Here’s the story on that. I was there as she was coming in. They knew we had worked together in TNA so they told me. ‘Okay, you are going to be her first match’. Everyone knows that her first match is going to be a squash match. So she starts killing all of the girls in the ring. Then we have a house show loop and they tell me. ‘Okay, you and Eve are going to get laid out’. I knew they were out to kill everything that we had done in TNA. They kept pushing off that singles match on TV and finally they said ‘okay, it’s going to happen’. I remember she was there and then all of a sudden she went home. She came back for a pay per view, i think it was in Seattle and she set me aside and told me ‘I have to tell you something, I’m pregnant’. I told her congratulations but a part of me was also happy that it was divine intervention to save our history. I sat back said, thank you Lord.
When she will possibly retire:
When my body doesn’t hold up any more. I want to go out on top. I don’t want to be like one of those ‘Gail is looking a little slow in the ring’ But I’m 36 now and i feel I’m just as fast as any 25 year old. With Impact we go a little harder though.
Bailing out of a battle royal and quitting WWE:
Some fans were like ‘yeah, good for you!’ others were like ‘oh, she is so unprofessional!”. I’m going to be honest. I don’t regret it at all. Here is what happened. I had already decided to quit already for a little while. I had planned to quit the day they started the thing with Daniel Bryan and the twins caught us making out and all of that stuff. I walked in to work that day and I talked to my husband, he wasn’t my husband at the time but all of a sudden i go in and they have this storyline for me. so i decided to go with the flow.
The network apparently didn’t like the storyline of twins fighting over Bryan so they had to make a change. They decided that he needed a secret girlfriend in order to break the story. I was the third choice. Bryan told me. He first pitched Sara Del Ray and Kong as his girlfriend. They went with me because I was already on the roster. We did that story. That lasted about two months. At the end we did a great cat fight with the twins. We went hard and one of them grabbed me and threw me against a wall and i literally dented the wall. My head imprint was on the wall. They loved it so much that we did another two or three of these cat fights One on pay per view too.
Then I got phased out for no reason again. I went to Johnny Ace to ask him what was going on. I asked him, is it because I’m Asian or something. I brought up just about everything. He said ‘We love people of all ethnicity here. What else can we do for you? Do you want to train girls down at FCW?’ I said no, i don’t want to train girls at FCW right now. A few months later it came to that day. I was so frustrated by that point. I was done. Maryse was supposed to eliminate me that night. She had some kind of knee injury and really couldn’t do much. They just told me and Natty to ‘just do whatever’. So i hit Alicia Fox and told her to sell. As soon as she sold, I rolled out. Because I know that my elimination meant nothing to the battle royale, I did that. Jr said he sort of noticed and one or two agents noticed but nobody else noticed. When I got to the back, they didn’t even care. When I told Jonny that I quit I told him, ‘You guys don’t even care about the women. I just rolled out of the battle royal and nobody noticed.’. He just laughed.
Possibly returning to WWE:
When fans come up to me and ask me when am I going back to the WWE…well, I just put it this way. I was made more for TNA. The way that the women are treated, the time for the matches. That’s what I enjoy. I’m so much more happy in TNA.