Bret told a story about Boris Zhukov being in the dressing room one day and talking to him about not being on the booking sheet. Bret told Boris to talk to Vince to see what was going on. After working up the courage to go into Vince's office, Boris came out holding back tears and said that Vince had told him he was not on the booking sheet because they had forgotten to tell him that he was fired. Bret tried to make the best out of the situation, telling Boris, "well at least you know... at least you get it off your chest."
Chris Jericho had a similar story relating to Gene Snitsky, who wasn't involved in any storylines at the end of his WWE run and was "spinning his wheels." Jericho urged Snitsky to talk to Vince and tell him his ideas. Three days later, Snitsky was fired.
"So Snitsky and Boris Zhukov are not fans of Bret Hart and Chris Jericho, I'm sure," Jericho said.
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