On MO’s Personality: “He’s got an electrifying personality, and he’s the perfect guy that Dixie and I have been looking for literally for the last year to fill both of those spots. He calls me once or twice a week to talk about what’s going on in Impact – he knows more about the history of Impact than probably most of the people that are currently in Impact. He’s awesome. Sometimes bad things happen for a reason.”
On Mo’s TNA Debut: “Probably late October (for TNA), and then obviously he’ll do as much ‘Impact’ as he can do until he has to get hyper-focused on his first fight for us, which will be right at the beginning of January.”
On Mo Doing Both MMA & Wrestling: “We’re kind of trying to work through it right now to see,” Rebney said. “Mo’s always in the gym, so when you ask him that question, he says, ‘Well, I can jump back and forth between the two lily pads pretty easily. I’m never out of shape, so I don’t need to do a two-and-a-half-month hyper-intensive camp. If I focus for six weeks and watch tape, I’m going to be ready for my first fight.’ So I would say in an ideal situation, he’ll be able to bounce – literally be able to do ‘Impact,’ do his first fight for Bellator, maybe take a little bit of time to do an ‘Impact’ taping, then come back and do another fight for Bellator. But we’ll see. It’s never been done. Brock (Lesnar) did one, then did the other, then went back and do the other. But no one’s ever done both at the same time as hyper-intensively as he will.”