2. Ryback beat Primo. Typical Ryback match. He won with his finisher.
C.M. Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler was set up for later in the show.
3. Layla Def Alicia Fox
4. Wade Barrett beat a local wrestler.
5. The Miz defeated Sheamus by DQ. Big Show came out and delivered a knockout punch to Miz for the DQ.
David Otunga came out and talked about how they beat down Randy Orton last week. Alberto Del Rio came out and mocked Orton. Booker T booked them in the following tag match.
6. Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated Alberto Del Rio and David Otunga. Del Rio abandoned Otunga. Team Hell No won with a chokeslam by Kane followed by a top rope head butt from Bryan.
7. Tesai defeated Big Show by DQ. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Tensai for the DQ.
8. WWE Champion C.M. Punk defeated Dolph Ziggler.