Maddox says the footage was caught “via hidden camera.”
Rosa Mendes has responded via Twitter: “@BradMaddoxIsWWE nice move to get more followers. You are a nobody and you will always be a nobody! If ur going make a fake video find someone hotter!! I look nothing like that!! You are such loser! You burned bridges with the wrong Diva!”
UPDATE: According to sources, The Maddox “shows” were not legitimate and were made up of “locker room shots” edited into the older episodes of a YouTube series Maddox posted months before joining WWE’s main roster. Whoever posted the videos is also responding as if they are Maddox in the comments section on YouTube. Many assumed it was real, due to the fact that Rosa Mendes responded to the video on Twitter. Mendes’ reaction to the videos were legitimate, but Maddox was not the one that posted the videos. The videos have since been pulled due to a “copyright” claim by WWE.