Randy Orton Def Dolp Ziggler
A solid match that needed time but is only for a setup for the tag team match. Wish we would have saw more though out of this one. solid 2.5-5
Dolp Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio Def Randy Orton & Kofi Kingston
A decent match that got enough time but the Tv commercial gave it about 5-6 minutes. It gave orton a win & also ADR a win which is needed for both guys. All four guys got a win so nobody is hurt. Decent match 2-5
John Cena / Aj Lee Scandal Segment
This is the Stupidest thing ive seen since a couple of months ago when Tna ran the same Storyline. They come out & do the same week every week. They give us new information then cena comes out & attacks ziggler. How many weeks have we seen this. I know there two different companies but WWE is doing the same thing tna did a couple of weeks ago then they same kind of intro. With that being said shouldn't Cena be concerned about the wwe title this sunday & hyping that feud?.
Big Show Def William Regal
A complete squash match but good to regal in there once again of late. Im not saying give a push but he can sell very well which big show needs. squash 1.5-5
#1 Contender for the Divas Championship: Kaitlyn Def Layla
Typically Diva match with a pretty predictable winner that continues the feud with eve. typically1-5
8-Man Tag Team Match: Rey Mysterio/Sin Cara & Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel Def The Primetime Players & The Colons
A good tag team match they had alot shoved in but organized very well. one of the better tag matches we have seen in awhile for WWE. 3-5
Ryback Def Brad Maddox
Complete squash match & is this the last time we see brad well only time will tell. This is what ryback needed going into the ppv this sunday. 1-5
Sheamus Def David Otunga
A short but effective match for sheamus to get a quick win which a challenger going into a ppv needs. A promo after the match was a nice touch.
Kane & The Miz Def The Rhodes Scholars
An ok match with an odd pairing with the miz & Kane. Is the miz a twiner or even a face now that he wanted to be on team foley. Explain to me because this makes no sense if he is supposed to be taken serious as a heel but tagging with Baby faces aka good guys. 2-5
John Cena Def Cm Punk
An actually really good main event with alot of back & forth action. The longer these two go in a match against each other the better of the match. they go alot of time for a tv match which is always good.
Overall Show Rating: an actual good episode of raw with some disgracefully actions on the park of Paul Heyman but the sick mind of Vince McMahon came up with. Usually the three hour raw drag but the first hour went by as normal but the last two flew by for me. A good show by WWE & a good go home for them going into Survivor series this sunday on ppv. Overall grade ill give it a 7.5-10.
Thanks for watching along with me tonight.
What do you think about tonight's show? & you can follow me on twitter @AR_official_94
A solid match that needed time but is only for a setup for the tag team match. Wish we would have saw more though out of this one. solid 2.5-5
Dolp Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio Def Randy Orton & Kofi Kingston
A decent match that got enough time but the Tv commercial gave it about 5-6 minutes. It gave orton a win & also ADR a win which is needed for both guys. All four guys got a win so nobody is hurt. Decent match 2-5
John Cena / Aj Lee Scandal Segment
This is the Stupidest thing ive seen since a couple of months ago when Tna ran the same Storyline. They come out & do the same week every week. They give us new information then cena comes out & attacks ziggler. How many weeks have we seen this. I know there two different companies but WWE is doing the same thing tna did a couple of weeks ago then they same kind of intro. With that being said shouldn't Cena be concerned about the wwe title this sunday & hyping that feud?.
Big Show Def William Regal
A complete squash match but good to regal in there once again of late. Im not saying give a push but he can sell very well which big show needs. squash 1.5-5
#1 Contender for the Divas Championship: Kaitlyn Def Layla
Typically Diva match with a pretty predictable winner that continues the feud with eve. typically1-5
8-Man Tag Team Match: Rey Mysterio/Sin Cara & Tyson Kidd/Justin Gabriel Def The Primetime Players & The Colons
A good tag team match they had alot shoved in but organized very well. one of the better tag matches we have seen in awhile for WWE. 3-5
Ryback Def Brad Maddox
Complete squash match & is this the last time we see brad well only time will tell. This is what ryback needed going into the ppv this sunday. 1-5
Sheamus Def David Otunga
A short but effective match for sheamus to get a quick win which a challenger going into a ppv needs. A promo after the match was a nice touch.
Kane & The Miz Def The Rhodes Scholars
An ok match with an odd pairing with the miz & Kane. Is the miz a twiner or even a face now that he wanted to be on team foley. Explain to me because this makes no sense if he is supposed to be taken serious as a heel but tagging with Baby faces aka good guys. 2-5
John Cena Def Cm Punk
An actually really good main event with alot of back & forth action. The longer these two go in a match against each other the better of the match. they go alot of time for a tv match which is always good.
Overall Show Rating: an actual good episode of raw with some disgracefully actions on the park of Paul Heyman but the sick mind of Vince McMahon came up with. Usually the three hour raw drag but the first hour went by as normal but the last two flew by for me. A good show by WWE & a good go home for them going into Survivor series this sunday on ppv. Overall grade ill give it a 7.5-10.
Thanks for watching along with me tonight.
What do you think about tonight's show? & you can follow me on twitter @AR_official_94