– tjhagen_mhs sent this one in: I went to Samurai Comics inPhoenix for the “advertised” appearance of Kaz and Daniels. I brought my kids thinking there might be at least a small line of people – but there was basically no one there. Kaz/Daniels were sitting at a table with their personal WTTCOTW shirts and the Impact Wrestling issued autograph photos. We asked for a photo with my kids and that was $5. Then they were pushing their shirts for $25 each and the autographed photos were $10 a piece. I also went to the RVD signing back in July and they weren’t charging for anything then. I guess today wasn’t a “sanctioned” TNA event/appearance. We stayed for about an hour just hanging out in the comic store and in that time they may have seen 5 guests/their families. Overall disappointed. Looking forward to tomorrow’s Fan Interaction.