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Opening Segment: All the Babyface Superstars who came to Daniel Bryan's aid are standing on the stage. Triple H & Stephanie come to the ring to address the situation last week. Triple H thanks them to helping Bryan & For finally being Men. He adds & says that it had nothing to do with Bryan but RVD speaks up & says they were fighting for Bryan. Triple H says Bryan has more chances at the WWE Title than Dolp Ziggler. Stephanie picks out R Truth & Zak Ryder but the reason they aren't WWE Champion because of the Shield? Triple H says the Shield has beaten down all of them. Triple H are going to give all of the Superstars a chance to take out their frustrations on the Shield tonight. It will be an elimination Handicap match against them, Their partner will be Daniel Bryan. They thank the WWE so we will have the chance to vote for an opponent against Randy Orton tonight.
AR's Truth: A opening that had no steam & one im not thrilled with. The Elimination Match that the Shield are going to destroy a bunch of Jobbers?
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston
AR's Truth: A good match down the stretch but the early parts wasn't enough to make it great. A very predictable match but hey congrats world champ for winning a TV match. Kofi needs something to sink his teeth into. Decent 2.5-5 * Match.
Wyatt Family Def Prime Time Players
AR's Truth: yes it was a squash match for the most part & yes i don't agree it should be against PTP but they have to beat someone & WWE needs to have these guys wrestle every week to be well known & to take serious. Bray is & should be the focal point but you have future Tag champs right here.
Lord help us, Miz TV time with Big Show. Miz asked why Show is letting Triple push him around. Stephanie comes out & tears apart the Miz. Says that Orton destroys him last week. She says Miz isn't a big player but when they give him a chance to be someone but always fails. Stephanie tells Big Show to knock him out & he does. Bam wam thank you mam.
AR's Truth: A actual good segment that had Stephanie rip Miz apart. No crying from the big man thank god. Stephanie told very true things & it was almost like a shoot. I like it, just to bad Miz TV can't always be that good.
Rob Van Damn Def Randy Orton Via DQ
AR's Truth: once again the votes are rigged & the choice was predictable. Its funny to see RVD be another victim of RVD sense that's how they wrote him off back in 2007. A good match but why should a guy who is a threat to the world title be taken out? Creative answers please.
Another Good Segment: CM Punk comes out & talks about how he let everyone down by not beating Paul Heyman. He says that he is proud to be from Chicago & talks/ compares how he gonna get back up & finish it off. Heyman comes out on a scooter singing, He brings up clips of Ryback putting Punk threw a table at NIght of Champions. Punk fires back by saying will his two guys get to Punk before punk can get to him. He says he is going to rip his face off. Heyman says bye & tries to leave but his scooter won't start but Axel & Ryback attack him from the side. It was a set up & Ryback puts him through a botched table.
AR's Truth: Usually im glued on the TV when Punk & Heyman are on the Mic but im so over this feud that i really zoned out. Ryback getting a lot of heat but at the end the of the day Punk gets the win at Hell in the cell. Yes i skipped Battle ground because i think they will extend it that far.
Just to be made aware personally i built a house & the past couple weeks i have been painting & ETC lately that is due to not having as much news & Reviews up. First Night in tonight & business as usual from now on. Enjoy the rest of your week & will see ya Monday night for another cold truth.
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos
AR's Truth: A opening that had no steam & one im not thrilled with. The Elimination Match that the Shield are going to destroy a bunch of Jobbers?
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston
AR's Truth: A good match down the stretch but the early parts wasn't enough to make it great. A very predictable match but hey congrats world champ for winning a TV match. Kofi needs something to sink his teeth into. Decent 2.5-5 * Match.
Wyatt Family Def Prime Time Players
AR's Truth: yes it was a squash match for the most part & yes i don't agree it should be against PTP but they have to beat someone & WWE needs to have these guys wrestle every week to be well known & to take serious. Bray is & should be the focal point but you have future Tag champs right here.
Lord help us, Miz TV time with Big Show. Miz asked why Show is letting Triple push him around. Stephanie comes out & tears apart the Miz. Says that Orton destroys him last week. She says Miz isn't a big player but when they give him a chance to be someone but always fails. Stephanie tells Big Show to knock him out & he does. Bam wam thank you mam.
AR's Truth: A actual good segment that had Stephanie rip Miz apart. No crying from the big man thank god. Stephanie told very true things & it was almost like a shoot. I like it, just to bad Miz TV can't always be that good.
Rob Van Damn Def Randy Orton Via DQ
AR's Truth: once again the votes are rigged & the choice was predictable. Its funny to see RVD be another victim of RVD sense that's how they wrote him off back in 2007. A good match but why should a guy who is a threat to the world title be taken out? Creative answers please.
Another Good Segment: CM Punk comes out & talks about how he let everyone down by not beating Paul Heyman. He says that he is proud to be from Chicago & talks/ compares how he gonna get back up & finish it off. Heyman comes out on a scooter singing, He brings up clips of Ryback putting Punk threw a table at NIght of Champions. Punk fires back by saying will his two guys get to Punk before punk can get to him. He says he is going to rip his face off. Heyman says bye & tries to leave but his scooter won't start but Axel & Ryback attack him from the side. It was a set up & Ryback puts him through a botched table.
AR's Truth: Usually im glued on the TV when Punk & Heyman are on the Mic but im so over this feud that i really zoned out. Ryback getting a lot of heat but at the end the of the day Punk gets the win at Hell in the cell. Yes i skipped Battle ground because i think they will extend it that far.
Just to be made aware personally i built a house & the past couple weeks i have been painting & ETC lately that is due to not having as much news & Reviews up. First Night in tonight & business as usual from now on. Enjoy the rest of your week & will see ya Monday night for another cold truth.
What do you think leave it in the comment area below & Let me hear from you. tweet me @AR_Official_94 or Like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AR_Official/244148072390274 You can watch me on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/NGWSOfficial/videos