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Opening Segment: Shawn Michaels comes out. He starts off saying Thank you for voting for him. Now he says just because he trained Daniel Bryan & he never liked Orton but not to worry, it won’t affect his judgment because he guarantees one man will walk out as WWE Champion. Mr. Randy Orton interrupts & says He has a match with the Miz next but he says that he has everyone convinced because the people from ST Louis isn’t bright. He says that “HBK” knows Orton is better. Michaels says don’t worry about him but more less Bryan. Orton says if Shawn screws him over he will make him pay for it. Shawn says that Orton doesn’t scare him one bit & he will super kick him. Orton tries to RKO Shawn & Shawn tries to “Sweat Chim Music” Him but both men miss. The Miz attacks him from behind to lead into commercial.
Ar’s Truth: Good straight to the point from both men. I think it was a bit too soon for Orton to threaten him… wait we have two weeks to build a PPV okay go ahead. Let me check did Shawn replace Bryan in this match? That’s how WWE built this segment.
Randy Orton Def. The Miz
AR’s Truth: The match itself was ok with the obvious winner but I am surprised to see Bray come out to cut a promo. It makes me believe they will have a match at HIAC PPV but with Bray injury I don’t know how they will get around that. Good finish to a Mediocre Match 2.5-5* Match.
Fandango Def. Santino Marrella
AR’s Truth: A comedy match but at least it was short & sweet. Also you give a comedy match & Miz Match in the first 30 minutes, are you trying to kill your fans.
Stephanie McMahon & Triple H come to the ring. She talks about the Big Show knocking out Triple H. She says that Big Show was happy but he is fired, losing his house & pressing charges. She says that rumors of Triple H having a broken jaw wasn’t true. She says that he will rule the WWE. He gets on their & says that he put all of his needs to take over for the Fans. He says that his broken point has broken in half. He gets really mad & says he will be the bad guy for everyone. He says he will give them nothing they ever seen. He say anybody else that goes against them will fall to his feet. Daniel Bryan comes out but only to be attacked from behind. There match is scheduled for later.
AR’s Truth: Actually a good promo from the owners who had passionate speech. The match from ADR & Bryan is a bit out of left field but makes sense since Del Rio is a heel siding with heel owners.
Ryback Def. R Truth
AR’s Truth: The match was skip able. Ryback got the most of the boring offense. The crowd nor I was into at all. They tried to convince us that the fans chant Goldberg to frustrate him. Yeah ok? 1.5-5*
Real Amercians Vs. Tons Of Funk
AR’s Truth: the match was ok & simple WWE formula. The Real Americans are growing on me so it’s good to see them get a W.
Beat The Clock Match: Cm Punk Def. Curtis Axel
AR's Truth: A good back & forth action match. Straight to it with the right guy going over. A good stipulation & the HIAC structure adds to the feud. This should be the final nail into this feud.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Alberto Del Rio Goes to a no contest
AR’s Truth: A hell of a match & Orton being once again a sick & twisted guy. All around good segment. This will make Bryan beating him even sweeter.
No DQ Tag Team Title Match: Rhodes Family Def. The Shield ©
AR’s Truth: first off good choice by WWE to have this as their main event. Second what a main event! I didn’t think that they could top Bryan – Del Rio match but they blow that out of the water. Everything you wanted & more in a tag match plus the good feeling to end it was well done. Big show vs. HHH at HIAC is most likely to be announced next week. Id wait til Survior series but they are stacking this card.
Overall rating: The two hours was horrible aside from opening segment, Bray Wyatt Promo & HHH promo. The last hour saved this show by a wide margin. It was a good ending but they made us eat sh*t to enjoy it. A 7-10 rating.
Thanks for reading & oh Your Welcome!
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can listen me on podcast - http://www.spreaker.com/show/fusion_sports_radio
We are looking for News, Results & Colunms Reporter, If interested email me at this link
Ar’s Truth: Good straight to the point from both men. I think it was a bit too soon for Orton to threaten him… wait we have two weeks to build a PPV okay go ahead. Let me check did Shawn replace Bryan in this match? That’s how WWE built this segment.
Randy Orton Def. The Miz
AR’s Truth: The match itself was ok with the obvious winner but I am surprised to see Bray come out to cut a promo. It makes me believe they will have a match at HIAC PPV but with Bray injury I don’t know how they will get around that. Good finish to a Mediocre Match 2.5-5* Match.
Fandango Def. Santino Marrella
AR’s Truth: A comedy match but at least it was short & sweet. Also you give a comedy match & Miz Match in the first 30 minutes, are you trying to kill your fans.
Stephanie McMahon & Triple H come to the ring. She talks about the Big Show knocking out Triple H. She says that Big Show was happy but he is fired, losing his house & pressing charges. She says that rumors of Triple H having a broken jaw wasn’t true. She says that he will rule the WWE. He gets on their & says that he put all of his needs to take over for the Fans. He says that his broken point has broken in half. He gets really mad & says he will be the bad guy for everyone. He says he will give them nothing they ever seen. He say anybody else that goes against them will fall to his feet. Daniel Bryan comes out but only to be attacked from behind. There match is scheduled for later.
AR’s Truth: Actually a good promo from the owners who had passionate speech. The match from ADR & Bryan is a bit out of left field but makes sense since Del Rio is a heel siding with heel owners.
Ryback Def. R Truth
AR’s Truth: The match was skip able. Ryback got the most of the boring offense. The crowd nor I was into at all. They tried to convince us that the fans chant Goldberg to frustrate him. Yeah ok? 1.5-5*
Real Amercians Vs. Tons Of Funk
AR’s Truth: the match was ok & simple WWE formula. The Real Americans are growing on me so it’s good to see them get a W.
Beat The Clock Match: Cm Punk Def. Curtis Axel
AR's Truth: A good back & forth action match. Straight to it with the right guy going over. A good stipulation & the HIAC structure adds to the feud. This should be the final nail into this feud.
Daniel Bryan Vs. Alberto Del Rio Goes to a no contest
AR’s Truth: A hell of a match & Orton being once again a sick & twisted guy. All around good segment. This will make Bryan beating him even sweeter.
No DQ Tag Team Title Match: Rhodes Family Def. The Shield ©
AR’s Truth: first off good choice by WWE to have this as their main event. Second what a main event! I didn’t think that they could top Bryan – Del Rio match but they blow that out of the water. Everything you wanted & more in a tag match plus the good feeling to end it was well done. Big show vs. HHH at HIAC is most likely to be announced next week. Id wait til Survior series but they are stacking this card.
Overall rating: The two hours was horrible aside from opening segment, Bray Wyatt Promo & HHH promo. The last hour saved this show by a wide margin. It was a good ending but they made us eat sh*t to enjoy it. A 7-10 rating.
Thanks for reading & oh Your Welcome!
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can listen me on podcast - http://www.spreaker.com/show/fusion_sports_radio
We are looking for News, Results & Colunms Reporter, If interested email me at this link