There was maybe 250-300 people there but Bemidji is about 4 hrs from the cities so I really didn’t expect for it to draw that big. Night started with SoCal Val coming out. First match of the night was an X-Division Title match.
X-Division Title Match: RVD (c) vs Zema Ion: Zema had a can of hair spray, reverting back to it throughout the match for cheap heat. A lot of crowd taunting throughout the match, which set most of the place. Slightly disappointing match in itself. RVD wins with 5 star frog splash. RVD was very over with the people there as expected.
TNA Knockouts Title Match: Tara (c) vs ODB: ODB was very over with the hometown crowd. They put on a decent match. Tara retains with the widow’s peak. Funny note: As Tara went to celebrate the victory going up the turnbuckles she slip and fell. Not sure if it was planned but she played it like it wasn’t.
James Storm vs Devon: Good back and forth match put on between these guys. Storm was over great with the crowd. Not surprised being in hickville of Minnesota. Devon ends up winning after interference from Aces & Eights members. They came out the bleachers by me and was able to get Devon to have words with me.
Bully Ray vs Doc of Aces & Eights: Bully Ray was very much in face mode tonight. Decent match between the two big men. Very physical. Ends in DQ as Devon and a Masked member came out for the 3 on 1 attack. Devon had Doc grab a table and as he was about to put Bully thru, Storms music hits and he comes to the ring. Doc ends up going through the table. Afterwards, they gave away a table to this kid and had everyone chant his name as they signed it for him. Nice gesture by the people of TNA.
At intermission, you get get Earl and Brain to sign Earl’s “You damn right I did” referee shirts for only 10 dollars.
A. J. Styles vs Christopher Daniels: Very typical match between these two. Very lack of intensity in this match. Felt like they were just going through a slow flow of normal bs and you could tell. Daniels received quite a bit of heat from the crowd.
MAIN EVENT: TNA World Title Match: Jeff Hardy (c) vs Austin Aries: Again wasn’t much of a match. Lasted maybe 10 minutes. Very basic match between the guys. Hardy was obviously very over with the crowd. Hardy wins with the twist of fate.
This was my very first TNA show and I drove like 3 1/2 to get there. Overall it was a pretty good show, just seemed to really lack intensity in most of the matches. Most felt like they were just going thro motions and I was slightly disappointed with the show, but hey, with FREE tickets, who’s to complain
X-Division Title Match: RVD (c) vs Zema Ion: Zema had a can of hair spray, reverting back to it throughout the match for cheap heat. A lot of crowd taunting throughout the match, which set most of the place. Slightly disappointing match in itself. RVD wins with 5 star frog splash. RVD was very over with the people there as expected.
TNA Knockouts Title Match: Tara (c) vs ODB: ODB was very over with the hometown crowd. They put on a decent match. Tara retains with the widow’s peak. Funny note: As Tara went to celebrate the victory going up the turnbuckles she slip and fell. Not sure if it was planned but she played it like it wasn’t.
James Storm vs Devon: Good back and forth match put on between these guys. Storm was over great with the crowd. Not surprised being in hickville of Minnesota. Devon ends up winning after interference from Aces & Eights members. They came out the bleachers by me and was able to get Devon to have words with me.
Bully Ray vs Doc of Aces & Eights: Bully Ray was very much in face mode tonight. Decent match between the two big men. Very physical. Ends in DQ as Devon and a Masked member came out for the 3 on 1 attack. Devon had Doc grab a table and as he was about to put Bully thru, Storms music hits and he comes to the ring. Doc ends up going through the table. Afterwards, they gave away a table to this kid and had everyone chant his name as they signed it for him. Nice gesture by the people of TNA.
At intermission, you get get Earl and Brain to sign Earl’s “You damn right I did” referee shirts for only 10 dollars.
A. J. Styles vs Christopher Daniels: Very typical match between these two. Very lack of intensity in this match. Felt like they were just going through a slow flow of normal bs and you could tell. Daniels received quite a bit of heat from the crowd.
MAIN EVENT: TNA World Title Match: Jeff Hardy (c) vs Austin Aries: Again wasn’t much of a match. Lasted maybe 10 minutes. Very basic match between the guys. Hardy was obviously very over with the crowd. Hardy wins with the twist of fate.
This was my very first TNA show and I drove like 3 1/2 to get there. Overall it was a pretty good show, just seemed to really lack intensity in most of the matches. Most felt like they were just going thro motions and I was slightly disappointed with the show, but hey, with FREE tickets, who’s to complain