On winning the US title: “I was very excited (to win the United States Championship) because I set my goals and worked really hard for it. I wanted the championship to show everybody that the `American Dream’ is hard work – you have to work your way up to be very very successful, but that’s what I did.”
Regarding criticism from Americans who feel he is not fit to hold the US title since he is Swiss-born and how he fears no one: “I don’t think there’s any American who can beat me. I’m the greatest United States Champion in history…I have respect for the other superstars … but I wouldn’t say I fear anybody. Fear is what holds you back. Right now, my focus and goal is on the United States Championship, to defend (it) well, and to prove my point that nobody can beat me. The Royal Rumble is coming, and I have my eye on that as well.”
His thoughts on returning to Ontario: “I’m excited to go to new cities and show Americans across the country how a true champion looks, and I’m always happy to defend (my title). (Fans) can definitely expect a great show. If they watch it on TV, they shouldwatch it live. It’s a great experience for the whole family, and I think you have to see the WWE live. The event is going to be great,. You can expect me to make an example out of The Miz. It’s going to be a hard fight. I just don’t like his attitude. He represents all that’s wrong with America.”