- Ross noted that he was in Green Bay on Tuesday for Smackdown. Ross spoke about Brett Favre’s popularity in the city. He said there are still Favre jerseys for sale, and Favre still has a steakhouse in the city. Ross raved about the small city aspect of Green Bay and compared it to Norman.
- Ross was asked by a caller who the most influential person was in his life outside of a family member. He said that professionally it was Bill Watts. He called him a brilliant wrestling mind, and noted that he was his first of many great mentors. Ross noted that Watts didn’t make the wrestling team at Oklahoma because a guy named Dale Lewis was better than him and he was a National Champion. Ross said Watts headlined Madison Square Garden in his third year as a pro wrestler.
- A caller noted that guys like Damien Sandow and Johnny Curtis seem to have natural charisma when it comes to their television persona. The caller asked how often he comes across guys with those characteristics. Ross said that’s something that can’t be taught. He said there are several NXT wrestlers who have good personalities and that’s one of the things they look for.
- It was noted that Ross has over 500,000 Twitter followers.