On Jon Jones and the UFC 151 Situation: Huge strategic error on the part of UFC star Jon Bones Jones by not taking a replacement fight to save UFC 151. This apparent, selfish and ill thought out decision cost many, many people pay days which is sad. What if Bones had lost the fight? Would it have killed his career? Obviously not. It actually might have enhanced it. If Jones did lose, he certainly would have had an ‘out’ that the media could have highlighted. Win or lose if Bones had saved UFC 151, he comes out a hero but instead he is now scorned and this follows his recent DUI and his new, Nike deal.
On Wrestlers Having Problems After Retiring: Some media members need to smarten up and stop blaming the business for the poor decisions made by adult men and women who find themselves in financial distress or with other issues at the end of their ‘run’ in sports entertainment. I’ve had countless conversations with performers who are almost insulted that the conversation about their irresponsible ways of every day life are even being addressed. Sadly some spouses of these immature adults enable the problem by ‘needing’ elective, cosmetic surgeries, designer bling and expensive cars. Most, somewhere along the way, even forget to file their tax returns while being too busy at the mall. What does one do whenadvice is offered, professionals being put at talent’s disposal and the ‘stars’ still disregarding common sense guidance.
On The Development Of Ryback: Irony…Ryback gets @Goldberg chants (which I have no issue with) and gets knocked by some of my Twitter followers @JRsBBQ because his singlet is airbrushed ala RVD as if that’s a mortal sin. At the same time, the higher skilled Dolph Ziggler is compared to HBK, Billy Gunn and Curt Hennig because of his hair, attire, and in ring moves but that’s o.k. Too many fans have zero patience when it comes to the slow build for Ryback. Some fans want immediate results or so it seems. God forbid that they would have lived in the territory era when some main event programs lasted a year or more while some stars were built over a 12 month or more period of.
On Thursday’s NXT Show: NXT was the best night of TV that we’ve produced in Orlando to date. NXT Champ Seth Rollins got a great ‘rub’ from WWE Champion @CMPunk. The impromptu tag bout that occurred after the official taping ended between Punk/Rollins vs. Cesaro/Ohno was simply outstanding. We called it just for the Hell of it just in case it ever airs on a DVD, etc. It was really fun.
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