Michael Cole made his entrance to cheers at first but some boos picked up before he finished making his entrance. Normal reactions for Lilian Garcia and others.
WWE Hall of Famer Edge opened the show. Lilian Garcia announced his name and the crowd erupted! He started by saying “this never gets old.” He talked about how he misses it and he doesn’t know what else he wants to do. He eventually introduced a video of Kane and Daniel Bryan arguing about the titles and hugging it out again from Raw. After that video a “Yes” chant broke out.
Edge continued but Daniel Bryan’s entrance interrupted him. Bryan started by saying he wanted to correct Edge’s use of pronouns and said, “We are not the tag team champions, I’m the tag team champions” over and over again until Edge cut him off. Edge asks how this happened. Bryan says he’s one with his emotions. The crowd was hot for this with bunch of “Yes” chants. Edge eventually said, “Excuse me,” and Bryan asked, “Do we have to bring up your ex-wife?” Bryan asked “Does anyone really know you Edge”? He told Edge to go back to acting and retirement and said there’s nothing Edge or the fans can do to make him snap.
Edge said that sounded like a challenge. Bryan and Edge went back and forth saying “No, it doesn’t” and “Yes, it does” until Kane’s music interrupted them. Kane said, “Your both wrong because I’m the tag team champions.” Kane and Bryan went back and forth as Edge interrupted them. Bryan and Kane said Edge seemed mad and should use Dr. Shelby’s techniques to help. Edge ran over what’s happened these last few weeks and said Kane is not Barney the big red dinosaur, he’s the Big Red Machine. He recalled how they both tortured each other through out their careers and asks Kane if he remembers it. Kane said yes and he has to take care of that right now as Edge removes his jacket Kane holds out his arms for a hug.
Edge hesitated for a while and then Kane hugged Edge. As they hugged, Bryan started screaming “No!” until Edge told Daniel to join the hug. He started to but Damien Sandow interrupted, saying he was there to help everyone. He said some stuff using his great big words before Edge interrupted and told him to shut up. He said he would rather watch Bryan and Kane hug it out longer than he can listen to Sandow talk. Edge played with the Yes and No’s to see who Sandow should wrestle. Booker T showed up on the screen and said Sandow would be in action next against Kane..
1. Damien Sandow defeated Kane. Kane worked over sandow the majority of the match, and as he went for the chokeslam he was interrupted by Bryan holding up the belts and climbing onto the apron. Sandow took advantage, hit Kane with his finisher and stole the win.
Backstage, Kane was flipping out while looking for Daniel Bryan. He found Dr. Shelby. Shelby, who told Kane to calm down. Kane said if he doesn’t give him his title belt back he will rip the beard off his goat face. Bryan hopped out of a bin behind Shelby and they started yelling at each other until Shelby interrupted and made them promise to share the titles and for Kane to not rip his beard off. Shelby said he will talk to Booker T and get Bryan a match to make Kane feel better since Bryan cost Kane his match…
Alberto Del Rio was in Booker T’s office. Alberto Del Rio complained about how Booker T waited to revoke the Brogue Kick right before the match on Sunday. Booker T said he does feel bad but Del Rio needs to earn another title match and implied he could do so by winning the tag match tonight.
2. Layla defeated Natalya. Eve was on commentary for the match. Layla, while never losing focus on Eve outside the ring, won with a falling neckbreaker in roughly one minute.
Lilian Garcia announced the main event for tonight. It looks like they are taping it early tonight since the dark match is advertised as Randy Orton vs. Del Rio vs. Sheamus for the title.
Del Rio makes his entrance to boos followed by Vickie Guerrero saying “Excuse me” as she was booed to announce Dolph Ziggler, who got no reaction at all. Orton got tons of cheers. The crowd was hot for this show! I haven’t heard it this loud in Philly for some time. Sheamus got a reaction just below Randy Orton’s in all cheers.
3. Sheamus and Randy Orton defeated Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. Vickie, Ricardo, Del Rio, and Ziggler were huddled at ringside before the match got underway. Sheamus and Del Rio started. Late in the match, Orton went to his vintage move set of the scoop slam and DDT through the ropes. Ziggler got involved and Del Rio got a back breaker for a two count. More offense for the heels as a RKO chant broke out. Orton went for a tag but Del Rio stopped him until Orton was able to get Del Rio out of the ring. Orton made the hot tag as well as Del Rio. Sheamus and Ziggler went back and forth. Del Rio got involved but ended up taking an RKO as Sheamus hit his Brogue Kick on Ziggler for the win.
Sheamus and Orton play to the hot crown and slap hands with fans as they cut to a shot outside the Wells Fargo Center Daniel Bryan makes a silent Entrance with the lights off for his match.
4. Cody Rhodes beat Daniel Bryan. Bryan got in “Yes/No” battles with the crowd early on as he screamed no with every hit he landed on Cody. Bryan and Rhodes went back and forth before Bryan got the No! Lock in just over two minutes into the match. Kane’s pyro went off twice around the ring as Daniel got up and was distracted until Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes to steal the win. Kane laughed…
A Wrestlemania 29 ad airs as Brodus Clays Disco Ball lowered…
Backstage, Daniel Bryan was looking for Kane. When he found him, Kane was laughing. Bryan asked, “What was that?” Kane said he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Bryan complained about the pyro. They went back and forth about how Kane belonged in a basement and Bryan belonged in a petting zoo. They saw Sandow and Rhodes looking on as they said their stint as champions is a joke. A tag match was made between the four, and Kane and Bryan argued over who they are more afraid of. Dan notes that it’s nice to see the tag belts getting a lot of attention…
Brodus Clay made his same old boring entrance, which this crowd was very hot for again. Marc noted that he is still surprised by the turnout and reactions so far…
5. Brodus Clay beat Heath Slater. Brodus did his usual offense routine until Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre attacked Clay from behind for the DQ. Eventually, Mahal locked in the Camel Clutch and the heels celebrate over Clay…
6. Santino Marella defeated Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro got a hold locked on Santino, but he fought back and got the Cobra out. A distraction by Aksana led to Cesaro hitting finisher. Aksana fell into the ring and hurt her leg so the ref didn’t make the count. Eventually, Santino rolled up Cesaro for the win. Cesaro grabed a mic and told Aksana, “I’m thinking something, let me tell you in five different languages.” He followed up by saying, “We’re finished.” Aksana looked concerned as we went to break with another graphic for the Kane/Bryan vs. Rhodes/Sandow match…
7. Kane and Daniel Bryan beat Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes by DQ. The Prime Time Players, The Uso’s, Tyson Kidd, and Justin Gabriel came out to serve as lumberjacks. Rhodes hit the Beautiful Disaster for a good near fall on Bryan. He worked him over until a double cross body sent them both down. Sandow and Kane tagged in.
Kane worked over Sandow. He went for the chokeslam, Sandow fought out, but Kane eventually landed the move. Rhodes hit Kane with a chair for a DQ finish. Kane took both Rhodes and Sandow out, and Bryan held a chair over Rhodes to “Yes!” chants. He decided to share and allow Kane to hit Rhodes with the chair. Funny moment. Both men dealt dual chair shots to Sandow and the crowd chanted “Yes!” Kane then grabbed every lunberjack from ringside and the champs delivered more chairshots than Triple H gave Undertaker at WrestleMania 28.
Lilian Garcia told the fans about the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and thanked fans for coming. No dark match for the night despite the advertised Triple Threat. Overall, an average show with a very hot Philly crowd.