Luke Gallows & Devon have a backstage segment with devon chewing out gallows.
Bobby Roode vs AJ Styles
Roode tries to work AJ's arm early on and they go to the mat, then Roode gets AJ in a side headlock, AJ sends Roode to the ropes and tries a charging forearm, but Roode catches him with a back elbow. Roode whips AJ across the ring and AJ with a leapfrog and a beautiful dropkick that sends Roode scurrying out to the floor. AJ goes out after Roode and whips him into the ring steps, then rolls him back inside and hits a leaping kneedrop that gets 2. Roode with a boot to the breadbasket and some right hands in the corner, but AJ fires back with chops that echo throughout the building and nearly backdrops Roode into the lights. Roode backs off to the corner and catches AJ off guard with a chop to the throat. AJ tries a leaping forearm into the corner, but Roode moves out of the way and takes AJ out with a clothesline as we go to commercial. We're back, and AJ whips Roode into the corner and charges in after him with a shoulderblock to the ribs. AJ tries to leapfrog Roode in the opposing corner, but Roode catches AJ and hotshots him on the top rope. Roode comes off the second rope with a Blockbuster and makes a cover, but only gets 2. Roode with a big elbowdrop for another 2 count, AJ tries firing back with some right hands but Roode whips AJ hard into the corner and makes a quick cover for 2. Roode with a snapmare that has a little extra snap in it, then locks AJ in a neck vice before taking him down to the mat with a rear chinlock. AJ slips out of Roode's grasp and knocks his lights out with a leaping enziguiri, then waits for Roode to pull himself to his feet so he can nail him with a leaping forearm. AJ is just pummeling Roode in the corner and then dumps him out to the ring apron. Roode drops AJ's throat over the top rope, but tries to go up top and gets nailed by AJ, who follows him up and hits a top rope Frankensteiner for 2. AJ sets up for the Styles Clash, but Roode stops that by ramming AJ into the corner and then flattening him with a spinebuster. Roode tries a charge, but AJ moves and sends Roode crashing face first into the turnbuckle. AJ goes for the Styles Clash again, Roode escapes and then dodges the Pelle kick and gives AJ a Perfectplex for a close 2 count. Roode goes out to ringside and gets a chair, and James Storm decides to take a stroll down to ringside to stop Roode from using it. The referee goes up to get Storm away from ringside as AJ takes Roode out with a dive, and AJ yells at Storm to get outta there while Storm tells him that he's just trying to help. AJ tries a springboard move from the apron, but the distraction by Storm gave Roode just enough time to recover and shake the rope, causing AJ to shish kebab himself. Roode quickly cradles AJ and gets the win.
Winner: Bobby Roode
Backstage segment with Wes Brisco , Sting & Kurt Angle talking about taking on some of the aces & eights members tonight.
Joesph Parks is in the ring talking about the attack from aces & eights. He says he wants a match with the aces & eights. Hulk Hogan comes out & says he can't put him in a match with them because he isn't a wrestler. Bully Ray comes out & says Parks should fight them because he believes in parks. Hogan agrees & Parks will face at This sunday Turning point ppv a member of aces & eights.
ODB vs Tara & Jesse
ODB rushes in and gets double teamed for a moment before having the tables turned on her, and she begins cleaning house on Tara and Jesse by herself. Jesse whips ODB to the corner, but she rolls out of the way of his charge and nails him with a forearm before giving Tara a drop toehold into his crotch. She comes in with a bronco buster on both Tara and Jesse, then spears Tara and rolls her up for 3.
Winner: Tara
Taz , Al Snow & Bruce Prichard was talking about last weeks gut check contestant.
Luke Gallows & Devon Vs Sting & Bully Ray
They start off brawling on the outside of the ring, in the ring is sting & gallows with sting hitting a ddt for a count of 2. But with sting distracted gallows hits a clothesline for a quick tag in with devon getting his shots in. Devon hits a forearm for a count of 2 & tagging in gallows for a double team clothesline. Gallows hits a suplex for another pin attempt for a 2 following with a headlock. Sting battles out until he runs into a elbow allowing devon to come in with a leg drop mocking hogan. Devon attacks angle & throws in sting in the corner for a quick tag in to gallows. A big knockdown by gallows following the splash but angle breaks up the pin attempt. Sting battles back as they trade shots but a knockdown by gallows allowing another tag in by devon. Devon hits a spinning elbow & more double team work by them. A double clothesline that knocks down both guys leading to devon & angle getting the tag Angle gets the hot tag & goes off one both gallows & devon. A big drop kick & some german suplexes for angle. Angle hits the angle slam for a count of 2 but gallows breaks it out. Sting puts in the sharpe shooter on gallows but devon attacks both angle & sting with the baseball bat to cause a DQ.
Winner: Devon & Kurt Angle Via DQ
Bully Ray comes out to make the save, he gets a table setup but devon leaves & they run to the back. Back in the ring sting goes for a powerbomb but two aces & eights guys come out to put sting through a table. Gallows takes a hammer to sting & targets both of his hands.
Gut Check time, the judges are in the ring & brings out the guy who is christian york. He does a promo talking about his effort last week. They say yes so he is the newest member to TNA roster.
Magnus, Daniels & Kazarian vs Samoa Joe, Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez
Joe, Chavo and Hernandez rush the ring and start brawling with the heels, who all bail out to the floor. Chavo goes out and brings Daniels back in, and they pinball Daniels back and forth with right hands and Chavo goes for a cover and gets 2. Chavo fires Daniels backfirst into the corner and Daniels quickly scurries over and tags in Kazarian, who quickly gets hiptossed and then Hernandez tags in, slams Chavo onto Kazarian, and comes off the ropes with a splash for 2. Magnus tags in, Joe tags in as well, and Magnus slides out to the floor and runs for his life. He catches Joe coming back into the ring, and now the heels tag in and out and triple team Joe in the corner. Chavo and Hernandez come in to even the odds and Daniels is back in trouble as Joe catches him with a charging elbow in the corner and a leaping enziguiri. Joe with the snapmare/chop to the back/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo for 2, then tags in Chavo, who comes in with a slingshot senton on Daniels. Hernandez comes in and bearhugs Daniels before dumping him in an overhead release suplex. Daniels is in deep trouble as he catches a beating from Joe's team, but Chavo winds up in the wrong part of town and gets dragged out to the floor where he takes a 2-on-1 beating from Daniels and Kazarian. Chavo takes a beating for several minutes before catching Kazarian with a flying headscissors and making the hot tag to Hernandez, who comes over the top rope with a shoulderblock to Kazarian and then starts tearing through everyone with clotheslines and forearms. Hernandez pounces Daniels out of his boots and goes for the Border Toss on Kazarian, Daniels blocks that and they try to double suplex Hernandez, but he blocks and double suplexes both of them. Now it's Joe and Magnus, and Magnus dodges a senton, but walks right into a snap powerslam. Magnus tries another charge and gets planted with the STJoe. Daniels breaks up Joe's cover at 2 and tosses Joe out to the floor, and all heck breaks loose until Hernandez takes Daniels out with a dive to the floor. Chavo goes to the top rope to try and frog splash Magnus, but Kazarian takes him out and we're back to Joe and Magnus. Joe goes for the Muscle Buster, Daniels stops him and Joe gets Daniels in the choke, Kazarian breaks that up and they double goozle Joe and set him up for a top rope elbowdrop from Magnus that puts Joe down for 3.
Winners: Magnus, Daniels & Kazarian
Austin Aries comes out & talks about Jeff Hardy being the best in TNA. He says he beat him at Turning Point this sunday. Hardy comes out & they brawl. Austin gets out of the ring then hardy gets on top of the later but then out of nowhere aries knocks hardy of the ladder & poses on top of the ladder over jeff hardy to end the show.
Bobby Roode vs AJ Styles
Roode tries to work AJ's arm early on and they go to the mat, then Roode gets AJ in a side headlock, AJ sends Roode to the ropes and tries a charging forearm, but Roode catches him with a back elbow. Roode whips AJ across the ring and AJ with a leapfrog and a beautiful dropkick that sends Roode scurrying out to the floor. AJ goes out after Roode and whips him into the ring steps, then rolls him back inside and hits a leaping kneedrop that gets 2. Roode with a boot to the breadbasket and some right hands in the corner, but AJ fires back with chops that echo throughout the building and nearly backdrops Roode into the lights. Roode backs off to the corner and catches AJ off guard with a chop to the throat. AJ tries a leaping forearm into the corner, but Roode moves out of the way and takes AJ out with a clothesline as we go to commercial. We're back, and AJ whips Roode into the corner and charges in after him with a shoulderblock to the ribs. AJ tries to leapfrog Roode in the opposing corner, but Roode catches AJ and hotshots him on the top rope. Roode comes off the second rope with a Blockbuster and makes a cover, but only gets 2. Roode with a big elbowdrop for another 2 count, AJ tries firing back with some right hands but Roode whips AJ hard into the corner and makes a quick cover for 2. Roode with a snapmare that has a little extra snap in it, then locks AJ in a neck vice before taking him down to the mat with a rear chinlock. AJ slips out of Roode's grasp and knocks his lights out with a leaping enziguiri, then waits for Roode to pull himself to his feet so he can nail him with a leaping forearm. AJ is just pummeling Roode in the corner and then dumps him out to the ring apron. Roode drops AJ's throat over the top rope, but tries to go up top and gets nailed by AJ, who follows him up and hits a top rope Frankensteiner for 2. AJ sets up for the Styles Clash, but Roode stops that by ramming AJ into the corner and then flattening him with a spinebuster. Roode tries a charge, but AJ moves and sends Roode crashing face first into the turnbuckle. AJ goes for the Styles Clash again, Roode escapes and then dodges the Pelle kick and gives AJ a Perfectplex for a close 2 count. Roode goes out to ringside and gets a chair, and James Storm decides to take a stroll down to ringside to stop Roode from using it. The referee goes up to get Storm away from ringside as AJ takes Roode out with a dive, and AJ yells at Storm to get outta there while Storm tells him that he's just trying to help. AJ tries a springboard move from the apron, but the distraction by Storm gave Roode just enough time to recover and shake the rope, causing AJ to shish kebab himself. Roode quickly cradles AJ and gets the win.
Winner: Bobby Roode
Backstage segment with Wes Brisco , Sting & Kurt Angle talking about taking on some of the aces & eights members tonight.
Joesph Parks is in the ring talking about the attack from aces & eights. He says he wants a match with the aces & eights. Hulk Hogan comes out & says he can't put him in a match with them because he isn't a wrestler. Bully Ray comes out & says Parks should fight them because he believes in parks. Hogan agrees & Parks will face at This sunday Turning point ppv a member of aces & eights.
ODB vs Tara & Jesse
ODB rushes in and gets double teamed for a moment before having the tables turned on her, and she begins cleaning house on Tara and Jesse by herself. Jesse whips ODB to the corner, but she rolls out of the way of his charge and nails him with a forearm before giving Tara a drop toehold into his crotch. She comes in with a bronco buster on both Tara and Jesse, then spears Tara and rolls her up for 3.
Winner: Tara
Taz , Al Snow & Bruce Prichard was talking about last weeks gut check contestant.
Luke Gallows & Devon Vs Sting & Bully Ray
They start off brawling on the outside of the ring, in the ring is sting & gallows with sting hitting a ddt for a count of 2. But with sting distracted gallows hits a clothesline for a quick tag in with devon getting his shots in. Devon hits a forearm for a count of 2 & tagging in gallows for a double team clothesline. Gallows hits a suplex for another pin attempt for a 2 following with a headlock. Sting battles out until he runs into a elbow allowing devon to come in with a leg drop mocking hogan. Devon attacks angle & throws in sting in the corner for a quick tag in to gallows. A big knockdown by gallows following the splash but angle breaks up the pin attempt. Sting battles back as they trade shots but a knockdown by gallows allowing another tag in by devon. Devon hits a spinning elbow & more double team work by them. A double clothesline that knocks down both guys leading to devon & angle getting the tag Angle gets the hot tag & goes off one both gallows & devon. A big drop kick & some german suplexes for angle. Angle hits the angle slam for a count of 2 but gallows breaks it out. Sting puts in the sharpe shooter on gallows but devon attacks both angle & sting with the baseball bat to cause a DQ.
Winner: Devon & Kurt Angle Via DQ
Bully Ray comes out to make the save, he gets a table setup but devon leaves & they run to the back. Back in the ring sting goes for a powerbomb but two aces & eights guys come out to put sting through a table. Gallows takes a hammer to sting & targets both of his hands.
Gut Check time, the judges are in the ring & brings out the guy who is christian york. He does a promo talking about his effort last week. They say yes so he is the newest member to TNA roster.
Magnus, Daniels & Kazarian vs Samoa Joe, Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez
Joe, Chavo and Hernandez rush the ring and start brawling with the heels, who all bail out to the floor. Chavo goes out and brings Daniels back in, and they pinball Daniels back and forth with right hands and Chavo goes for a cover and gets 2. Chavo fires Daniels backfirst into the corner and Daniels quickly scurries over and tags in Kazarian, who quickly gets hiptossed and then Hernandez tags in, slams Chavo onto Kazarian, and comes off the ropes with a splash for 2. Magnus tags in, Joe tags in as well, and Magnus slides out to the floor and runs for his life. He catches Joe coming back into the ring, and now the heels tag in and out and triple team Joe in the corner. Chavo and Hernandez come in to even the odds and Daniels is back in trouble as Joe catches him with a charging elbow in the corner and a leaping enziguiri. Joe with the snapmare/chop to the back/kick to the chest/kneedrop combo for 2, then tags in Chavo, who comes in with a slingshot senton on Daniels. Hernandez comes in and bearhugs Daniels before dumping him in an overhead release suplex. Daniels is in deep trouble as he catches a beating from Joe's team, but Chavo winds up in the wrong part of town and gets dragged out to the floor where he takes a 2-on-1 beating from Daniels and Kazarian. Chavo takes a beating for several minutes before catching Kazarian with a flying headscissors and making the hot tag to Hernandez, who comes over the top rope with a shoulderblock to Kazarian and then starts tearing through everyone with clotheslines and forearms. Hernandez pounces Daniels out of his boots and goes for the Border Toss on Kazarian, Daniels blocks that and they try to double suplex Hernandez, but he blocks and double suplexes both of them. Now it's Joe and Magnus, and Magnus dodges a senton, but walks right into a snap powerslam. Magnus tries another charge and gets planted with the STJoe. Daniels breaks up Joe's cover at 2 and tosses Joe out to the floor, and all heck breaks loose until Hernandez takes Daniels out with a dive to the floor. Chavo goes to the top rope to try and frog splash Magnus, but Kazarian takes him out and we're back to Joe and Magnus. Joe goes for the Muscle Buster, Daniels stops him and Joe gets Daniels in the choke, Kazarian breaks that up and they double goozle Joe and set him up for a top rope elbowdrop from Magnus that puts Joe down for 3.
Winners: Magnus, Daniels & Kazarian
Austin Aries comes out & talks about Jeff Hardy being the best in TNA. He says he beat him at Turning Point this sunday. Hardy comes out & they brawl. Austin gets out of the ring then hardy gets on top of the later but then out of nowhere aries knocks hardy of the ladder & poses on top of the ladder over jeff hardy to end the show.