(1) Joseph Park beat Robbie E. Some comedy and Park won with a top-rope splash.
(2) Knockouts champion Velvet Sky beat Gail Kim to retain the Knockouts Title. Sky sold a knee injury most of the match and won via roll-up.
(3) Kurt Angle beat Wes Brisco. Big pop for Angle, who won with the Angle Slam and put Brisco in the Anklelock after the match.
Hulk Hogan came out to cut a promo. Probably the biggest reaction of the night. Team 3D interrupted and threatened to beat up Hogan. Hardy and Sting saved Hogan, then Hogan announced the main event would be a No DQ match.
(4) James Storm beat Bobby Roode in a Street Fight. Great match for house show standards. Good false finish with Roode kicking out of a Superkick. Roode went to spit beer in Storm’s face, but Storm gave him the Superkick for the win.
(5) Samoa Joe beat Christopher Daniels. Joe came across like he thought he was a bigger star than he is. Pretty good technical match as Joe won with the Musclebuster.
(6) TNA tag champion Austin Aries beat A.J. Styles. Another good match, and Aries played to the crowd a lot. Styles went for the Styles Clash, but fellow tag champion Roode came out. Styles then gave Roode the Pele Kick and then Aries rolled up Styles for the win.
(7) Sting & Jeff Hardy beat Team 3D (TNA World Hvt. champion Bully Ray & TV champion Devon) in a No DQ match. Lots of 3D taunting the crowd, throwing water at them, yelling at kids, etc. The match was normal with a table finish. Hardy won with a top-rope splash through the table.
(2) Knockouts champion Velvet Sky beat Gail Kim to retain the Knockouts Title. Sky sold a knee injury most of the match and won via roll-up.
(3) Kurt Angle beat Wes Brisco. Big pop for Angle, who won with the Angle Slam and put Brisco in the Anklelock after the match.
Hulk Hogan came out to cut a promo. Probably the biggest reaction of the night. Team 3D interrupted and threatened to beat up Hogan. Hardy and Sting saved Hogan, then Hogan announced the main event would be a No DQ match.
(4) James Storm beat Bobby Roode in a Street Fight. Great match for house show standards. Good false finish with Roode kicking out of a Superkick. Roode went to spit beer in Storm’s face, but Storm gave him the Superkick for the win.
(5) Samoa Joe beat Christopher Daniels. Joe came across like he thought he was a bigger star than he is. Pretty good technical match as Joe won with the Musclebuster.
(6) TNA tag champion Austin Aries beat A.J. Styles. Another good match, and Aries played to the crowd a lot. Styles went for the Styles Clash, but fellow tag champion Roode came out. Styles then gave Roode the Pele Kick and then Aries rolled up Styles for the win.
(7) Sting & Jeff Hardy beat Team 3D (TNA World Hvt. champion Bully Ray & TV champion Devon) in a No DQ match. Lots of 3D taunting the crowd, throwing water at them, yelling at kids, etc. The match was normal with a table finish. Hardy won with a top-rope splash through the table.