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Stephanie McMahon comes to the ring & starts talking about the main event being ruined because of what Big Show did. She says that he will have to answer to all of us. Big Show comes to the ring. She tells him to shut up, She cuts a promo about how his actions was wrong. He says is he sorry but that isn't good enough. She calls him some names & says that Triple H has saved him from his financials. He asks can he go now? but she points into his chest & adds that they own him so he has no right. She tells him to beg for forgiveness from the fans. He says NO & she calls him some more names. Big Show says he won't beg & he knocked out Orton because he couldn't take it anymore. He adds that she told him to KO Daniel Bryan. She slaps him several times then fires him. He leaves the ring to end the segment.
AR's Truth: A good way to start off the show & obliviously he isn't fired. Plus he will show up sooner or later then probably be put in the WWE Title picture. Stephanie acted likely a Major Bitch with Show had enough emotion to sell the angle. Good stuff with a intrigued Story with it but where was Bryan or Orton.
Damien Sandow Vs. Dolp Ziggler
AR's Truth: The first part of the match was skip able but after the commercial break was good stuff. Another lost for Sandow which is sad but didn't meet my expectation for this one. The backstage segment was a good spot for Stephanie as it looks like she is finally hitting her stride as a heel once again. The match rating is a 3-5* Rating.
They show that they brought out Bruno Sammartino on the APP.
AR's Truth: Really the on the app? If the man is there you could at least do some kind of angle with him.
Natalya, JoJo, Eva Marie) vs Aksana, Alicia Fox, Eva Mendez ( Natalya Wins with the Sharpe shooter)
AR's Truth: Jojo didn't even get a tag in this match & Eva Marie looks very green. The announcement was predictable but a bit over kill with the special guest Referee thing.
CM Punk & R Truth Vs. Ryback & Axel
AR's Truth: A basic WWE Tag match for most of it skip able. They protected Punk well there with all of his injuries & it was a bit weird that truth came out but with his history with Axel made sense. Truth could be your next IC champion at the rate he is being pushed. God please let the HIAC Match be the end of this feud. Decent match 2.5-5* We are introduced to the second HOF for the spot of Special Guest Referee in the WWE Title Match.
Randy Orton Vs. Kofi Kingston
AR's Truth: A really good back & forth action match that enhanced Orton but also made Kingston look strong. Kingston is a better talent then what there doing with him which is a shame. The Brawl after the match was good for the feud. Good 4-5* Match.
Daniel Bryan & The Rhodes Family Def. The Shield
They brawl but Big Show ends up KO Triple H out of nowhere. He leaves & Bryan stands tall over Triple H to end the show.
AR's Truth: A good close to the show & probably half way through the match things got going after the shield beat down the faces for half the match. Lot of news & angles flowing well but a heavy wrestling on this show that didn't not produces the quality.
Overall Rating: 6-10*
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can listen me on podcast - http://www.spreaker.com/show/fusion_sports_radio
AR's Truth: A good way to start off the show & obliviously he isn't fired. Plus he will show up sooner or later then probably be put in the WWE Title picture. Stephanie acted likely a Major Bitch with Show had enough emotion to sell the angle. Good stuff with a intrigued Story with it but where was Bryan or Orton.
Damien Sandow Vs. Dolp Ziggler
AR's Truth: The first part of the match was skip able but after the commercial break was good stuff. Another lost for Sandow which is sad but didn't meet my expectation for this one. The backstage segment was a good spot for Stephanie as it looks like she is finally hitting her stride as a heel once again. The match rating is a 3-5* Rating.
They show that they brought out Bruno Sammartino on the APP.
AR's Truth: Really the on the app? If the man is there you could at least do some kind of angle with him.
Natalya, JoJo, Eva Marie) vs Aksana, Alicia Fox, Eva Mendez ( Natalya Wins with the Sharpe shooter)
AR's Truth: Jojo didn't even get a tag in this match & Eva Marie looks very green. The announcement was predictable but a bit over kill with the special guest Referee thing.
CM Punk & R Truth Vs. Ryback & Axel
AR's Truth: A basic WWE Tag match for most of it skip able. They protected Punk well there with all of his injuries & it was a bit weird that truth came out but with his history with Axel made sense. Truth could be your next IC champion at the rate he is being pushed. God please let the HIAC Match be the end of this feud. Decent match 2.5-5* We are introduced to the second HOF for the spot of Special Guest Referee in the WWE Title Match.
Randy Orton Vs. Kofi Kingston
AR's Truth: A really good back & forth action match that enhanced Orton but also made Kingston look strong. Kingston is a better talent then what there doing with him which is a shame. The Brawl after the match was good for the feud. Good 4-5* Match.
Daniel Bryan & The Rhodes Family Def. The Shield
They brawl but Big Show ends up KO Triple H out of nowhere. He leaves & Bryan stands tall over Triple H to end the show.
AR's Truth: A good close to the show & probably half way through the match things got going after the shield beat down the faces for half the match. Lot of news & angles flowing well but a heavy wrestling on this show that didn't not produces the quality.
Overall Rating: 6-10*
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can listen me on podcast - http://www.spreaker.com/show/fusion_sports_radio