, Aries with a huge chop to get inside of Sabin head. A big arm drag followed by a series of roll ups by Aries. Austin with a bride of submissions, but Sabin gets out. Chris with right hands, but Aries sends him to the floor. Aries goes to the top rope, but Sabin pulls him down and he falls on the turnbuckle. Sabin waves to Velvet and lands a drop kick in the corner for a count of 2. Sabin sends him to the floor hard, he pays to the crowd and talks trash to the downed Aries. Sabin with a suplex followed by a pin attempt. Sabin throws him outside, but Aries holds on and lands a forearm. Aries with right hands, a spring board moonsult for a count of 2. Aries goes for the brain buster, but locked and Sabin hits a kick to the ribs. Sabin goes for his finisher, but blocked and Aries hits the drop kick. Aries hits the brain buster, blocked and Sabin sends him head first into the corner. Sabin grabs the bag from Velvet, but there is just a bear in it. While Sabin distracted, Aries this a double sledge off the top. Back in the ring Aries hits drop kick followed by the brain buster for the win.
Winner and new champ: Austin Aries
-Commercial Break-
The American Wolves are in a video saying next week, the investor will be revealed.
Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle Vs. Bobby Roode
They lock up, but Roode catches him with an elbow and right hands. They trade right hands, Angle with a belly to belly followed by a clothesline. Angle with kicks in the corner, he lands right hands for a count of ten. Roode reverses it and slams him back of the head into the steel. Roode on the attack, he lands right hands followed by an elbow drop for a count of 2. Roode with a chop to the chest and send shim into the corner where he lands a clothesline. Roode with a suplex and keeps control. Angle battles back with by throwing him head first into the cage followed by a German suplex three times. Angle goes for the angle slam, but blocked. Roode sends him into the cage and lands a big spine buster for a count of 2. Angle counter a suplex and hits the angle slam for a close count of 2. Angle locks in the ankle lock, but Roode lands a kick to the back of the head. Roode signals for the cage door to be opening, but Angle holds on to him. Roode lands right hands and throws him head first into the cage. Roode climbs to the top of the cage, but Angle catches him. They trade right hands until Angle slams his head off the cage and it sends Roode flying to the mat. Angle thinks about climbing down or going for the moonsult. He chooses the moonsult and when he is in mid-air… Roode moves and Angle lands hard onto the mat. Roode climbs out of the cage, but Angle pulls him back into the ring. Roode kicks him off and goes out again. Angle locks in the ankle lock, but Roode rolls through sending Angle into the steel. Roode hits his finisher (Roode’s bomb) for the count of 2. Roode hopes to the corner and climbs the cage. Angle runs and hits an Angle slam off the top rope. Angle covers him 1, 2, but Roode kicks out. Angle climbs the turnbuckle then the top of the cage. Roode meets him and pulls him back in where they then trade right hands. This leads to Roode falling on the ropes and Angle climbs the cage. At the same time, Angle and Roode go for the exit, but Angle falls first for the win in a photo finish. Great match!
Winner: Kurt Angle
-Commercial Break-
The Bro-Mans and Zema Ion come out talking about tweeting about this moment when they use hash tags. Eric Young interrupts and a big brawl assumes. Eventually Abyss returns and makes the save. He hits all of his signature moves on them and EY starts talking to him. Abyss grabs him, but lets him go and walks to the back.
Samoa Joe talks about his knee which feels fine according to him and he is going to take out Spud tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle gives an emotional speech for Sting.
Samoa Joe Vs. Rockstar Spud
Spud talks trash and Joe slams him down after Spud grabs his waist. They stare down, Spud with a series of kicks. When he turns around, Joe with a big chop, he lands a big kick in the corner. Spud comes off the top rope, but caught. Spud with an eye poke and a drop kick to the knee of Joe. Moments later Joe gets the advantage and chokes Spud out.
Winner: Joe
Joe gets on the microphone and says if anyone wants to interfere in the Main Event then they have to go through him.
-Commercial Break-
TNA World Heavyweight Title No DQ Match: Magnus © Vs. Sting
Sting with a shoulder block, they lock up once more. Slow start, Sting with an arm drag then they try a test of strength, but Magnus catches him with a knee to the ribs. Sting fires back with lefts and rights. He goes for the scorpion death drop, but blocked. Sting misses a clothesline then they both shoot off the ropes where they both hit a double clothesline. EC3 comes down to the ring, but Samoa Joe stops him and EC3 backs down.
-Commercial Break-
Were back and Sting goes for the sharpshooter which he gets. Oh lord and it starts, Bad Influence takes out Samoa Joe and huge brawl fires up. Joe takes them out with an suicide dive to the outside. Sting hits the Death drop, but Zema Ion pulls the referee out. Joe takes out Ion, but here comes the Bro-Mans and they take out Joe by throwing him into the steel steps. All five men beat down Sting in the corner, but Kurt Angle tries to make the save. He clears house and the action is back to normal. Sting hits a suplex off the top rope for a count of 2. Sting goes for the “Stingers splash” but nails the referee instead. Magnus comes off the top rope, but caught and Sting locks in the sharpshooter. Booby Roode takes out Sting from behind and Magnus finishes it off with his finisher for the win as Dixie Carter brings down Earl Hebner to count it. Very slow count I might add.
Winner and still world champion: Magnus
Magnus ripped up Sting's contract after the match and this ended this weeks Impact!
Date: January 23, 2014
Location: Huntsville, Alabama
Commentary: Mike Tenay & Taz
Reported By: Andy Ravens
TV Rating:
Quick Results
- Winner on a Pole Match Get World Title Shot: Gunner def. James Storm
- X Division Title Match (with Velvet Sky locked in a cage at ringside): Austin Aries def. Chris Sabin (c)
- Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle def. Bobby Roode
- Samoa Joe def Rockstar Spud
- TNA World Heavyweight Title No DQ Match: Magnus (c ) def. Sting
Dixie Carter is in the back with Rockstar Spud freaking out and she wants to know where EC3 is at. Magnus comes in and a lawyer is talking about the “Investors”. He says they are setting for a huge takeover. He says he will take care of it. Magnus wants to know more, but Dixie says they want more on the wrestling side then business side. The Lawyer says play fair and someone will be in Sting’s corner tonight. Magnus says he wants a no DQ match tonight so Sting will not have any excuses. Lawyer says that is fine and its official.
Magnus comes out with EC3 and Rockstar Spud. Magnus talks about his match tonight with Sting and how it leads up to this. He said I thought you were a man…. Sting interrupts and books it to the ring. Sting says now he is ready to honor a deal and brings up Magnus’s match against AJ Styles. Sting says he does not know about any investor and will have someone in his corner. Magnus brings up that it is a no DQ match, so Sting better pin him or submits him. He says Sting can’t beat him and he proved it at Bound for Glory where he made him tap out. Sting says he got his head back in the game and he knows him better than he does before he will perform him. He says that is the difference between a real champion and a paper champion. The fans chant “Paper champion”, but Magnus slaps him and Sting just laughs. Sting with a right hand and everyone starts brawling. Samoa Joe comes down and makes the save. He clears house and he with Sting stand tall in the ring. Sting says Joe will be in his corner tonight.
James Storm - Gunner what led to this video package is shown. Their match is next.
-Commercial Break-
Rockstar Spud and Dixie Carter react to Samoa Joe in Sting’s corner tonight. She makes a match for Joe against Spud tonight.
Winner on a Pole Match Get World Title Shot: Gunner Vs. James Storm
They both go right for the briefcase then a lock up, Gunner with a shoulder block. Storm fights back with a right hand. Storm is sent to the outside, but slides in and lands a kick. He shoots off the ropes, but Gunner catches him with a shoulder block. Gunner with a wild right hand and send shim into the corner face first. Storm fights back with a kick to the face and goes to the top rope, but Gunner knocks him down. Storm fights back, but Gunner lands a series right hand and hits a fall away slam out of the corner. Gunner with a sling shot suplex, but Storm reverses it into a back breaker. Storm with a code breaker, he gets the crowd into it and goes for the last call, but blocked. Gunner lands a rock bottom type move. Gunner goes for the case, but Storm battles with him on the top rope. Storm botches a head takeover from the top rope. Storm goes for the case, but Gunner gets him from behind as Storm takes it down and Gunner hits the electric chair off the top. Storm loses it when he falls and they start fighting for it. Gunner with a stiff right hand and grabs it for the win. What a finish….
Winner: Gunner
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle is in the back talking about his match with Bobby Roode. He says he will beat Bobby Roode tonight.
Velvet Sky is on Impact365 and reading a letter that he sent her along with some gifts. It is a led pipe.
Velvet Sky was in the cage at ringside for the following match: X Division Title Match: Austin Aries Vs. Chris Sabin ©
They lock up, Aries with a huge chop to get inside of Sabin head. A big arm drag followed by a series of roll ups by Aries. Austin with a bride of submissions, but Sabin gets out. Chris with right hands, but Aries sends him to the floor. Aries goes to the top rope, but Sabin pulls him down and he falls on the turnbuckle. Sabin waves to Velvet and lands a drop kick in the corner for a count of 2. Sabin sends him to the floor hard, he pays to the crowd and talks trash to the downed Aries. Sabin with a suplex followed by a pin attempt. Sabin throws him outside, but Aries holds on and lands a forearm. Aries with right hands, a spring board moonsult for a count of 2. Aries goes for the brain buster, but locked and Sabin hits a kick to the ribs. Sabin goes for his finisher, but blocked and Aries hits the drop kick. Aries hits the brain buster, blocked and Sabin sends him head first into the corner. Sabin grabs the bag from Velvet, but there is just a bear in it. While Sabin distracted, Aries this a double sledge off the top. Back in the ring Aries hits drop kick followed by the brain buster for the win.
Winner and new champ: Austin Aries
-Commercial Break-
The American Wolves are in a video saying next week, the investor will be revealed.
Steel Cage Match: Kurt Angle Vs. Bobby Roode
They lock up, but Roode catches him with an elbow and right hands. They trade right hands, Angle with a belly to belly followed by a clothesline. Angle with kicks in the corner, he lands right hands for a count of ten. Roode reverses it and slams him back of the head into the steel. Roode on the attack, he lands right hands followed by an elbow drop for a count of 2. Roode with a chop to the chest and send shim into the corner where he lands a clothesline. Roode with a suplex and keeps control. Angle battles back with by throwing him head first into the cage followed by a German suplex three times. Angle goes for the angle slam, but blocked. Roode sends him into the cage and lands a big spine buster for a count of 2. Angle counter a suplex and hits the angle slam for a close count of 2. Angle locks in the ankle lock, but Roode lands a kick to the back of the head. Roode signals for the cage door to be opening, but Angle holds on to him. Roode lands right hands and throws him head first into the cage. Roode climbs to the top of the cage, but Angle catches him. They trade right hands until Angle slams his head off the cage and it sends Roode flying to the mat. Angle thinks about climbing down or going for the moonsult. He chooses the moonsult and when he is in mid-air… Roode moves and Angle lands hard onto the mat. Roode climbs out of the cage, but Angle pulls him back into the ring. Roode kicks him off and goes out again. Angle locks in the ankle lock, but Roode rolls through sending Angle into the steel. Roode hits his finisher (Roode’s bomb) for the count of 2. Roode hopes to the corner and climbs the cage. Angle runs and hits an Angle slam off the top rope. Angle covers him 1, 2, but Roode kicks out. Angle climbs the turnbuckle then the top of the cage. Roode meets him and pulls him back in where they then trade right hands. This leads to Roode falling on the ropes and Angle climbs the cage. At the same time, Angle and Roode go for the exit, but Angle falls first for the win in a photo finish. Great match!
Winner: Kurt Angle
-Commercial Break-
The Bro-Mans and Zema Ion come out talking about tweeting about this moment when they use hash tags. Eric Young interrupts and a big brawl assumes. Eventually Abyss returns and makes the save. He hits all of his signature moves on them and EY starts talking to him. Abyss grabs him, but lets him go and walks to the back.
Samoa Joe talks about his knee which feels fine according to him and he is going to take out Spud tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle gives an emotional speech for Sting.
Samoa Joe Vs. Rockstar Spud
Spud talks trash and Joe slams him down after Spud grabs his waist. They stare down, Spud with a series of kicks. When he turns around, Joe with a big chop, he lands a big kick in the corner. Spud comes off the top rope, but caught. Spud with an eye poke and a drop kick to the knee of Joe. Moments later Joe gets the advantage and chokes Spud out.
Winner: Joe
Joe gets on the microphone and says if anyone wants to interfere in the Main Event then they have to go through him.
-Commercial Break-
TNA World Heavyweight Title No DQ Match: Magnus © Vs. Sting
Sting with a shoulder block, they lock up once more. Slow start, Sting with an arm drag then they try a test of strength, but Magnus catches him with a knee to the ribs. Sting fires back with lefts and rights. He goes for the scorpion death drop, but blocked. Sting misses a clothesline then they both shoot off the ropes where they both hit a double clothesline. EC3 comes down to the ring, but Samoa Joe stops him and EC3 backs down.
-Commercial Break-
Were back and Sting goes for the sharpshooter which he gets. Oh lord and it starts, Bad Influence takes out Samoa Joe and huge brawl fires up. Joe takes them out with an suicide dive to the outside. Sting hits the Death drop, but Zema Ion pulls the referee out. Joe takes out Ion, but here comes the Bro-Mans and they take out Joe by throwing him into the steel steps. All five men beat down Sting in the corner, but Kurt Angle tries to make the save. He clears house and the action is back to normal. Sting hits a suplex off the top rope for a count of 2. Sting goes for the “Stingers splash” but nails the referee instead. Magnus comes off the top rope, but caught and Sting locks in the sharpshooter. Booby Roode takes out Sting from behind and Magnus finishes it off with his finisher for the win as Dixie Carter brings down Earl Hebner to count it. Very slow count I might add.
Winner and still world champion: Magnus
Magnus ripped up Sting's contract after the match and this ended this weeks Impact!