Welcome to TNA Resolution, We are airing from Orlando, Florida.
Magnus comes down to the ring, He says he loves this business and that he is proud of the fact he made his living in America. He says that he is all about respect but he doesn’t know if it’s the same with Jeff Hardy. He says that Jeff Hardy has overcome a lot in his life but he has not gotten over greed. A video of Jeff and Dixie Carter having dinner is shown. He demands an apology and “don’t let Jeff hardy fool you” Hardy runs down to the ring and says how dare he accuse him of doing something he hasn’t. Magnus says that it is the biggest night of his life and he doesn’t forget 10-10-10 where Hardy turned on all of them. Magnus says that Hardy sold out when “he made a deal with the devil” Jeff interrupts him and he says “do not worry about mine” then walks out.
Kurt Angle does backstage interview about his match tonight.
-Commercial break-
Best of Three Falls: Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle
A technical start then back to back pin attempts by both men. A shoulder block from Angle then a goes for angle slam but blocked then Roode goes for his finisher but blocked then Angle goes for Ankle lock but blocked. A waist lock form Angle and he takes him down by his waist but Roode battles out with elbows but runs into belly to belly suplex. On the outside both men battle, Angle bounces his head off the guardrail then sends him back in the ring. Angle runs into a boot but Roode comes out of the corner and eats a German suplex which angle lands it three times. Angle goes for Angle slam but reversed then Roode put the referee in the middle of them and when the referee’s back is turned, Roode kicks him in the nuts followed by his finisher for the first pin fall of the match. Roode is up by one
-Commercial break-
Were back with Angle running into an elbow by Roode followed by a suplex, Roode misses a knee drop and Angle fires back with a clothesline. Here comes Angle and he hits a belly to belly suplex. Angle misses the spear in the corner. Back and forth then Angle hits Angle Slam to tie it up.
Roode was trying to leave up Angle brings him back to the ring where he hits a belly to belly. Angle with two German suplex but Roode fights out of the third and locks in the crippler cross face. Angle rolls through but Roode locks in the cross-face once gain but Angle gets to out but not for long as Roode hits the DDT followed by the cross face submission but Angle fights out and locks in Ankle lock. He switches to a cross face submission but Roode gets out of it and lifts him up but reversed and Angle hits the Angle slam for a near fall. Angle locks in the ankle lock but Roode rolls through and Roode rolls him up but holds the ropes for the win.
Winner: Roode in 2-1 falls in 14:30
JB is in the back saying we will find out who gets what in the “feast or fired” briefcase. James Storm and Gunner do a backstage interview but end up arguing.
-Commercial break-
Kurt Angle is shown in the back, he is processing the defeat and he doesn’t know what his next move is.
A video package of the history between Gail Kim and Madison Rayne is shown.
EC3 does a backstage interview, he says he doesn’t have a pink slip but will get the right briefcase because he knows the right people. He talks to Dixie Carter on the phone about if he gets the wrong briefcase.
Eric Young is in the back, he says he has a gift for Joseph Parks and it’s a poorly wrapped steel chair.
-Commercial break-
Eric Young comes to the ring, he brings out Joseph Parks. EY recaps the past couple weeks but Park says that he is Joseph Parks and he gets confused when he bleeds. EY has set up a match against bad influence in a monster ball match. Joe Park says no but EY says he has some presents for him; the presents are a steel chair, thumb tactics and a barbwire. Joe says no but still EY says he has one more but he gives him Janice and Parks says yes.
JB says when he comes back, we will find out who is “feast or fired”
-Commercial break-
Samoa Joe talks to Jeff Hardy in the back; Hardy defends himself then walks out.
We are in the back; Dixie Carter gives a quick speech then lets the men open their briefcases. Zema Ion opens X division title shot, Gunner gets world heavyweight title shot, before the final two can open theirs, Sting interrupts and says did anyone give Chavo a hand out but he says no. Sting says that this situation sucks but he has a deal for EC3. They have a match and the loser will have the case but EC3 says he will keep the briefcase. Chavo Guerrero gets the fired one and EC3 gets the tag team title shot. Sting comforts Chavo but says the beginning of the end is for the carters.
-Commercial break-
ODB & Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim & Lei’D Tapa.
Tapa and Rayne start things off, Tapa with a kick but she tags in ODB. The two big boned women lock up, Tapa with a suplex then tags in the champion. Kim with boots in the corner then a spear in the corner, She throws her into the corner but ODB with a clothesline. ODB with a splash in the corner then a forearm to Tapa, Kim lands a drop kick to the arm of ODB. They continue to dominate the match until Kim misses in the corner and ODB hits a suplex. Rayne gets the hot tag and she clears the ring, several clotheslines then a big spear followed by hair pulling. Tapa goes after her but ODB jumps on her back but dumps her to the floor. Kim with a knockdown followed by a clothesline, Kim goes for “eat defeat” but blocked and Rayne rolls her up for the win.
Winners: Rayne and ODB in 5:36
Sting talks with Jeff Hardy about doing the right thing in the back.
-Commercial break-
Dixie Carter in a #impact365 video, demands a new world title to be made.
Recap video of how we got here is shown.
Jeff Hardy does a promo about how he has made mistakes in the past but will not be repeated. He says no one will own him or his fans, he told her to stick it but Dixie interrupts him. She says that he owes her everything that he has. She says that he needs her but she does not need him.
-Commercial Break-
TNA Title Tournament Final in a Steel Cage “Dixieland” match: Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy
They trade right hands; Magnus puts the boots to him then a big chop in the corner. He throws Jeff in the corner but he takes him down then ten punches in the corner. Hardy with a big drop kick to the chest in the corner, Hardy with shoulders to the ribs then sends him into the ropes where he hits a big clothesline. Magnus goes to the top rope but misses the elbow drop. Hardy climbs to the top rope but Magnus follows and they battle on the top rope. Hardy sends him off the top but misses the Swanton bomb. Magnus climbs the cage but Hardy follows then Hardy hits a suplex off the ropes.
-Commercial Break-
Hardy tries to climb through one of the camera holes but Magnus pulls him in. Back and forth until Hardy hits a leg drop, Hardy climbs the ropes but Magnus meets him but Hardy kicks him off. Hardy with a spring board splash (awesome move) Hardy with a twist of fate but one the second time, Magnus blocks and takes out the left knee of Hardy. Magnus locks in the Texas cloverleaf then Magnus climbs, Hardy knocks him down. Hardy misses a wild punch and Magnus hits a suplex followed by an elbow drop off the top rope. Magnus throws him into the corner but reversed and Hardy hits the “whisper in the wind” Jeff goes to the very top and hits the move again. Both men climb out of the steel cage, EC3 runs down but is kicked off by Magnus. Hardy hits the twist of fate on EC3. Both men brawl (Hardy and Magnus) Hardy hits the twist of fate on the stage. Dixie gets in the way of Hardy but pushes his way through and climbs the ladder. Rock star Spud pushes him off the ladder hard. Magnus climbs the ladder and gets the title to win the match.
Winner and new World champion: Magnus in 16:30
End of TNA Final Resolution.
Magnus comes down to the ring, He says he loves this business and that he is proud of the fact he made his living in America. He says that he is all about respect but he doesn’t know if it’s the same with Jeff Hardy. He says that Jeff Hardy has overcome a lot in his life but he has not gotten over greed. A video of Jeff and Dixie Carter having dinner is shown. He demands an apology and “don’t let Jeff hardy fool you” Hardy runs down to the ring and says how dare he accuse him of doing something he hasn’t. Magnus says that it is the biggest night of his life and he doesn’t forget 10-10-10 where Hardy turned on all of them. Magnus says that Hardy sold out when “he made a deal with the devil” Jeff interrupts him and he says “do not worry about mine” then walks out.
Kurt Angle does backstage interview about his match tonight.
-Commercial break-
Best of Three Falls: Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle
A technical start then back to back pin attempts by both men. A shoulder block from Angle then a goes for angle slam but blocked then Roode goes for his finisher but blocked then Angle goes for Ankle lock but blocked. A waist lock form Angle and he takes him down by his waist but Roode battles out with elbows but runs into belly to belly suplex. On the outside both men battle, Angle bounces his head off the guardrail then sends him back in the ring. Angle runs into a boot but Roode comes out of the corner and eats a German suplex which angle lands it three times. Angle goes for Angle slam but reversed then Roode put the referee in the middle of them and when the referee’s back is turned, Roode kicks him in the nuts followed by his finisher for the first pin fall of the match. Roode is up by one
-Commercial break-
Were back with Angle running into an elbow by Roode followed by a suplex, Roode misses a knee drop and Angle fires back with a clothesline. Here comes Angle and he hits a belly to belly suplex. Angle misses the spear in the corner. Back and forth then Angle hits Angle Slam to tie it up.
Roode was trying to leave up Angle brings him back to the ring where he hits a belly to belly. Angle with two German suplex but Roode fights out of the third and locks in the crippler cross face. Angle rolls through but Roode locks in the cross-face once gain but Angle gets to out but not for long as Roode hits the DDT followed by the cross face submission but Angle fights out and locks in Ankle lock. He switches to a cross face submission but Roode gets out of it and lifts him up but reversed and Angle hits the Angle slam for a near fall. Angle locks in the ankle lock but Roode rolls through and Roode rolls him up but holds the ropes for the win.
Winner: Roode in 2-1 falls in 14:30
JB is in the back saying we will find out who gets what in the “feast or fired” briefcase. James Storm and Gunner do a backstage interview but end up arguing.
-Commercial break-
Kurt Angle is shown in the back, he is processing the defeat and he doesn’t know what his next move is.
A video package of the history between Gail Kim and Madison Rayne is shown.
EC3 does a backstage interview, he says he doesn’t have a pink slip but will get the right briefcase because he knows the right people. He talks to Dixie Carter on the phone about if he gets the wrong briefcase.
Eric Young is in the back, he says he has a gift for Joseph Parks and it’s a poorly wrapped steel chair.
-Commercial break-
Eric Young comes to the ring, he brings out Joseph Parks. EY recaps the past couple weeks but Park says that he is Joseph Parks and he gets confused when he bleeds. EY has set up a match against bad influence in a monster ball match. Joe Park says no but EY says he has some presents for him; the presents are a steel chair, thumb tactics and a barbwire. Joe says no but still EY says he has one more but he gives him Janice and Parks says yes.
JB says when he comes back, we will find out who is “feast or fired”
-Commercial break-
Samoa Joe talks to Jeff Hardy in the back; Hardy defends himself then walks out.
We are in the back; Dixie Carter gives a quick speech then lets the men open their briefcases. Zema Ion opens X division title shot, Gunner gets world heavyweight title shot, before the final two can open theirs, Sting interrupts and says did anyone give Chavo a hand out but he says no. Sting says that this situation sucks but he has a deal for EC3. They have a match and the loser will have the case but EC3 says he will keep the briefcase. Chavo Guerrero gets the fired one and EC3 gets the tag team title shot. Sting comforts Chavo but says the beginning of the end is for the carters.
-Commercial break-
ODB & Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim & Lei’D Tapa.
Tapa and Rayne start things off, Tapa with a kick but she tags in ODB. The two big boned women lock up, Tapa with a suplex then tags in the champion. Kim with boots in the corner then a spear in the corner, She throws her into the corner but ODB with a clothesline. ODB with a splash in the corner then a forearm to Tapa, Kim lands a drop kick to the arm of ODB. They continue to dominate the match until Kim misses in the corner and ODB hits a suplex. Rayne gets the hot tag and she clears the ring, several clotheslines then a big spear followed by hair pulling. Tapa goes after her but ODB jumps on her back but dumps her to the floor. Kim with a knockdown followed by a clothesline, Kim goes for “eat defeat” but blocked and Rayne rolls her up for the win.
Winners: Rayne and ODB in 5:36
Sting talks with Jeff Hardy about doing the right thing in the back.
-Commercial break-
Dixie Carter in a #impact365 video, demands a new world title to be made.
Recap video of how we got here is shown.
Jeff Hardy does a promo about how he has made mistakes in the past but will not be repeated. He says no one will own him or his fans, he told her to stick it but Dixie interrupts him. She says that he owes her everything that he has. She says that he needs her but she does not need him.
-Commercial Break-
TNA Title Tournament Final in a Steel Cage “Dixieland” match: Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy
They trade right hands; Magnus puts the boots to him then a big chop in the corner. He throws Jeff in the corner but he takes him down then ten punches in the corner. Hardy with a big drop kick to the chest in the corner, Hardy with shoulders to the ribs then sends him into the ropes where he hits a big clothesline. Magnus goes to the top rope but misses the elbow drop. Hardy climbs to the top rope but Magnus follows and they battle on the top rope. Hardy sends him off the top but misses the Swanton bomb. Magnus climbs the cage but Hardy follows then Hardy hits a suplex off the ropes.
-Commercial Break-
Hardy tries to climb through one of the camera holes but Magnus pulls him in. Back and forth until Hardy hits a leg drop, Hardy climbs the ropes but Magnus meets him but Hardy kicks him off. Hardy with a spring board splash (awesome move) Hardy with a twist of fate but one the second time, Magnus blocks and takes out the left knee of Hardy. Magnus locks in the Texas cloverleaf then Magnus climbs, Hardy knocks him down. Hardy misses a wild punch and Magnus hits a suplex followed by an elbow drop off the top rope. Magnus throws him into the corner but reversed and Hardy hits the “whisper in the wind” Jeff goes to the very top and hits the move again. Both men climb out of the steel cage, EC3 runs down but is kicked off by Magnus. Hardy hits the twist of fate on EC3. Both men brawl (Hardy and Magnus) Hardy hits the twist of fate on the stage. Dixie gets in the way of Hardy but pushes his way through and climbs the ladder. Rock star Spud pushes him off the ladder hard. Magnus climbs the ladder and gets the title to win the match.
Winner and new World champion: Magnus in 16:30
End of TNA Final Resolution.