Yes Yes Yes i'm back from Vacation & i hope everyone enjoyed their Labor day. Lets get into the Weekly Highlight WWE Raw Ice Breaker:
HHH brings out Randy Orton & he (orton) does a promo about how he is the face of the company. He talks down about Bryan. He shows us video footage of Smackdown when he beats down Bryan with the help of the shield. He asked the fans should he face Daniel Bryan at Night of Champions & he says no but for their sake he will. HHH says that the WWE universe expects & deserves the best so, He says that Bryan Ego is putting him danger of his health. So for his best interest he (HHH) brings up Donk the Clown & he compares Bryan to him but the reason he wasn't WWE champion is because it would have been bad for business like Bryan is now. HHH says he will bring back the Cruise-weight or European Title for Bryan then Bryan's music hits. Daniel says there wasn't a Donk the Clown chant & the only clowns he see's is in the ring. Bryan calls HHH a corporate sell out & says that Orton was just giving a WWE Title chance. Bryan says everyone has told him that he can't do this or that but he has went beyond to achieve them & Orton doesn't know that because he was handed everything. HHH fires back & says that Bryan should be mad at the Big Show for standing by watching Bryan getting beat down. Bryan Vs. Big Show is our Main Event.
AR's Truth: A very very good promo by Bryan with him speaking the truth. The more this story-line continues the more im getting into it. HHH is golden & refreshed in his role as the Heel Corporate guy. I still think the Rock did a better job as the heel champion than Orton is doing but Bryan is awesome at the under dog. Each week his promo skills are getting better.
The Miz Defeats Fandango
AR's Truth: A decent match that had enough time, I get this is one of their feuds but why have it one free TV when your going to have it on PPV. WWE Creative nonsense. Decent 2-5* Match.
Ryback Defeats Dolp Ziggler
AR's Truth: I believe that this is Ziggler's punishment for speaking out again'st Orton & HHH in interviews. If not why squash a guy that is that over. Point proven, Wouldn't be surprised if Ryback doesn't join the corporation. Squash 1-5* Match.
Big Show & Stephanie McMahon are in the ring because Show doesn't want to face Bryan tonight. Stephanie says that Show is broke & she asked how longer he can compete in WWE. She brings up that Giants don't live as long as normal people do. He tries to cry not a bad acting job. She hugs him to end the segment.
AR's Truth: A decent job of explaining the reason Show has to do what HHH says because he is broke. The story-line reminds me of the Shawn Micheal's one in 2009 but will see where it goes. Show will probably lay out Bryan to show he does whats right for himself.
If Cody Loses He is Fired Match: Randy Orton Defeats Cody Rhodes
AR's Truth: A awesome match with a finish that was good but with Rhodes being fired story-line wise it makes me believe he will become more apart of this story maybe at night of champions. He obviously isn't fired & will be back shortly. Time being taking off for wedding is a possibility also. go out of your way to check this one out. Awesome 4.5-5* Match
Cm Punk comes to the ring & talks about Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman. Punk says he will promise he will get his hands on Heyman & he is going to break his face.
AR's Truth: A well done to the point promo by Punk. Its a nice change to hear Punk instead of Heyman but the build to this match has been done very well.
RVD Defeats Damien Sandow
AR's Truth: A good match that saw Sandow getting a lot of offense. I don't agree with Sandow losing but RVD is way over & another win is good leading into his world title match with Del Rio. Sandow needs wins really bad. Come one he is your Money In The Bank winner. Good 3-5* Match.
Daniel Bryan Vs. The Big Show goes to a No Contest
AR's Truth: Show tried his hardest to make everyone believe that he didn't want to hurt Bryan with Bryan just wanting to prove a point. HHH was good here to get the big man to get what he wanted & the more they interact the more i think there going to have a match soon. Maybe Survivor Series?, On the other note Bryan getting laid out makes me believe he will be champion in the near future. Orton coming out was just to waste time. Oh & The Shield are just plain bad asses.
Overall Rating: If your into the Corporate Story-Line then you will love this show if not then you will hate it. Everything resolves around the Corporation which i like. The other feuds except for the Diva's didn't get a push or a extra bump for theirs. Orton vs. Bryan should be really good at Night Of Champions. Show Rating: 5.5-10 YOUR WELCOME!
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
HHH brings out Randy Orton & he (orton) does a promo about how he is the face of the company. He talks down about Bryan. He shows us video footage of Smackdown when he beats down Bryan with the help of the shield. He asked the fans should he face Daniel Bryan at Night of Champions & he says no but for their sake he will. HHH says that the WWE universe expects & deserves the best so, He says that Bryan Ego is putting him danger of his health. So for his best interest he (HHH) brings up Donk the Clown & he compares Bryan to him but the reason he wasn't WWE champion is because it would have been bad for business like Bryan is now. HHH says he will bring back the Cruise-weight or European Title for Bryan then Bryan's music hits. Daniel says there wasn't a Donk the Clown chant & the only clowns he see's is in the ring. Bryan calls HHH a corporate sell out & says that Orton was just giving a WWE Title chance. Bryan says everyone has told him that he can't do this or that but he has went beyond to achieve them & Orton doesn't know that because he was handed everything. HHH fires back & says that Bryan should be mad at the Big Show for standing by watching Bryan getting beat down. Bryan Vs. Big Show is our Main Event.
AR's Truth: A very very good promo by Bryan with him speaking the truth. The more this story-line continues the more im getting into it. HHH is golden & refreshed in his role as the Heel Corporate guy. I still think the Rock did a better job as the heel champion than Orton is doing but Bryan is awesome at the under dog. Each week his promo skills are getting better.
The Miz Defeats Fandango
AR's Truth: A decent match that had enough time, I get this is one of their feuds but why have it one free TV when your going to have it on PPV. WWE Creative nonsense. Decent 2-5* Match.
Ryback Defeats Dolp Ziggler
AR's Truth: I believe that this is Ziggler's punishment for speaking out again'st Orton & HHH in interviews. If not why squash a guy that is that over. Point proven, Wouldn't be surprised if Ryback doesn't join the corporation. Squash 1-5* Match.
Big Show & Stephanie McMahon are in the ring because Show doesn't want to face Bryan tonight. Stephanie says that Show is broke & she asked how longer he can compete in WWE. She brings up that Giants don't live as long as normal people do. He tries to cry not a bad acting job. She hugs him to end the segment.
AR's Truth: A decent job of explaining the reason Show has to do what HHH says because he is broke. The story-line reminds me of the Shawn Micheal's one in 2009 but will see where it goes. Show will probably lay out Bryan to show he does whats right for himself.
If Cody Loses He is Fired Match: Randy Orton Defeats Cody Rhodes
AR's Truth: A awesome match with a finish that was good but with Rhodes being fired story-line wise it makes me believe he will become more apart of this story maybe at night of champions. He obviously isn't fired & will be back shortly. Time being taking off for wedding is a possibility also. go out of your way to check this one out. Awesome 4.5-5* Match
Cm Punk comes to the ring & talks about Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman. Punk says he will promise he will get his hands on Heyman & he is going to break his face.
AR's Truth: A well done to the point promo by Punk. Its a nice change to hear Punk instead of Heyman but the build to this match has been done very well.
RVD Defeats Damien Sandow
AR's Truth: A good match that saw Sandow getting a lot of offense. I don't agree with Sandow losing but RVD is way over & another win is good leading into his world title match with Del Rio. Sandow needs wins really bad. Come one he is your Money In The Bank winner. Good 3-5* Match.
Daniel Bryan Vs. The Big Show goes to a No Contest
AR's Truth: Show tried his hardest to make everyone believe that he didn't want to hurt Bryan with Bryan just wanting to prove a point. HHH was good here to get the big man to get what he wanted & the more they interact the more i think there going to have a match soon. Maybe Survivor Series?, On the other note Bryan getting laid out makes me believe he will be champion in the near future. Orton coming out was just to waste time. Oh & The Shield are just plain bad asses.
Overall Rating: If your into the Corporate Story-Line then you will love this show if not then you will hate it. Everything resolves around the Corporation which i like. The other feuds except for the Diva's didn't get a push or a extra bump for theirs. Orton vs. Bryan should be really good at Night Of Champions. Show Rating: 5.5-10 YOUR WELCOME!
Thanks for watching along, What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos